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Stargate Down Under

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    I have a friend coming over today, but I said come at about 1:30 cos I will be sleeping so I guess ... I don't think this post even has a point lol


      lol i'm doing lots of running round tomorrow. got lots of letters to mail, my mum has a drs appointment, and then i'm gonna head down to the rta to get my green p's!
      *throat punch*
      My blog:
      LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


        Lol I will be watching W&G all day long in my tracksuit pants

        OOh I have to go very soon


          Night Jess, Night Rhi!

          And just for the record.....Mines the sg1 pen. Its all silver and has a light at the end that looks like the light from the priors staff. It has a little stand (which is also silver) ans it uses MAGNETS to make the pen look like its floating.
          HOW COOL IS THAT??????????? lol

          oh and its black, and yes it still works

          GOOOOO PEN POWER!!!!!!!!!!!
          Hay that sounds a lot like Port Power! My favourite team. Go THE POWER!!!
          Cant wait for the footy season to be back!
          By *E*K*R*


            lol I have to go no Goodnite Kathy and Eddie

            someone called sleeky is lurking!


              Should I PM him and tell him to join us lol


                lol, night Ben.

                And now hes/shes gone! lol
                By *E*K*R*



                  i'm gonna head off. good night!
                  *throat punch*
                  My blog:
                  LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                    Night rosey!

                    I think i'll head of too. Night everyone, probly speak to you all later today
                    By *E*K*R*


                      Well done B O Y S C O U T on getting the 3000th post, and to everyone who has contributed to this thread to date.

                      For any BSG fans out there, season 3 starts tonight on ch. 10. Check your local guides.

                      Less than 2 days to new SG1 ep
                      Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                      Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                        Woah woah, whats this about BSG and new SG-1 eps??? I've been kinda out of the loop for a while...

                        Sheppard: "Y’know, we’ve been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don’t even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess...Steve?"
                        Wraith: "I am your death. That is all you need to know."
                        Sheppard: "I prefer Steve."


                          yay frinky's back! we were just talking about you a couple of pages ago lol

                          new stargate refers to the rest of s10 being aried in the uk i believe

                          i don't know about bsg though...
                          *throat punch*
                          My blog:
                          LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                            BSG started again on Ch10 late last night or should I say early hours of Morning

                            They played EPIPHANIES S2 ep13

                            Also The 4400 S3 was on again last night


                              Oooo shiny...really looking forward to Quest pt 2. At least them actually airing BSG is a step in the right direction. I've been watching the 1st season of BSG again on the sci-fi channel, it's been ages since I've seen them. Also started watching The 4400 as well, damn that's a good show.

                              Sheppard: "Y’know, we’ve been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don’t even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess...Steve?"
                              Wraith: "I am your death. That is all you need to know."
                              Sheppard: "I prefer Steve."


                                *cry* i just got my bopo card today and as going to buy the stargate 2007 calenday from minotaur and it's no longer on their website *cry* i'm so angry. i've sent them an email though so hopefully i should get a reply soon.

                                i've only seen a couple of eps of 4400 on ten, i keep forgetting when it's on scifi
                                *throat punch*
                                My blog:
                                LVI now open to all fandoms!!!

