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Modeling Challenge Thread

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    Originally posted by Johannus View Post
    Yeah I mentioned After Effects because it is the only programme I have used so far which does anything 3D.

    As for physical modelling, I have been making and painting miniatures for years so I am not too bad at it, though dont often try my hand at ships and the like. What I meant was that from my point of view I would be able to make a model of a ship, paint it up and then film it and add backgrounds and effects much quicker and easier than I would be able to do the same thing with 3D programmes.

    Though having seen some of the great work on this site I am guessing most of you guys could top it. Maybe I'll have a go and post it up one of the days.
    You definitely should. Modeling is something that is a gradual progression. Your first models will probably be lackluster, but as you pick up knowledge and get used to the program you choose, you can really start to create all kinds of stuff that is really interesting and fun to do. The biggest thing is not getting frustrated by the learning curve associated with modeling. But feel free to post up any work that you do, and we can offer advice as to what you can focus on for improving and new tricks and such. Though, that would would be better suited to the Original Starship Design thread, since this thread is really about the current modeling challenge and not general 3D talk, that is typically done in the Original Starship Design thread.


      Originally posted by Finger13 View Post
      A computer/server still needs an OS to function. Even routers have operating systems, they are just stripped down in most cases, only being a CLI (Command Line Interface). Some of them have GUIs though I guess.

      3D animation companies like Pixar and Zoic and so forth have huge render farms which are essentially dozens of computers networked together that split the task of rendering up amongst them. It's essentially like taking 20, 30 or however many computers and combining them to do a single task, which allows them to pump out super high quality animations in short periods of time (well, short is relative to how huge the file is. Of course a 2 hour movie composed entirely of 3D animations in 1080p or higher quality would take weeks).

      I'm not sure what they'd use as an OS, perhaps an open source platform custom tailored for 3D applications. Unix-based OS' are by far the most stable OS out there, so it would be a logical choice if it were configured to handle the proper applications.

      But just so you know 64-bit Windows & Linux can take far more than 10GB of RAM. Whether or not they use it efficiently is up to each specific program, but they can take a ridiculous amount of RAM, I just can't remember the number.

      But Windows wouldn't really be ideal in this setting. And OSx? Don't even get me started on OSx! Oh how I loathe Apple.
      Ih theory 64bit allows for terrabites worth of ram, in practice most programs are not even optimise for 64bit let alone using ram of any higher amount 4gigs. As for dual graphics cards, up fifty percent of the processor power will remain unused at any one time.

      Pixar uses linux operating system for the servers, an a mixture of Windows and Apply os for desktops. Linux has been heavily modified internally by pixar, they have a team of engineers who sole job it is to modify an improve Linux performance. They then use Renderman to render scenes, it was developed internally by them . They use virtually every software out there on the market but with dozens of there own internally developed plugins and few internal programs developed by them which have not been sold on the open market yet, most them are for animations and texturing,.
      There severs farm is equivelent of about 100,000 home pc. None of the the pc/Macs are ever turned off at Pixar as the rendering farms takes them over at night and use them for additional processing power.
      Surprisingly Window servers system been growing popularity but does not really allow for heavy modifications that Pixar and other big companies can afford make to the software and add capabilities.
      Last edited by knowles2; 21 April 2009, 01:27 AM.


        How is everyone doing on this challenge?



          Thought I should post my final version of my carrier, the FC-701

          FC-701 specifications

          Tau'ri interstallair fighter carrier

          length : 1000 meters
          width : 400 meters
          heigth : 250 meters

          power source :

          hull material:
          trinium-Naquadah alloy

          engine unit(s) :
          Sublight engines
          Maneuvering thrusters
          Naquadria powered hyperdrive (original)
          Asgard hyperdrive (upgrade)

          shields :
          Asgard shield

          arnaments :
          4 defensive railguns

          extra ships :
          180 f-302s
          although more can be added by using the 4th hangar.

          other systems :
          ring transport
          asgard transporter

          After the introducion of the BC-303, it's creators wanted a vessel that could go in battle with the 303 and carry multiple f-302s , so the FC-701 was created.At that time the humans did not have shields so they created a heavy vessel that could take a beating, however space was left for wen Earth could build shields. They also didn't like building a shipclass that would be outdated by a new one, so they left alot of room for upgrades and even include a 4th hangar for Al'kesh size vessels should Earth ever build thos. Enough room was left in the ship to include to support the 2 escorting BC-303s in any way it could.The first FC-701 was nearly build wen the events in "Disclosure" happend and the FC-701 was equipt with Asgard shields.
          Shortly after "Disclosure" the first FC-701 was completed and training of the crew started during the space trials. How ever during hyperspace testing the Naquadria powered hyperdrive malfuncioned and the ship was presumed lost. It was not untill some months later that it was found by the Prometheus
          (on it's way back to Earth , will recovering of it's hyperspace pauses as a result of using an Al'kesh hyperdrive) with the crew alive and well.
          After this the FC-701 didn't make any more hyperspace jumps but remained as Earth's last line of defence untill hyperspace couldbe perfected.The FC-701's first real battle was during Anubis's invasion were it was used to protect sg-1 and refuel the F-302s. Because of this great victory and inprovments in hyperdrive , the build of the second FC-701 started days later. And the FC-701 was official taken in to service to serve as
          Earths very first fighter carrier.

          Hope it isn't that bad, and if I forgot something please say seeing as it's my first



            Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
            How is everyone doing on this challenge?
            Awful, I'm getting really mad at my time table. This is another challenge I will have to miss the deadline for.

            Just wrote 2 exams today, have a test and 2 projects due tomorrow and an exam and a test on Thursday lol.


              I've fallen behind
              Been buried in a book, and i got lazy.


                Originally posted by Finger13 View Post
                Awful, I'm getting really mad at my time table. This is another challenge I will have to miss the deadline for.

                Just wrote 2 exams today, have a test and 2 projects due tomorrow and an exam and a test on Thursday lol.
                Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                I've fallen behind
                Been buried in a book, and i got lazy.
                Finger - Bob may allow the deadline to fall back if everyone else agrees, even if its just a week.

                Ukko - How far have you fallen...a trip, a tumble or a tragic bungie jump without the cord?



                  Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                  Finger - Bob may allow the deadline to fall back if everyone else agrees, even if its just a week.
                  After tomorrow I'll be free to mess around with some modelling. An extension would be awesome if people agreed though. I still won't be able to finish mine in that time though, at least not texturing it and the sort.


                    The word is not mine to give its up to Bob.

                    I dont tell people what to do out of hours...i dont tell people what to do in hours! lol



                      My entry for the fighter carrier...

                      Bellerophon Specifications
                      Bellerophon Class (DSFC-307) Specifications

                      Tauri Intergalactic Deep Space Fighter Carrier
                      Bellerophon Class (DSFC–307)
                      Technology Base: Asgard / Tauri / Ancient

                      Length: 1445m (including forward antenna)
                      Width: 605m
                      Height: 140m

                      Naquadah/ trinium alloy.

                      Intergalactic hyperdrive – allows travel to other galaxies
                      Sub-light Drive
                      Manoeuvring Thrusters
                      Deceleration drive

                      2 triple barrel offensive rail gun
                      37 triple barrel defensive rail guns

                      Tauri shield system – Created using Asgard and Lantean technology

                      Additional Technology:
                      Subspace Communication System
                      Asgard Transportation Technology – used transport crew and fighters around the ship.
                      Ancient Ring Transport System
                      Asgard Sensor array
                      Asgard Core
                      Inertial Dampers
                      Asgard tractor beam – Used to safely recover fighters.

                      Naquadah generators
                      2 Neutriono ion generators

                      Auxiliary Craft:
                      56 - Penthetor fighters
                      124 – 302 fighters

                      Background Information
                      The Bellerophon class ship is a huge vessel in comparison to any other Earth vessel constructed to date.

                      When Earth made contact with the expedition on the Ancient city of Atlantis it was under attack by a vampire like race known as the Wraith; the Wraith control huge hive ships deploying swarms of fighters in far greater numbers than a Goa’uld Ha’tak class vessel. The Wraith fighters not only attacked other fighters and capital ships they also defended their hive ship by intercepting missiles, Earth’s primary offensive weapon at that time.

                      The fighter compliment of a Daedalus class vessel is severely out numbered by a single Wraith hive vessel. With both the Wraith and the Goa’uld using wings of fighter craft during combat engagements it was decided to develop a vessel capable of carrying greater numbers of fighters than the previous 303 and 304 class vessels; the Bellerophon project was born.

                      The Bellerophon project took over 5 years to design and build, carrying 180 fighter craft and measuring 1445m in length the DSFC (Deep Space Fighter Carrier) was given two Asgard neutrino ion generators to compliment the Naquadah generators usually used by earth ships. The ion generators used to power Asgard ships produce vast amounts of energy; a Belisinker class vessel has four ion generators.
                      The huge generators allow the carrier to travel much faster than the Daedalus class vessel. Due to the size of the ion generators and the space taken up by the ships auxiliary craft and their crews the ships weapon systems were scaled back in favour of more internal room for fighter craft.

                      The ship is usually escorted by at least two Poseidon class bombers and a 304 class vessel.



                      As I created a fighter to be used by the Bellerophon class fighter carrier alongside the 302 class fighters I have also produced specs for that aswell.

                      Penthetor Specifications
                      Penthetor Class Fighter (F-308) Specifications

                      Tauri Fighter Interceptor
                      Penthetor Class Fighter (F–308)
                      Technology Base: Tauri/ Goa’uld/ Lantean

                      Length: 17m
                      Width: 14.45m
                      Height: 4.25m

                      Naqadah Carbon alloy.

                      Manoeuvring Thrusters
                      Advanced Jet Engines
                      Anti-Gravity Generator – gives the fighter VTOL Capability as well as allowing the craft to perform fast manoeuvres. This technology was created from study of the Lantean puddle jumper.

                      2 forward firing energy cannons – ship based version of the x-699
                      2 forward mounted rail guns
                      2 naquadah enhanced air to air missile launched from a payload bay on the underside of the fighter.

                      Additional Technology:
                      Subspace Communication System
                      Tauri Sensor array
                      Inertial Dampers

                      Naquadah generator
                      2 small Naquadah generators used to power the energy cannons




                        It depends on how long you want it to be.


                          bob why does your name have a plus after it?



                            I don't see it


                              It is because he is in you're friends list.

                              Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below



                                thanks d-boy...have some green for your quick assistance.


