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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    The Asurans SG has only 8 chevons

    For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

    Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

    ....... or would you take more?



      Where did you get that picture!?!?!??!?!?!


        ok my first post...

        first o all i would apologise if i will post sth that somone has allredy suggested.

        now (season 10 spoiler warning) in season 10 we have seen that gates can be programed to be opened from a specific planet only....when they were searching for merlins weapon and found merlin it kept sending them through a sorta closed circut of gates that are un excasable from the outside.

        we all know the ancients didnt really make much of an effort to clean after them selves and left loads of technology behind. but just think. they were a race with huge power and must of had loads of ships and weapons aswell that misteriously cant be found. my idea is that they used the same principle as merlin did and built a closed circut of gates that lead to the storage of this weapons...possibly that massive storage that sg1 searched for in the past (cant remember the name) so the closed circut of gates would only have one access point (like traveling between galaxies works.... u cant dial another galaxy if the DGD doasnt have the control cristal that allows it . the same principle could work for the closed circut of gates and the 9th cheveron would serve as sorta a password to enter the closed circut from a specific gate that has a dgd with the right control cristal.....

        so what do u guys think?


          Has anyone realised that when someone ascends that most of them use a stargate to ascend? well this is just a theory but maybe when someone ascends their energy mass can activate the Ninth Chevron on the gate to open a wormhole to the higher plain of existence? we already know that we would need a mass amount of energy to power the Ninth Chevron on the Stargate but im only guessing


            I had that theory too (see previous posts)... we know the ancients were using technology trying to help people ascend, if not make them ascend totally... Why not put it inside of a stargate?


              I like the idea that it takes us to another cluster of galaxies. It seems t ome the only logical one. Phones work the same way different cities/ states have area codes and countries do on top of that.


                that would mean the ancients were spread all across the universe. a litte bit of a stretch don't you think?
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                  Well so far we know that the galaxies we've been to are in our cluster (Milky Way and Pegasus, not sure about Ida or Ori galaxy but we can just assume) so like the others said it may just send us outside the Local Group to other galaxy clusters. But then like others said, this means the Ancients would have to have been spread all throughout the universe which doesn't seem all that likely. It's also too simple of an idea I think, and if so it'd just be the same as SG-1 and SGA (they go to a distant place where the ancients once lived, full of primitive human civilizations that the ancients seeded, who are being threatened by a great enemy). There's gotta be something more to it.

                  It could be something as simple as two-way gate travel. Though I don't see how they could base a series around that. I doubt it would be alternate realities or something similar because that would be too funky and wouldn't make much sense in something like Stargate. I don't see how they would base a series around that either.

                  It's gotta be something really important but not too similar to things we've seen in the other two series.
                  Last edited by Xicer; 02 June 2007, 08:28 PM.
                  Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                  Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                  Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                  Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                  --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                    i don't think the 9th chevron is more distance calculations, there are already 38 glyphs, that means theres already enough glyphs to go to 38 galaxies, why have more, i'm still convinced it opens a wormhole to somewhere that doesn't already have a gate. it has been said that it is less of a spin off and more of a brand new show within the stargate universe so i think it will be something we have never seen or perhaps considered before
                    I have been using this username since 1998, it has no connection to "The Last Airbender", or James Cameron's movie.
                    - "Things will not calm down, Daniel Jackson, they will in fact calm up!"
                    - "I hope you like Guinness Sir, I find it a refreshing alternative to... food"
                    - "I'm Beginning to regret staying up late to watch "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigalo" last night... Check that, i regretted it almost immediately"


                      9th Chevron - Premium Rate Wormhole Scam

                      Looking for enlightenment? - Look no further than the Ascension Hotline on .

                      Ascension GUARANTEED in under one hour! What are you waiting for? Book your ticket to a higher plane of existence, TODAY!

                      The wormhole drains 1.5 ZPM per minute and on average will stay open for twenty minutes. No wormholes will last longer than thirty-eight minutes; any wormhole reaching this limit will be disconnected.
                      If you do not own the stargate, please remember to get permission from the person who does.
                      Last edited by fellip_nectar; 04 June 2007, 04:30 AM.


                        How many energy needs the Stargate for to dial the 9th chevron?


                          Originally posted by Tanis View Post
                          How many energy needs the Stargate for to dial the 9th chevron?
                          I imagine that the power requirements would be enormous maybe that is the reason that Atlantis has three ZPM sockets, to power a 9 chevron lock


                            I just thought of something.... the 9th chevron couldn't be anything but distance. If it were anything else, then you would have to dial a really far away place if you were to use its powers...that would be inpractical... Thus the distance would be the only possibly practical thing.


                              Hey looks like no one has talked about this for a while, I have wondered for years (ever since the fifth race) what the ninth chevron could be for, and now we all know that the question will be answered soon in "stargate universe" personally I can't wait but also I've read through Quite a bit of this post and I have to say I doubt either of the 2 main theories will be the case.
                              I'm refering, of course, to both time travel and paralel/alternate realities/dimensions. Time travel can't be the case becasue we know that the ancients couldn't time travel until well after the gates were built and also because (as with alternate realities) there arent enough chevrons/symbols, even if all nine are used to map out a time/reality, that still doesnt give us enough scope to cover everyting in an infinite set space, so really both of the theories fall down there.

                              In honesty though the main reason why neither of these two things are likely is because if a series revolves around time travel in the sg universe we are going to cause far to much hassel and outrage for it to be viable as a show, and if it's parallel worlds then what? we go in to the realm of sliders or something and well we already kinda established that alternate realities are of no consequence to us well to T'ealc anyway and he's THE DUDE. a show about this would be just as bad (worse in my opinon) as time travel.

                              I agree with the somewhat minority view on the board that it further adds to the other galaxy calculation, the fact that the 7th symbol of the atlantis address is the pegasus constellation suggest that the 7th symbol in a 8 symbol address is more like an "area code" than a extra distance calculation, and it tells the stargate that it's now using a different co-ordinate set, therfore with an 8 symbol adress there's only 38 posible co-ordinate sets the gate could use so a nine symbol address would allow for even more co-ordinate sets.

                              Personally I believe that the "ninth chevron" (really just the ability to dial nine symbols) is only relavent in the new show because somehow they manage to dial a nine symbol address *maybe found in the asgard database* and send a team through knowing that they could end up stranded, I think that most of the show would be the team trying to work out where they are and trying to get home, allong with fighting a new enemy (probably something akin to Matrix fanboys (oh wait thats the wraith) ), who knows tough maybe im right and they do get lost but in the end it'll turn out they are in a different reality/time??.


                                I believe we need to think of the Stargate as more of a telephone than anything else. We know that seven chevrons would dial a "local number" meaning inside our own galaxy. As for the 8th chevron, as fred said above, it's just like using a different area code, in the case of the Stargate, a different galaxy. I believe that the 9th chevron is like making an "international" call, but in the case of the Stargate it probably dials us to a different galaxy cluster. We know that the Milky Way and Pegasus galxies are in the Local Group, and we can assume that the Ida and Ori galaxy are as well. If so, then dialing the 9th chevron will possibly send us out of the Local Group and to a whole new set of galaxies. I think it makes sense.
                                Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                                Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                                Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                                Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                                --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"

