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Drones do not go through shields! EVIDENCE!

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    No... nobody but a select few know about the Outpost on Earth, thats the reason nobody has messed with them. Even the Goa'uld do not know exactly what Earth has that we used to fend off Anubis, so why should the Ori?

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      Originally posted by Jimbo-DR View Post
      No... nobody but a select few know about the Outpost on Earth, thats the reason nobody has messed with them. Even the Goa'uld do not know exactly what Earth has that we used to fend off Anubis, so why should the Ori?
      Ba'al took over from the Trust and they seem to know everything that goes on regards to the SGC so why not about the outpost, Then Nerus defected to the Ori, Nerus was one of Ba'al's lackies, he knew alot of what Ba'al knew plus the System Lords knew that the Tau'ri had some ancient weapon which means the Jaffa knew aswell.

      That's my reasoning behind the Ori's knowledge of the ancient weapon that Earth posesses.
      Last edited by Ketias; 28 November 2006, 12:22 PM.


        Originally posted by Ketias View Post
        We know that the drone has two mechanisms to it destructive capacity, the explosive side which is from the size of a hand grenade to a whole heap of tnt, which can be scaled to the target that the drone is targeting.

        Then theres the kinetic which the drone generates when it hits the target. Maybe the drones where just using there kinetic energy to destroy the jumper, my reasoning behind this is that the jumper was flying through the city and the replcators wanted the city intact.

        And as for the Ori super-duper-strong-unbeatable-sheilds we dont know how they would fair in combat, but we can summise that they would pose a great threat to the ori in that the Ori have not come to Earth because they know what the Tau'ri posses the ancient outpost (besides the obvious plot line episode 10x01, wouldnt have been that good if the Ori had landed on Earth instead of Chulak). Plus the Jaffa and the Tau'ri are two of the most powerful races in the Milky Way and only the Jaffa have been activley attacked, thats gotts say summit for Ancient Tech.

        We know that the ancient device on Dakara posed such a threat to the Ori that it was wiped out as soon as they knew where it was, and that wasn't designed as a weapon so I would guess that an Ancient weapon that was designed as a weapon would scare the hell outta the Ori.
        If the outpost was such a risk to them don't you think they'd of taken that out already aswell? We know they have dozens upon dozens of ships, what would losing 3 be to them? IF drones do work against ori shields I imagine they could still do enough damage to the outpost before all three were destroyed, anubis had no clue where it was or what threat it posed so he was unprepared. If the ori knew of the outpost they'd be prepared when they got there. Right now I think they just don't see earth as that important, they're working their way through a list and earth is quite far down. I personally don't think the drones will do anything to ori shields.


          Originally posted by Jimbo-DR View Post
          Stupid thing to say. I've seen every episode multiple times and have all the DVD's. I'm the ST nerd equivalent for this show.
          Not really, considering your argument.
          UNDERSTANDING of an infinite universe. To quote Daniel: "its understanding, on a level you will never reach.
          Because you are a machine".
          They gain the capacity to understand the universe, not to instantly know every trick in the book for every single possible scientific discovery that could ever be made. If this were the case why not just destroy Earth from far away? Why not do a lot of things? Why bother sending ships to the Milky way at all if you could always just blow the hell out of it from galaxies away.
          I didn't say they would instantly know every trick in the book... Reread my post.

          My theory is that ascended beings have access to infinite knowledge. Having access to infinite knowledge isn't the same as having infinite knowledge.

          For example: We have access to the internet, but we don't know everything on the internet, we can only search for what we want to know, and then use it to our advantage.

          Show me one quote that denies that ascended beings have access to infinite knowledge.
          Notice the last quote says "All the knowledge he gained WHILE HE WAS ASCENDED". All the knowledge that he Acquired while ascended, it does not say that he ascended, instantly knew everything, and then simply descended. NOWHERE does it say that.
          Maybe you should start reading my posts more carefully. When did I ever say "instantly knew everything"? Stop assuming things.
          And as for the Anubis quote, why the hell should we trust ANYTHING anubis says? Daniel himself says, while ascended, Ascension does not make you all knowing. Thats a direct quote. Personally I trust Daniel way more than Anubis.
          My theory doesn't contradict your beloved quote by Daniel! If they only have access to infinite knowledge, obviously they are not all knowing.

          And regarding the Anubis quote, considering the scene where he was quoted in saying that, I don't see any reason why he would bother lying. Adria hinted it too, therefore it's obvious TPTB wants us to see ascended beings in that way. It's already canon in my opinion.
          It has been made very clear. Watch the old episodes and look through transcripts if you don't believe me.
          How can you say that it has been made "very clear"? In my previous post to you, I provided two quotes (one by Adria and another by Anubis) that contradict what Daniel said and the best you can come up with is "why should we believe Anubis"?

          Anyway, all three quotes (including Daniel's) do not contradict my theory.


            Originally posted by Ketias View Post
            We know that the drone has two mechanisms to it destructive capacity, the explosive side which is from the size of a hand grenade to a whole heap of tnt, which can be scaled to the target that the drone is targeting.

            Then theres the kinetic which the drone generates when it hits the target. Maybe the drones where just using there kinetic energy to destroy the jumper, my reasoning behind this is that the jumper was flying through the city and the replcators wanted the city intact.

            And as for the Ori super-duper-strong-unbeatable-sheilds we dont know how they would fair in combat, but we can summise that they would pose a great threat to the ori in that the Ori have not come to Earth because they know what the Tau'ri posses the ancient outpost (besides the obvious plot line episode 10x01, wouldnt have been that good if the Ori had landed on Earth instead of Chulak). Plus the Jaffa and the Tau'ri are two of the most powerful races in the Milky Way and only the Jaffa have been activley attacked, thats gotts say summit for Ancient Tech.

            We know that the ancient device on Dakara posed such a threat to the Ori that it was wiped out as soon as they knew where it was, and that wasn't designed as a weapon so I would guess that an Ancient weapon that was designed as a weapon would scare the hell outta the Ori.
            Did you read the post you just quoted?

            Kinetic energy, explosive schmenergy. If the drones went straight through shields, they could just go straight through the shields without ever activating them, poking holes inside the jumper 'til it fell apart.

            And the post you quoted did not even mention the Ori but it would be stupid to have such powerful ships disposed of from simple drones.

            The Dakara weapon wiped out their soldiers, Priors and followers. Of course Adria wanted it gone.


              The pj shield showed 'interaction' when it was going through tight spaces.
              I think you are all looking into this WAYYYY to deeply.


                Originally posted by spook123 View Post
                The pj shield showed 'interaction' when it was going through tight spaces.
                I think you are all looking into this WAYYYY to deeply.
                Umm... what?! The PJ shield showed interaction because it hit some invisible walls?!

                The point is that the drones make any kind of shield interaction, they don't ignore shields, like previously assumed!


                  The shields glowed when they went through a couple of tight spaces while evading the drones.


                  Actually i think that may be the key to understanding it. the shields actively protect the ship when something comes into close proximity. from a power usage perspective, it would make sense to do.
                  Last edited by spook123; 29 November 2006, 11:27 AM.


                    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                    Did you read the post you just quoted?

                    Kinetic energy, explosive schmenergy. If the drones went straight through shields, they could just go straight through the shields without ever activating them, poking holes inside the jumper 'til it fell apart.

                    And the post you quoted did not even mention the Ori but it would be stupid to have such powerful ships disposed of from simple drones.

                    The Dakara weapon wiped out their soldiers, Priors and followers. Of course Adria wanted it gone.

                    2nd post
                    Umm... what?! The PJ shield showed interaction because it hit some invisible walls?!

                    The point is that the drones make any kind of shield interaction, they don't ignore shields, like previously assumed!
                    The two posts that you made there sorta re-enforce what I was trying to get at with the whole drone not destroying the jumper thing. And if you'd read my post properly you'd of notice the reason for editing my post was about the Ori shield, I did this because i'd seen a few posts about Ori shields vs. Drones.

                    Also drones are not simply in anyway shape or form, they are the most advanced weapons seen in the stargate universe. Excluding for the Ori's toilet seat cannon, Anubis ship was powerful enuff to destroy a planet with one hit and that got taken out by drones quite easily.


                      Originally posted by Ketias
                      Also drones are not simply in anyway shape or form, they are the most advanced weapons seen in the stargate universe. Excluding for the Ori's toilet seat cannon, Anubis ship was powerful enuff to destroy a planet with one hit and that got taken out by drones quite easily.
                      yes drones are very advanced (ori beam are kinda equivalent though) since they're designed to slip through shields - but ancient shields are also advanced, even too advanced for drones, which is why they "detect" & deflect them
                      Also Anubis' ship may have had some serious pwnage weaponry but its shield was not as sophisticated as true ancient shielding (both drones & ori beams can defeat that kinda shield)


                        Originally posted by spook123
                        The pj shield showed 'interaction' when it was going through tight spaces.
                        I think you are all looking into this WAYYYY to deeply.
                        actually I think it's the other side that's looking into this wayyyy too deeply) that's an understatement (making up all sorts of theories each more far-fetched than the previous (although amusing, I'll give you that) when the simple answer is : ancient shields block drones (now that ain't "deep" is it ? -)

                        as for the latest fancy about the shield glowing because of "proximity" of "tight spaces" :

                        the drone clearly impacted on & was deflected by the shield


                          I wasnt saying that in that particular clip that the shield glowed because of a tight space, but in that scene there was times were it did.


                            Here is my imput:
                            Goa'uld shields operate as waves. These waves ossilate in certain patterns.
                            Hyperdrives, and many other things can go between these waves.
                            Drones simply "hop" past the waves, or even re-rout the waves around their structure, causing no "reaction".

                            Ancient shields have been demonstrated as being solid-state.

                            The personal shield protected the user agains all energy, kinetic (they tossed him off a balcony), and every thing besides air(probably because Rodney subconsciously allowed the air to go through the shield) couldn't penetrate it, not even liquid.

                            So my guess is that Drones react with solid-state shields, but not wave-based shields.
                            This does not indicate whether or not the shield will still block the drones.
                            We won't know that until Drones are used agains the Orii shields, or effectively against Ancient shields.

                            So the reaction with the Jumper's shields are of no indication.

                            Only that solid-state shields react with drones has been determined. Whether they defend against drones is yet to be determined.


                              Originally posted by spook123
                              I wasnt saying that in that particular clip that the shield glowed because of a tight space, but in that scene there was times were it did.
                              don't recall any such thing - time index ? screen caps ?
                              AFAIK shields are always up & only "show" on contact - for example here when the drone was deflected & bounced off the PJ shield

                              about saving power : in Siege part 3 McKay said that Atlantis's shields (a lot more power-hungry than a tiny PJ's shield -) could be kept up "almost indefinitely" if not for the hives pounding it from space
                              => shields draw power when they're being solicited ie. when they repel energy (weapons fire, lava, water pressure etc) - merely keeping the forcefield active is nothing more than a negligible factor


                                Maybe they aren't solid-state, but just multi-phase.
                                each generator adds to the whole shield. as opposed to gou'ld shields which operate in a singular phase.
                                The drones being able to defeat the simple shields, but the multi-phase shield being undefeatable.

                                spoilers for return part II, quite large ones.
                                My last thought though is this drone hitting the pj or whatever it did was only introduced as a plot device for two reasons;
                                to give rational for the pj being uncloakable, and
                                to add a time element for o'neill draining the underwater jumper-bay.

