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All you ever wanted to know about the 9th chevron

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    huh, so it does go to an ancient ship.
    Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


      Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
      huh, so it does go to an ancient ship.


        Probably, Activating the 9th chevron won't drain a ZPM, too much, maybe 1 to 2 %. Anyways, the ancients had lots of ZPMs, they just got lost.


          But also, won't stargates on ships have their adresses changing every few minutes?


            Knowing the Ancients, the nameis probably 14 sylibals long, and named after a janitor
            [kick ass signature coming soon]


              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
              Soooo...what about Rod and Rodney in 'McKay and Mrs.Miller'? I gather Rod should have been experiencing painful seizures instead of golfing with Sheppard.
              Actually, Rod just hadn't been around long enough. Or so I thought. Although I think there may have been some explanation around it too... At least for one of those alternate universe cross-overs. (SG-1 eppy?)

              What ever happened to only being able to establish a wormhole between 2 absolutely defined points in space? I'm assuming, of course, that this ship is constantly on the move. would's a ship?
              Actually, you CAN dial a ship as long as you know what star system it is in, AND it isn't in hyperspace. It can be moving all it wants, that doesn't matter, just not in hyperspace. Technically all stargates are in a state of motion (as all planets are), and the stargate addresses cover an area an entire star system wide at least. In other words, the Stargate will work just as well in Cheyenne Mtn. as it would in orbit, OR on Pluto. Apparently the 9th Chevron acts as a beacon lock. If the ship is constantly moving from star system to star system and galaxy to galaxy, then it must be sending a beacon to allow the Stargate network to know where it is at all times. The 9th Chevron might also convert the stargate symbols from specific coordinates to an actual combination code. If the 9th is specifically to get you to the ship, then it is constantly on the move and NEVER has the same coordinates for very long. If it DID have the same combination all the time, at least you could get to it no matter where it was.

              Probable, possible, and logical. The exact reasons why I doubt TPTB will do it. That and SGA is kind of a similar idea. I think TPTB are going to go for something more outlandish. More crazy. Something that really defies the laws of physics, all probability, and even their own continuity construct.

              Alternate universes have always been a beloved topic in both SG-1 and SGA so it's very likely they may do something with that. At least, in my humble opinion.
              I hope not too much. They're okay now and then, but as a constant topic... uh. Let's NOT have SG: Sliders...
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                Assumeing that the ship has a hyperdrive that is equivilant to the ones used by the Asgard. And also asumeing that the ship has some sort of beaming tech that instantly places the Gate on a planet the timeline would match up very well. It would take about 3 Million years for the ship to reach the other side of the observable universe in Hyperspace, and throw in another 2 million in time spent depositing gates (Asumeing it takes even just a few seconds to deposit a gate on a planet). That's 5 million years which would be just before Atlantis left of pegasus.
                Sheppard's team runs into Kolya on a planet:

                Koyla:"That's right Sheppard, I've got you right where I want you. And there's nothing you can do about it. Your plan was flawed, mine is perfect.This time I have a new gotee, and a black cloak. And I know for a fact that anyone would be scared of that. Now give me the ZPM or I'll kill the guy with the dreadlocks."

                5 seconds later....

                Kolya is hanging from a tree by his underwear.

                Wa Wa Waaaaa.....


                  Originally posted by J_schinderlin56 View Post
                  Assumeing that the ship has a hyperdrive that is equivilant to the ones used by the Asgard. And also asumeing that the ship has some sort of beaming tech that instantly places the Gate on a planet the timeline would match up very well. It would take about 3 Million years for the ship to reach the other side of the observable universe in Hyperspace, and throw in another 2 million in time spent depositing gates (Asumeing it takes even just a few seconds to deposit a gate on a planet). That's 5 million years which would be just before Atlantis left of pegasus.
                  isnt the ancients hyperdrive much much much better than the asgards? yew know the episode where thor i think says something like for as long as he can remember, asgard scientists have been trying to decipher the ancient repository of knowledge and have only scratched the surface, seeing as thor is probably atleast thousands of years old, it makes sense to say that the ancients are more advanced than the asgard and that the ancients never gave their knowledge to anyone so the asgard didnt upgrade their hyperdrive to the same speed as the ancients, thats what i think though, the writers might make it like that though so yew may be right =)

                  Oh and why would it take 3 million years to see the other side of the universe? i mean like have they stated that in any episode or is that just a random fact?

                  also does anyone know how fast the asgard hyperspace thing travels at? i know that colonel o'neill once upgraded a scout ship i think to travel at 130 times the speed of light or something like that.


                    That's assumeing that the ships top speed is at least the same speed as the asgard hyperdrive on one of our 304's which is roughly 52 Million Times the speed of light. Or One Million Light Years Per Week. (It takes 3 weeks to reach Atlantis which is 3 Million Ly away- again assumeing that Atlantis is in the Pegasus irregular galaxy orbiting Andromeda) Theoreticly the ship could have traveled 156 Trillion Light years in 3 Million years, and the other side of the observable universe is 90 Billion Ly, so yeah 3 Million is the wrong number.

                    I think, Anyway I'm bad at math.
                    Sheppard's team runs into Kolya on a planet:

                    Koyla:"That's right Sheppard, I've got you right where I want you. And there's nothing you can do about it. Your plan was flawed, mine is perfect.This time I have a new gotee, and a black cloak. And I know for a fact that anyone would be scared of that. Now give me the ZPM or I'll kill the guy with the dreadlocks."

                    5 seconds later....

                    Kolya is hanging from a tree by his underwear.

                    Wa Wa Waaaaa.....


                      Wait what?

                      well whatever thats why they have stargates......
                      [kick ass signature coming soon]


                        well i think the ancients hyperdrive is better than the asgards.

                        and i just realised something, it never said that it had completed seeding stargates on worlds.

                        so i guess we cant guess the speed of the engine.

                        and 52 million light year speed for earth hyperdrive?

                        are yew crazy?!?

                        i mean the math probably checks out or something but still, it just seems silly when yew think about it up front.

                        they never have ever stated the speed of the hyperdrive but im sure they won't say it was that much.


                          Two questions.
                          What symbol do you think is put into the ninth chevron to reach the ship?
                          How much power do you think is needed to use the ninth chevron?


                            well I am guessing one of the symbols on the stargate ;P
                            and the power requirements, well seeing as an 8th chevron takes a ZPM to atleast power it, im gonna say the extra chevron will need like a few percent of the power of the ZPM. It is only a guess though.


                              It would depend on how far the gate is from the ship. The reason it takes a lot of power to dial 8 chevrons has nothing to do with the number of chevrons it is because you are connection to another galaxy, which which is a lot farther than dialing a gate in the same galaxy.


                                yes but yew can connect to a ship with a stargate on it, and seeing as this ship is probably on the other side of the galaxy, it would make sense that a lot of power is used.

