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Speculation on Stargate's future, Networks, mini-series, movie

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    Talk about beating a dead horse with a stick. Bringing him back now in an non AU/time travel/dream/flashback episode would just be pointless. They've moved on so there is no need to go back to it.



      I WANT a cliffhanger! That simply means the TPTB intend to make more!
      *And that's all I have to say about that*


        Personally, if SG-1 goes, I want another spin-off. I can't have my 2 hours of television pleasure stripped down to 1 hour.

        I think we need to find something worthy of kicking the Ancients butts. Perhaps a concept could be, an archaeologist finds a small rock deep underground (some sort of rock that would be impossible or fascinating to most archaeologists). On closer inspection, the symbols are alien looking, and so the military shifts its attention to this stone - which is tiny - and gives it to the SGC. Upon even closer inspection, the stone is emitting a tiny amount of a type of radiation we've never seen before. Somehow, someone has managed to activate the device, and it begins to draw more and more power. The base is immediately considered to be at risk, and therefore, the stone is taken to be gated to an uninhabited planet within the bases computers. As the 7th chevron is about to be engaged, the base computer throws an error out, and the 7th chevron cannot be locked. As this happens, the stone becomes extremely heavy, causing it to drop to the floor. A beam shoots from it, to create a ring shape - much like a stargate, but much smaller - with no symbols. The stone moves into the center of this ring, and creates a portal looking thing. The portal is created much like tearing a whole in the space between the ring, and is wavey on the outsides. Intruiged, they discover that the device doesn't transport between realities or anything of the sort, but is actually on another world, within their reality. Upon discussing it, a team is sent through, to where the portal is still activate to (unlike a stargate, it can last > 38 minutes). They figure out how to disconnect it, and work it, etc. It works by mind control, much like a puddle jumper or Ancient chair. They figure out the planet they are on is the one the stargate on earth failed to dial out to. They return to earth, and dial out to another planet, to which they find there is another one of these stones. Apparently, they are the devices used by a race which inhabited the Milky Way, long long long before the Alterans got there and seeded life there with the Dakara device. They used it as transport between worlds like a Stargate, but the difference being, its not a wormhole, more, a tear in the space; meaning, when you open the portal you can see and travel both ways. So once dialed, you could see what you are walking into.

        Meh, could lead to a spin-off. Here comes my writing career!



          I agree. Cliffhanger it should be.


            Although I really don't want SG-1 to end (and by that I mean that I really, really, REALLY don't want it to end), is it possible that with only one show to contend with, the producers of Atlantis might give us more than 20 episodes next year?


              I know people are bombarding SciFi with letters and such, but is anyone sending letters to Showtime urging them to pick up the show or anything like that? I'm in the UK, so my opinion doesn't matter to them, but you US guys can try.


                Originally posted by AnUbIs2004
                Wouldn't it be just hilarious if SG-1 was replaced by some idiot reality TV or wrestling show, then a station like the CW aired it opposite SciFi on Friday nights...and killed them in the ratings? If there is any justice in this world I can only hope that it is aired on another network and drops in ratings whatever SciFi has airing at the same time. And no, nobody can be that stupid to air SG-1 opposite Atlantis or BSG. I don't think MGM would allow that.

                I can see CW airing Stargate around Supernatural, or something like Spike airing it on Saturday nights. Or even Friday nights AFTER Atlantis and BSG.
                Yes that would be hilarious


                  Originally posted by SaberBlade
                  I like the idea of a mini series.

                  I think cutting out the pointless filler episodes and working on the main story line and putting them into something like 3 three hour episodes would work well. Not every SG1 episode revolves around the Ori and doing something like that would help boost ratings.
                  The more I think about it the more I like it too. If instead of a season 11 we got 3x3 hour movies I can see that working really well. Especially if producing less episodes meant they got more money per episode and could bow out with something really epic. The series deserves that.
                  by Kaaatie


                    I won't be surprised to see a cliffhanger. I think TPTB are going to know within a couple of weeks what is going to happen with the series and since I would be highly surprised if we got nothing at all after this season, a cliffhanger encourages people to follow SG-1 wherever it ends up.
                    by Kaaatie


                      Originally posted by infra172
                      SG-1 on Lifetime:

                      "Love Me Ori Kill You": A young widow is forced to move in with her controlling Goa'uld overlord after her husband commits suicide. A clash between the two has been brewing for years and she finds herself wanting to dive into a liquor battle to escape the false god. To make matters worse, her son has to witness the family feud. This dramatic and emotional episode will put a whole new spin on the expression "there is no place like home." If you've got family dysfunction (who doesn't?), this episode will give you hope that such rifts can be mended over time. Also, SG-1 has to defuse a bomb or the Earth explodes.
                      you forgot the part where she gets beaten up a good-looking Replicator and she has to plot revege with another woman she met behind the bars of the Chulak prison.


                        Originally posted by walter_MacChevron
                        Can anybody think of a way that they can wrap up the Ori arc in Season 10?
                        I don't really see a way that won't be rushed and cheesy.
                        Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                        ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                        encounter on the strange journey.


                        2 Cor. 10:3-5
                        3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                        4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                        5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                          Originally posted by ussrelativity
                          They should not have a mini-series, but rather a full 20-episode season.
                          Believe me, I'd love a Season 11. But when it comes right down to it, I'll take some SG-1 over no SG-1. I could live with a mini-series or two to wrap things up a little more for the show. It deserves at least that.
                          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                            I think the finale will wrap up some things, but overall, end in a cliffhangar. The Ori won't be totally defeated. Afterall, plans are to at least do a mini-series to continue things.
                            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                              Originally posted by lilslim142000
                              Maybe SG-1 can pick it back up. The president of Showtime said that he really wants it back.
                              Here is my other list for networks to pick up SG-1

                              Discovery Channel(they do air scifi programs)
                              Spike Tv
                              The CW
                              G4- No way, too expensive for them, not enough viewers to pay for the show. There is a reason why they show reruns of so many shows.

                              DC- Highly dubt, but in the realm of possibility

                              CW- Not until hell freezes over

                              Lifetime- They don't do sci-fi or stuff like that

                              Bravo- Not until hell freezes over

                              Sleuth- Not until hell freezes over

                              HBO- Not until hell freezes over

                              MTV- Not until hell freezes over

                              NBC- Not until hell freezes over


                                Showtime wants SG-1 back? Good for the show,
                                but I don't get showtime.

                                I actually like the idea of SG-1 on Spike TV.

