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SGU Reviews/Articles (Announcements only) Spoilers S1-2

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    'Stargate Universe' promises the moon
    Latest spinoff aims to be richer, deeper, better


    There have been numerous comparisons to the critically lauded Battlestar Galactica, what with being stranded on a spaceship and all, as well as the focus on character relationships and less action. As a fan who has seen every episode of Stargate and every Battlestar, I can tell it's the Stargate brains. Their wry sense of humor permeates this show, albeit at a less frequent pace. And the series draws from a mythology far richer than Battlestar's. It also doesn't have an enemy ... yet. There aren't Goa'ulds or Wraith or Cylons.
    And that's part of the appeal: the unknown.
    In many respects, the name says it all. Stargate Universe offers an entirely new interpretation of the Stargate universe and it'll be exciting to watch it unfold




    31 Days of Halloween Programming:
    The annual celebration showcases the highly-anticipated October 2 series premiere of Stargate Universe, all-new episodes of the Tracey Morgan-hosted Scare Tactics beginning October 6, paranormal reality hits Ghost Hunters (featuring special guest star Meatloaf) and Destination Truth, as well as the October 9 second season premiere of Sanctuary.



      Originally posted by prion View Post
      I'd have to say of all the reviews, I'm waiting for Maureen's the most (Chicago Tribune). It's interesting that so many are coming out today, and not tomorrow, which is usually when reviews for Friday shows come out.
      Is that a good thing or bad thing that a lot are coming out today instead of the norm of tomorrow?

      There are no regrets. Thank you Brad Wright and everyone else for SGU,
      and the amazing Stargate franchise in general.


        Chicago Tribune


        Desperate survivors get lost in 'Stargate Universe'


        Despite its laudable ambitions, "Universe" has little of the compelling ambiguity that made shows such as "The Shield" and "Battlestar Galactica" work. "Universe" has shakier camera work and a darker color palette, but those aren't the things that made those other shows great. Those kinds of acclaimed shows have richly drawn characters who are interesting and flawed, and they also regularly feature crackerjack plots that not only have provocative moral dimensions but keep you guessing.

        Not to beat the "Battlestar" comparisons into the ground (and I promise this will be the last one), but the rag-tag fleet on that show frequently encountered situations in which individual survivors or whole ships (and their passengers) faced extermination. Many of the episodes in "Stargate Universe's" early going are predicated on the idea that the alien space ship on which the survivors are stranded could stop functioning and thus kill everyone. If that's really possible, I kept thinking as I watched the first few episodes, then Syfy spent a lot of money on those sets for nothing.



          Originally posted by Orion Antreas View Post
          Is that a good thing or bad thing that a lot are coming out today instead of the norm of tomorrow?
          Not sure. Usually reviews tend to pop up the evening before or the day of, so that people can make up their minds what they want to watch that night. But anyway, the reviews are coming out. Hmm, should check TV Guide, see if theirs is out yet....




            Syfy’s ‘Stargate Universe’ confusing, but good
            By Casey Gillis
            Published: October 1, 2009

            Syfy’s “Stargate Universe” will likely confuse you.

            But once you get through the dense mythology and complicated plots, it’s an intriguing show with fully developed characters and the potential for some good, long-term storylines.

            I’m not at all familiar with the “Stargate” franchise — it was first introduced in a 1994 Kurt Russell film of the same name and was followed by two other TV series, “Stargate SG-1” and “Stargate Atlantis” — so I did a little research.

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              Extensive Portal-Hopping Out on the Final Frontier

              Syfy has promoted “Universe” as an “edgier” show than the earlier, jokier “Stargate” entries, which in space opera terms were Puccini to the Wagner of “Galactica.” And there’s plenty of tension in the premiere. The refugees’ troubles are only beginning when they escape to the alien ship, which is starting to break down after eons of travel. Already fault lines are developing between the soldiers and the civilians, just as in “Galactica.”

              All this stress affords abundant opportunities for the overacting that characterizes “Universe,” as it does most large-cast cable dramas. But the show has one ace up its sleeve: Robert Carlyle, who stars as Dr. Nicholas Rush, the renegade scientist who assumes command of the ship. Mr. Carlyle is an actor of an entirely different caliber than past “SG-1” and “Atlantis” leads like Richard Dean Anderson, Michael Shanks and Amanda Tapping (all of whom make guest appearances on “Universe”). He has a gravity that allows him to sell the most implausible science-fiction hokum, making you realize that performance as much as writing makes this kind of thing work.

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                It's a little

                ...but we've got a spoiler-free review of the pilot episode up on Geek6. It goes into production values, a few small nits, but no real details on plot. It was hugely enjoyable.

                The review is here:




                  Review: Stargate Universe (Premiering October 2nd)

                  I think the show does have some potential to grow, as the direction is competent if unspectacular and I do think the cast is quite solid. Robert Carlyle’s Dr. Rush is more unlikable than I had imagined, given only a simple and throwaway bit of sympathy to justify his bullish behaviour, but Carlyle is a strong actor who could handle better material in future episodes. Similarly, I think that Blue’s Wallace is a decent avatar (to use the video game term) for the audience to experience this world through, but the pilot has him acclimatized too quickly and makes him too comfortable with the suddenness of the surroundings. Lou Diamond Phillips is briefly glimpsed early on, and Ming Na appears in a largely undeveloped role, so it’s not as if the cast is lacking in talent.

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                    Salt Lake Tribune


                    TV: New 'Stargate' worth going through

                    So a new storyline is born that is simpler and potentially more dynamic than any of the other "Stargate" series. Included in the cast are such name actors as Ming-Na ("ER") and Lou Diamond Phillips ("La Bamba").

                    I'll go with this ragtag band of human survivors for the journey for now, which is a lot more I can say than for anything else that's been on Syfy.

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                      DARK HORIZONS



                      Exclusive: Carlyle & Ming-Na Talk "Stargate"

                      While beautiful Ming Na is no stranger to television, Robert Carlyle, who broke out following The Full Monty, is (at least States-side). Both actors star in "Stargate Universe", the latest chapter in the Stargate saga premiering tomorrow. Both were at this year’s Comic Con and Paul Fischer sat down with them in a San Diego hotel room to discuss this and other projects.

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                        Q&A: ROBERT CARLYLE
               | Television | Deep space, deeper issues appeal to Scottish actorDeep space, deeper issues appeal to Scottish actor

                        Oct 02, 2009 04:30 AM
                        SUSAN SHAW
                        TORONTO STAR

                        Scottish actor Robert Carlyle stars in Stargate Universe (SGU), the latest instalment of the successful sci-fi franchise that includes Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. In this new series (premiering Friday at 9 p.m. on Space), a group of soldiers, scientists and civilians is on an ancient spaceship, with limited supplies and seemingly no way to get back to Earth. Carlyle plays Nicholas Rush, a brilliant scientist with unclear motives. The Toronto Star spoke with Carlyle on the phone from Vancouver, where the show is filming.
                        Q: You seem to have an affinity for portraying intense characters. Is that what attracted you to Dr. Rush?
                        A: I do get drawn to these outside-the-box type characters. People that don't really fit in, that have their own kind of world going on in their head the whole time. I enjoy characters like that, I enjoy playing people like that and Rush is certainly like that. A very difficult character to like. A challenge for the audience to even like this guy ... I love that.
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                        New generation of 'Stargate' debuts
                        TONIGHT'S MUST-SEE II: "Stargate Universe" debut, 9-11 p.m., Syfy.
                        Past "Stargate" shows have been filled with sturdy soldiers, but this series finds fun new twists. Fate links soldiers with an intense scientist, a senator and his brainy aide (who is also his daughter) ... and a beefy guy who was beamed here because he did well in a video game.
                        David Blue, as the gamer, is just right; so is Robert Carlyle as the scientist. Veterans in support include Lou Diamond Phillips, Ming-Na and - briefly, back home - Amanda Tapping and Michael Shanks.



                        Stargate Universe: An impressive -- and impressively eclectic -- cast headed by Robert Carlyle, Ming-Na and Lou Diamond Phillips bolsters this latest entry in the "Stargate" franchise, this one built around a group of soldiers, scientists and civilians who find themselves stranded on a massive ancient ship in the series premiere (9 p.m. SyFy).



                        Best. Lesbian. Week. Ever. (October 2, 2009)

                        On a positive note, Stargate Universe (Syfy) premieres tonight with Ming-Na as a lesbian series regular, and ABC's new drama FlashForward may feature a lesbian relationship later this season. That should allow us to indulge in at least a few weeks of optimism before we're disappointed again.



                        Geek shows and movies on UK TV in the coming week
                        Another exciting launch occurs on Tuesday the 6th October with the new Stargate Universe. We're hoping it fits snugly into that big expanse of sci-fi space left vacant and voided and we're really anxious to see what Robert Carlyle can do with a weekly series of this ilk. We've had the smallest peek with a trailer here and spoke with co-creator Brad Wright too, but it finally all kicks off with a hefty two hour chunk of telly on Sky1 Tuesday at 8:00pm with Air Part One and Part Two at 9:00pm.



                        Stargate Universe (7 and 9 p.m., Syfy): It's the launch of the latest entry in the franchise. And it's a pretty good debut — a two-hour episode filled with lots of action and great special effects. Essentially, a new team is stranded on the other side of the universe on an ancient (and damaged) starship.



                        I've never been much of a "Stargate" fan, regarding the "SG1" and "Atlantis" shows as poorly written "Star Trek" ripoffs. Well,
                        Universe" is derivative, too: It is emulating the gritty "Battlestar Galactica."
                        When a human base on another world comes under attack, military and civilian personnel have to flee through a stargate. They end up on an ancient starship, billions of light years from home, and must fight for survival with scant resources. Sound familiar? Humans on the battlestar "Galactica" faced similar situations.
                        "SU" even copies Gaius Baltar, the morally ambiguous "Galactica" central character, in the form of Dr. Nicholas Rush, who is largely to blame for the stranded humans' plight, yet seemingly without remorse.
                        The look and feel of "Stargate Universe" is firstrate, and relentless action during the first part of series kickoff had me fantastically stressed. Plot twists on this mysterious, locked-on-course starship aren't as imaginative as they are on "Galactica." The even-less-creative second episode gives me reason to worry. Don't screw this up, SyFy.
                        I'll probably let my kid watch "Stargate Universe," but fast-forward through one graphic sexual scene.



                        ?"Stargate Universe,” 8 p.m., Syfy. This new series follows soldiers, scientists and civilians forced through a Stargate when their base comes under attack.

                        Read more:



                        TELEVISION REVIEW: Stargate Universe – Billions and Billions of Lightyears From Home!

                        Will SGU succeed? Well, it has the Stargate mythology going for it and, as been said elsewhere [by Warren Ellis, if memory serves], along with Doctor who’s TARDIS, the Stargate is one of two storytelling devices that can take us anywhere, at any time. Now that we have an established situation – and some knowledge of who most of the main characters are, SGU can get down to telling stories. I think it’s going to be a strange ride, but one worth taking.
                        Final Grade: B+

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                        WHAT I'M WATCHING / ROBERT CARLYLE

                        It isn't exactly where one expects to see Robert Carlyle, of Trainspotting and The Full Monty fame, but the rollicking Scot is coming to the SPACE channel tonight as Dr. Nicholas Rush, the lead in Stargate Universe. It's the latest instalment in the immensely popular Stargate franchise, following on the heels of SG -1, Infinity and Atlantis. Rush is a brilliant scientific mind harbouring shadowy motives. And though Carlyle is juggling his new role with a busy film schedule, to switch off, he still switches on his TV for a little down time.
                        Were you a fan of any sci-fi, space travel series in the past?
                        I would have to go back to my childhood, obviously Star Trek. It was huge for me, I absolutely loved it as a child. And also back home, Dr. Who was a huge show for all kids. Actually, my own particular Dr. Who was Jon Pertwee [who played the role from 1970 to 1974].



                        ‘Stargate’ mysteries play like a ‘Lost’ in space

                        Still, the emphasis is on the characters, many of whom have secrets, deep troubles, and mysterious pasts. They’re played by some formidable actors; the always-wonderful Robert Carlyle is most notable as Dr. Nicholas Rush, a single-minded scientist who tries to influence the operation. Brian J. Smith is striking as a lieutenant, thrust into leadership when his commanding officer is hurt. And David Blue provides comic relief as a super-smart kid who’s recruited to the space operation after solving a puzzle embedded in a video game. Think of him, in “Lost’’ terms, as Hurley lite, hurled through the universe.
                        In fact, quite a bit of this series feels like “Lost’’ in space, and it is - early “Lost,’’ before things got all Others-y and time-travel-bogged, when it was largely about unlocking characters’ mysteries and playing with grand themes. “Stargate Universe’’ isn’t quite so ambitious, but it’s intriguing in its way, down to the ship, bathed in blue light, that emerges as a character in its own right. The ship is more interesting thus far, alas, than any of the female characters, but perhaps that will change over time. As “Battlestar Galactica’’ proved not long ago, deep mythology is much more fun if it surrounds a lot of complicated people.

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                          Stargate Universe: Brad Wright interview

                          I can't imagine what you must go through a week or two before the show goes out. I'm wondering just how you're feeling now. Are you so knee deep in the back end of the season we're just about to start seeing? Or do you get the same butterflies in the stomach that you did first time round?
                          Well, yes. The butterflies are very much there. But this time, because of the nature of how we proceeded - we thought SyFy was going to launch us in the summer and that we were aiming for a July premiere. And then we, basically, started prepping for that and they looked at the dhow and said, "You know what? This show is going to be very good. We don't want to hide it in the summer. We want it to be out there in the fall with all the other mainstream shows."
                          And so, we ended up with a ton of time. [laughs] I've now done a pass on the final two scripts of the season and we haven't even been on the air yet. So, in some ways, it's great. I get to focus more energy on the launch and on conversations like this, because the lion's share of the preparations for the season have already been done. We're well into the back of the season and that's kind of unusual. [laughs] Usually you're scrambling.

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                          STARGATE UNIVERSE Premiere "Air" (Part 1 and 2)



                          A workaday celebrity

                          Lou Diamond Phillips says he’s happy to be called a “working actor.”

                          “I take it as a compliment,” says Phillips, 47, whose current project is Stargate Universe, the latest spinoff of the popular sci-fi institution.

                          “I see myself as an employable actor who’s comfortable working in every facet of the industry. That said, I also have four kids who continue to eat every day.”

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                          Spinoff opens ‘Stargate’ for actors

                          The actress, a lifelong fan of the genre, is happy to be starring in her first science-fiction series.
                          “I think being very young and leaving Hong Kong and coming to America without speaking any English, there was a sense of . . . alienation. For me, I think science fiction was such a wonderful way to escape (that),” she said. “It’s kind of surprising to me that my career has taken me to relive my childhood fantasy.”
                          Camile is also gay, which Ming-Na said adds another element to her character’s struggles.
                          “As an Asian-American, I have had to deal with a lot of various issues, and I think I can lend some of those experiences to her character,” she said. “It’s sort of weird in a sci-fi show where we’re out on an alien space ship to say that this is a very real of depiction of a gay character, but it’s because there isn’t this huge label that’s put on her.”

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                          FULL SPEED Ahead for SGU

                          There'll be lots of colorful and intriguing characters to keep you engaged by "Stargate Universe," even if the new TV show gets a little confusing at times.
                          They include a brilliant-but-shady scientist played by Robert Carlyle, a computer game geek who's a complete newbie to outer space and lots of other easy-on-the-eyes space travelers.
                          The new series' dramatic photography (from "The Shield's" Rohn Schmidt) and dark, edgy tone a la "Battlestar Galactica" also make it a compelling watch.

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                          •Stargate Universe (Syfy, tonight, 9 ET/PT) may not start fresh, but it does start over.

                          The regular episode that follows next week is not as strong as this week's premiere, but don't let that deter you. The cast (including Ming-Na, Louis Ferreira and Brian J. Smith) is good and the concept is a proven winner. And given how long these Stargates tend to stay open, the show certainly has time to improve



                          SERIES PREMIERE Stargate Universe, 9 p.m., Syfy Another go-round with the gates, this time with a cast featuring three faves — Robert Carlyle, Lou Diamond Phillips and Ming Na — trying to escape some sort of limbo. On the show, not in their careers. Well, that too.





                            Ming-Na On Being The First Lesbian To Step Out Of The Stargate

                            Ming-Na: When I first signed on as Camille, that wasn't part of the revelation of who she was. And what I think is so great about Brad and Robert is that sometimes an inspiration comes to them, or they're willing to take a risk. I mean this whole Stargate series is a risk because they are taking a whole different approach to the look and the feel of this series versus the Stargates before. And so when they approached me, and said, "You know we're thinking of taking the character in this direction. Are you comfortable with that?"

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                            Hollywood Reporter



                            Bottom Line: It will take more than special effects to propel this franchise series into a serious dramatic orbit.

                            The second episode is mostly spent on some barren desert of a planet in search of an ingredient to scrub carbon dioxide from the air inside the spaceship. The show works hard at manufacturing suspense despite the mainly foregone conclusion.

                            True, "Stargate" fans likely will climb aboard this spaceship. But if this series is ever to really take off and become stellar, it will need more surprising stories and more intellectually challenging drama.

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                              We’ve been talking-up the show for over a year now, and it certainly does not disappoint. But watch it for yourself. We think it’s just what is needed in 2009, and we’re sure that it has a great future ahead of it as we get to know the Destiny and open up our living rooms to the men and women on board. Like the ship itself, Stargate Universe is going where no Stargate show has ever tread.

                              The full review can be seen here:


                                Digital Spy: Q&A: 'Stargate Universe' exec Brad Wright

                                First we gave you Robert Carlyle, then came Lou Diamond Phillips, and our final Stargate Universe interview comes courtesy of the show's executive producer Brad Wright. How is the latest instalment of the franchise shaping up? What does he think of the decision to axe SG-1 and Atlantis? What's the status of the Stargate movies? Read on to find out!

                                How does working on Universe compare to working on the other Stargate formats?
                                "Well, they're both coming out of the same office and with a lot of the same crew so there's a familiarity to it that is fun and nice. We have a fun place to work. But that's where the similarity stops. The show itself, the feel of the show - the shooting style - is very different. We literally changed the way we're approaching shooting. We're going all handheld - or 90% handheld - and dualing cameras and that allows the actors to perform in the scenes in a way that is very natural. It's fun on the set to watch Mr Carlyle and everybody around him hit it out of the park."



                                TV Guide Mag: Outer and Inner Space

                                And the new shows keep on rolling out, even into October, on cable as well as network TV.

                                First up this weekend is Syfy’s newest spin-off of the channel’s most durable franchise: Stargate: Universe, launching with a two-hour movie (9/8c) that brings an unusually grim urgency and tension to what had always seemed to me (on the occasions I sampled it) a relatively escapist romp through the galaxies.

                                The Stargate portals are still there, along with glimpses of some of the core cast members (Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks), but once the plot kicks in, the tone is closer to the Battlestar Galactica remake (or possibly a darker Star Trek: Voyager) as the show becomes the latest version of the classic “lost in space” survival saga. This isn’t anywhere near as riveting or meaty or distinctive as the landmark BSG, but this is solid mainstream sci-fi. And selfishly, I’m just happy to see Syfy get back into outer space—no slight against the channel’s more whimsical hits Warehouse 13 and Eureka, which have both successfully concluded their summer runs. I’ll be shocked if this doesn’t find a sizable audience on a night that has long been hospitable to Syfy’s brand (although this fall, the networks have once again loaded up Fridays with fantasy alternatives like Smallville and Dollhouse, not to mention CBS’s Ghost Whisperer-Medium combo).

                                Last edited by Madwelshboy; 02 October 2009, 07:55 AM.

