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Asgard Hyperdrive v.s. Ancient Hyperdrive..

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    Originally posted by s09119 View Post
    But since that was never implied, nor has it ever been suggested that the Asgard can do such a thing, that's clearly verging on fanwanking.
    Not really.. as well.. Its just a signal.. through Subspace.. why the hell not..
    Its like Scanning a page of a book on one computer and sending that file to another where its printed out...
    Why would it not work with a person


      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      ida is thought to be triangulum.

      besides, america likes to show off its advancedness. even though your space shuttles suck. russian cargo missiles work better by miles. besides, europe has an experimental fusion reactor, america has LHC. and why would europe bother making such a device when we have america with its vast amounts of money cause they dont like to spend their money on insurance and health. europe is trying to stop the global warming.

      europe: we have a plan to stop global warming
      america: nice. very nice
      europe: we set limitations to CO2 emmissions, below it, you can sell your qoutum, above it means you need to buy quotum
      america: EXCELLENT. best idea we've ever heard. now whats the profit
      europe: what profit????
      America: YOUR IDEA SUCKS!!!!!!!!

      thats the inconvenient truth about america. wheras asia doesnt bother about it anyways, and puts tons of effort into pollution reduction for: olympic games. and after its over, its back to old ways again.

      america puts money into antimatter research and LHC. europe puts its money into health insurance. in america, you're left for dead. if you're rich, youre ok, but if you're below that, you suck.
      so america might be "advanced". but they are primitive as hell on areas other countries are at a good level. its just a way of spending money. america likes to show off. so thats fine. they pose as advanced. inventors of the nuke. not that its that loved btw.
      they have LHC. nice.
      they have antimatter production. nice.
      CO2 emission reduction. a laugh
      health ensurance. as long as it doesnt cost money.
      space shuttles. worthless.

      who cares if youre terribly advanced. its not the level of technology. its how its applied. now if we start looking at the application of technology, well then the asgard sure are a hell lot better. seeing as ancients lost their war with the wraith, they won but in the large picture, lost. now seeing as how earth with the application of a mouse retrovirus can neutralize wraith, and with a race 80 years behind us we made a drug rendering feeding poisonous.

      this makes earth most advanced of all. wheras replis, asurans, ori and ancients suck, wheras wraith own, asgard own, and many others aswell
      Epic off-topic post.


        Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
        Not really.. as well.. Its just a signal.. through Subspace.. why the hell not..
        Its like Scanning a page of a book on one computer and sending that file to another where its printed out...
        Why would it not work with a person
        Because there's a range to beaming technology... that's why we have to get close to a planet to beam someone off it.

        Originally posted by NoobTau'ri View Post
        Epic off-topic post.
        I think I've seen a few that were bigger back in the original "Ancient vs. Asgard" topic, though...
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          umm well the asguard have been around longer than the ancents in that time couldn't they have surpassed the ancient hyperdrives. Plus they had the ancient hyperdrives to base the asguard prototypes off of.Plus the asguard and the Ancients were allies that means they would have shared information as well as new technolgy with each other.. But the means of saying who has faster hyperdrive engines it would e the Asguard but i think the Ancients if they stayed in Altantis and never fought the wraith they would ahve proboly had a greater hyperdrive engine than the Asguard.



            Originally posted by s09119 View Post
            Because there's a range to beaming technology... that's why we have to get close to a planet to beam someone off it.
            You are Completely missing the point..
            One Transporter Array dematerializes the person.. then converting it into a signal that is transmitted through Subspace.. then when it arrives on the target ship.. it then uses that ships transporter Array to Re materialize the same person..

            I'm not talking about one transporter Array.. but Two..

            Just like the Ring transporter.. one to do the work on either ends..
            Just over ALOT LONGER distance..
            After all.. we know the Ring transporters can be used to transport people between Planets..


              Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
              You are Completely missing the point..
              One Transporter Array dematerializes the person.. then converting it into a signal that is transmitted through Subspace.. then when it arrives on the target ship.. it then uses that ships transporter Array to Re materialize the same person..

              I'm not talking about one transporter Array.. but Two..

              Just like the Ring transporter.. one to do the work on either ends..
              Just over ALOT LONGER distance..
              After all.. we know the Ring transporters can be used to transport people between Planets..
              Please explain?
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                Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
                Then again.. with Apollo or any 304 fully powerd.. who knows how fast it would have made the same trip..
                Yes but I doubt it would much faster seeing as a 304's speed only increases by about 4x when a ZPM is plugged in.

                Actually.. its only been once that they needed to drop Shield for Asgard transporter.. and that was for dramatic effect.. and the Rings.. for that they have to adjust the frequency of the shield.. just like on Star Trek..
                Regardless shields had to be dropped. With rings they don't.

                But then again.. Some might argue that Thor Transported from his ship across to another galaxy and onto Lokis ship.. After all.. we never saw any signs that Thor's ship arrived..
                Already been answered. But anyway thats ridicules. Asgard transporters have only been shown to work in orbital ranges not galaxies. You can speculate but its not supported by anything so is useless in a factual debate.

                Originally posted by Mister Oragahn View Post
                For fhuck sake Buba, when has an Asgard ship travelled to Pegasus?? I'm getting tired of asking this.
                WOW! Sorry I thought someone already answered this earlier in the thread. Thats why I didn't respond. In the second episode of season 3 it was mentioned that an Asgard ship took Weir back to Atlantis to Earth and that nearly 2 weeks was shaved off the journey time.
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
                  Start of Season3.. the SGC asked the Asgard to spare a ship to take Weir Back..
                  We never saw it but it took 4 days
                  That number is actually the fruit of a substraction, not directly given in the show:


                  WOOLSEY: I understand that Stargate Command has put in a request to the Asgard for transportation.

                  WEIR: I know they don't have a lot of ships to spare right now, but that will shave almost two weeks off our travel time.
                  Intruder (season 2):

                  SHEPPARD: Well, McKay says we're only at the edge of the Pegasus galaxy. You'll be fine once we get back to Atlantis. You know, it's funny – I spent the past year wondering if I'd ever see Earth again, and as soon as I got there ...

                  WEIR: I know how you feel. It was extremely convenient to be able to step through the Gate and be at Stargate Command in an instant, and now this (she looks around the room) feels extremely *in*convenient.

                  It must be eighteen days cooped up in the ship to get back.
                  18 - 2 x 7 = 4.

                  But let's not stop there.
                  In Intruder, we learn this;

                  CALDWELL (interrupting): We'll be back in Atlantis in less than two days. You can do your diagnostic then.

                  WEIR: Colonel, are you sure that's right?

                  CALDWELL: With all due respect, Doctor, you got back to Earth through the Stargate. This is my third trip on the Daedalus between galaxies.
                  "Less than two days" is superior to saying "more than one day", so it can only be as low as 1.5 days, likely closer to two full days.

                  So that's more than sixteen days to cross the void between both galaxies (3 million light years, between the Milky Way and the Irregular dwarf), but nearly two days to cover a fraction of the Pegasus galaxy, which is quite small in fact, 4374.9825 LY at max (major width, 5 arcmin).
                  That's almost 23 times smaller than our galaxy.
                  Nearly two days to cross a fraction of that? Obviously the numbers in Intruder do not add up.
                  The Daedalus would have had an FTL speed of 68,437,500c between both galaxies.

                  68,437,500 LY/year.
                  187,500 LY/day. <- they'd cover the whole Milky Way within 12.8 hours.
                  7,812.5 LY/hour. <- they'd cover Pegasus' highest width within 0.56 hours, or 33.56 minutes.

                  We've seen Wraith hyperdrives capable of crossing 2.52 LY per hour at the very, very least.
                  Which means they could traverse the Pegasus galaxy within 1736.1 hours, or 72.34 days (2 months and a third).

                  EDIT: Bub', s'ry for the tone.
                  The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                    Its alright Mr O.

                    I think however that in SGA the Pegasus galaxy is quite a bit bigger than it is in real life. I'll post some quotes...

                    ZELENKA: Conservatively, maybe two thousand light years. This is a list of addresses that are within range.
                    Thats from Adrift, 2000 ly is how far the PJ's hyperd rive could travel. Within those 2000 ly there were only a half dozen planets. If that distance was close to half of Pegasus there would be far more planets unless all the hundreds of planets are distributed in a single area.

                    MICHAEL: Like I asked. I was the one in your visions – appropriately disguised, of course.

                    TEYLA: You're lying!

                    MICHAEL: I reached across ten thousand light years of space and touched your mind. There is more of a bond between us than you know. Once the child is born, the bond will grow even stronger.
                    Michael's comment mentions ten thousand light years. That may be from end to end but Adrift leads me to believe that in SG Pegasus is substantially larger than in real life.
                    Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                      Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                      Please explain?
                      In the Ori Home Galaxy they use Ring transporters insted of Stargates..
                      As seen in.. well ever episode sett there.. .. it all semmed like the same planet.. untill Arc of Truth confimed that it was not the case..


                        Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
                        In the Ori Home Galaxy they use Ring transporters insted of Stargates..
                        As seen in.. well ever episode sett there.. .. it all semmed like the same planet.. untill Arc of Truth confimed that it was not the case..
                        and there is also the ring installed by Sokar between Netu and his planet. the range is not as big as between the planet where Daniel and Vala were to Celestis but that's already a feature.
                        La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                        L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                          Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                          Yes but I doubt it would much faster seeing as a 304's speed only increases by about 4x when a ZPM is plugged in.
                          That might be the case (Pre- Unending anyway) but we still have NO idea how fast Atlantis or any other Ancient ship is at full power..

                          Regardless shields had to be dropped. With rings they don't.
                          Yes.. in ONE episode.. while in another they where not..

                          Already been answered. But anyway thats ridicules. Asgard transporters have only been shown to work in orbital ranges not galaxies. You can speculate but its not supported by anything so is useless in a factual debate.
                          Yes its speculation.. but
                          A: its never been answered, We never saw his ship.. we never heard if it was the message from Lokies ship or SGC that he got.. and so on
                          B: its not impossible
                          C: you are all still thinking like its One transporter array.. think Scanner and Printer over a network..!


                            Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                            and there is also the ring installed by Sokar between Netu and his planet. the range is not as big as between the planet where Daniel and Vala were to Celestis but that's already a feature.
                            yeah.. but moon too planet .. its within normal transporter range..


                              Originally posted by Kebab Gud View Post
                              In the Ori Home Galaxy they use Ring transporters insted of Stargates..
                              As seen in.. well ever episode sett there.. .. it all semmed like the same planet.. untill Arc of Truth confimed that it was not the case..
                              Actually, it didn't. The planet the Ori resistance contact was on was not that same planet that the village from "Origin" was on.

                              Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                              and there is also the ring installed by Sokar between Netu and his planet. the range is not as big as between the planet where Daniel and Vala were to Celestis but that's already a feature.
                              That's within the normal transport range.
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                              Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                                Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                                Actually, it didn't. The planet the Ori resistance contact was on was not that same planet that the village from "Origin" was on.
                                That's true..
                                We know there are Rings all over the Ori galaxy .. and we know the Priors can easily travel to Celestis.. and so on..

                                There are rings on the Planes of Celestis.. there where rings outside the Village from Origin.. there where rings outside the Village Vala ended up in (She woke up in the rings)
                                And most importantly.. the Ancient created the Stargates AFTER they left that galaxy..

