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someone probaly knows the answer to this question

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    Actually I would bet with the ten men with machines guns position with a cliff behind them and the men would be arrange in arch pattern and arrange in two rows of five and of cause 50.000 thousand rounds of ammo, and why one group is reloading the other group would be doing the killing until they dry then the other group would open fire and they would keep on rotating like that they would win the fight.


      10vs10,000? no couldnt fire enough rounds quick enough...if your rifle fires at 5rnds a second even and you had 50 rounds in your clip it wouldnt be enough.. show me someone who can reload an automatic rifle in 10 seconds and take aim and start to shoot and actually hit a target everytime...ill show you a liar... besides not every round would hit....distance would factor in...eta till the enemy hoard was closing in....and such...increase the number to 100vs10,000 and you stand a chance..


        Originally posted by ek_elder_common
        10vs10,000? no couldnt fire enough rounds quick enough...if your rifle fires at 5rnds a second even and you had 50 rounds in your clip it wouldnt be enough.. show me someone who can reload an automatic rifle in 10 seconds and take aim and start to shoot and actually hit a target everytime...ill show you a liar... besides not every round would hit....distance would factor in...eta till the enemy hoard was closing in....and such...increase the number to 100vs10,000 and you stand a chance..
        Yes they would for one I herd ofbattle invlove one hundred strong unit of men going up against ten thousands men arm with spears and the opposing army useing old mustket weapons which can be fired even by even the best once every five second. Has long as a clip can last for at least ten seconds then that should be more than enough for the next row to have rearmed their weapons and take aim and they of cause would to take out the leaders first.


          look carefully...i said 10 vs 10,000= no chance...100 vs 10,000 maybe (depending on the gun, shooter, and ammo limitations.)


            Originally posted by Nero
            They very well could have. Theres around 60 hive ships left in the Atlantis quadrent of the Galaxy. During the war with the Ancients there could have been Hundreds of Hiveships, if not thousands. Remember the Ancients lost due to numbers. They kept destroying wraith ships but more and more took their place.
            I was wondering about the Wraith numbers, after they defeated the Ancients there must have been some sort of civil war like there is now where the Wraith fought each other over food stocks. That reduced the numbers to the 60 or so hive ships they have now. Then they figured out how to hibernate (it was mentioned that the Wraith had to do this to allow food supplies to build up) for a while between feeds.

            60 hive ships plus say 10 cruisers for each hive which is generous makes less than 700 capital ships. You can't count darts really as they would have been useless against large Lantian warships like the Aurora's or City-ships unless their shields were down. The Wraith must have had many more Hive ships and cruisers during the war.

            Must have been mad seeing fleet engagements between the Lantians and the Wraith, 10 Lantian ships taking on 150 Wraith ships with the Wraith winning but only having 15 ships left


              Originally posted by ek_elder_common
              well mckay in the season finale of s9 was talking to a wraith and the organic thing came along...and the abilitiy to grow ships in large quantaties without the use of spacedocks and workers would help too....(i was guessing on that part) but if you grew ships in theory you would not need space docks to do so and the amount of resources needed would be reduced and production would be quicker and you could produce more....
              Again there is no evidence at all to support this! For all we know organic technology may be extremely more complex than standard materials. To fit the engines, armour, weapons etc they still require the use of space dock facilities or ground facilities. There's absolutely no proof it's quicker or easier.

              Originally posted by knowles2
              Their a big problem their, this information is only coming from the anicents. How do we know it is accurate and that they are not trying to make them selves look better than they were.
              Because its said in show on more than one occassion and so is "canon" until proved otherwise by a counter statement. Plus we've seen that the Lantean weapons and sheild technology is far superior to the Wraith as is most of their other technology.

              Who knows may be the ancient actually started the war in the first place. We know from spoilers that it was the ancient that launch war against the asurans and perhaps they were the one who started the war against the wraith.
              Because as we know the Ancients are a highly agressive species/culture who strive not for enlightenment and Accension but for War and conquest. Yer right! The Asurans are the genesis of the Replicators, look how well they turned out in the Asgard Galaxy and our own! Besides even one of the Asurans says they have an aggressive nature in their programing.

              The fact is from what we have seen the wraith cannot rival the ancients in power only number. So who the lady talking about when she said powers that rival our own, to me that sound like someone with the same level of technology and knowlege has the ancients.
              Power is not technology. Rival does not mean Equal. Two completely different words and meaning. Have a look at the "Goa'uld/Wraith" Thread where this has been discussed at length.
              Last edited by Nero; 02 May 2006, 10:06 AM.


                But then who told us that they were peaceful, whole sorry was that the ancients again how do we no they just have not been lying all the long after all we know that the alanteans sure their entire civilisation destroyed, perhaps after they arrive in the pegasus galexy they could of change grown much more agressive than the milkyway ancients. From the spoilers they seem to have wipe out the asurans just for excisting and that does not sound like any ancient we have met so far in the milkyway galexy. And you cannot compare the replicators to the ansurans, the replicators were programme with one aim to replicate and originally to protect reese, why the ansurans were programme to kill and possible to continuely to evolve so any counter measure deploy against them, they can evolve against and against any enemy.

                But even the wraith seem to be unwilling to even talk about the war or how they won. If I defeated the most advance race in the universe I would defferently be going around bosting about it something the wraith do not seem to do. Also the wraith in rising sure the hand held scanner seem afraid of that technology and why should wraith be affraid if they already defeated them before.

                No their are to many unanswers questions. The anicents left the pegasus and left atlantis behind, so that they could return the defeat the wraith in the future , yet they never did.

                The ancient left a awful lot technology behind, yet the wraith in the last ten thousand years seem to not of even touch any of it. The gene could be explanation but then they have already shown the wraith are quite adavnce in the genetics technology and I am pretty sure that they be able to identifie the gene. They seem not even care about more advance hyperdrive tech until we arrive.

                No their are a lot of stuff we do not know. One thing I do know never trust the winners of a war and never trust the losers of a war they both tend to make themselfs look better than they actually were and they both tend to lie about events.


                  They dont want the advanced hyperdrive technology because they dont know of the existance of the MW or anywhere else. The Ancients attacking the Asuryans and the Wraith after they ascended may have been the reason for the non-interference law in the first place. They may have started attacking them and then realised how bad it was.

                  As for there only being 60 Hive Ships in total...not a hope! That means there's probably VERY few left. If Allies says anything it is that Hive Ships cause massive damage to each other quite quickly. That means in the Civil War alot of ships have had to have been destroyed already, plus the ones we took out AND the ones the Genii and the Ancient from the Sanctuary...cant remember her name.

                  Originally posted by Unnamed due to Risk of Offending person
                  the processor of the gate thats what it is in plainsmen therm
                  Strangest thing Iv read on the forum so far!

                  And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made unto dust.

                  Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
                  The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi (channel)


                    According to Sheppard's briefing to Colonel Everest...

                    By the time the Ancients were sieged in Atlantis, the majority of explored worlds were conquered by Wraith. While there might have been 60 Hive ships in the air at the time of the siege, they could have left defense forces on these conquered worlds... so taht the Ancients couldn't just send a team in and mine the materials they needed in order to rebuild defensive weapons.

                    Even if the Ancients destroyed all the hive ships around Atlantis, they would have to reclaim each conquered world from the Wraith. With their already-depleted forces, this would be a resource drain at best, since the wraith in those areas could create more wraith, and relaunch their invasion at any time.

                    It was a losing battle.


                      And that why they were heading to the milkyway to rebuild their forces. If the ancients have intended to ascend and then to launch a massive attack onto the wraith useing their ascended powers then why did they leave atlantis intact for their suppose return, it was a massive security risk if they never intended to use it again.

                      The wraith never knew about the galexy but they never thought whole well these ancient might know where we can find some yummy humans so may be we should go and have a look at their bases and try to find some new feeding grounds, I see these wraith really have no initative.

                      Know I still say that something else happen after the war and I think the civil war may answer some of these questions but then surley their must of been plenty of humans around at that time so what was the war about.
                      Last edited by knowles2; 03 May 2006, 05:34 AM.


                        I mean there must be alot more Hive Ships now otherwise defeating the Wraith with the Orion would be easy. Probably only like 30 Hives left if the original estimate was 60 in total...they left Atlantis intact with the ZPM's designed to hold back the sea because Weir convinced Janus to do so in Before I Sleep.

                        Originally posted by Unnamed due to Risk of Offending person
                        the processor of the gate thats what it is in plainsmen therm
                        Strangest thing Iv read on the forum so far!

                        And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down, shall be laid low and made unto dust.

                        Proud member of the C.O.T.W.O.S.F.
                        The Coalition Of Those Who Oppose Sci Fi (channel)


                          My gosh, the number of Wraith and ships that we are talking about that would have been required to defeat the Ancients is completely absurd. There would have needed to of been thousands if not tens of thousands of Wraith ships available during the war to even possibly make it work, and even then it shouldn‘t have. And how exactly were the Wraith supposed to amass that large of a fleet without the Ancients knowing until after it was too late? I agree the whole Ancient/Wraith war plot helps provide us with a story, but it isn’t even close to being plausible.

                          With all the fully manned and powered city ships, outposts, and other vessels the Ancients had at their disposal they should have been able to detect pretty early on the Wraith building up a massive fleet of ships. It’s not as if the Wraith built/grew thousands of hive ships on one planet and then simultaneously powered them all up one day and decided to come after the Ancients. They would have needed to of been culling the galaxy for food and stocking up on resources in order to build up such forces. But we are supposed to believe that the mighty Ancients were so engrossed in themselves that they didn’t have a clue as to what was going on even thought they themselves were all over the galaxy. Great show, I just don’t buy the back story.

                          Also, the Ancients should have had more than enough resources to maintain a constant supply of drones, which is really all they needed to destroy Wraith ships. If the Ancients had the time to build massive warships, they should have had the time to build automated drone manufacturing facilities on planets that were out of reach by the Wraith. Obviously the materials needed to make drones were abundant enough to be found in both galaxies, so they should have had more than enough to go around. After all the Ancients had the means to go wherever they needed to get them. It was just a matter of walking through the stargate, even if the planet in question had an eight chevron address.


                            i think it is all the darts, there are thousands in one hive ship i think...that is a lot lol

                            sig made courtesy of M2W


                              but the darts are know threat to the ancients shields, the wraith hive vessels were going to take a week plus to bring down the atlantis shields and that power with one zpm , how long would of it took with three.

                              I agree but the back story just do not make sense at all to many plot holes and no explanations seem to be coming out and the were really that to let the wraith build thousands of vessels and yet they set and entire war fleet after asurans just ofr becomming sentient.

                              Know it was actually the ancient council which decided that atlantis was to survive until their return, they were exspecting to return and restart the war with the wraith. It was weir that told them that they never return and that when they discover atlantis the shields were about to collapse and that they could not access the computer systems because of safe guards put in place by them. Janus was then convice by weir to arrange it through that when the expedition arrive the city would turn on and allow the humand access to all the computers and when the shield collapse the would the rise out of the water before a complete collapse and that weir had to stay to rotate the zpm around so that they would have eneough power left in them to able them to raise the city.


                                Originally posted by Gateboy13
                                My gosh, the number of Wraith and ships that we are talking about that would have been required to defeat the Ancients is completely absurd. There would have needed to of been thousands if not tens of thousands of Wraith ships available during the war to even possibly make it work, and even then it shouldn‘t have...
                                Whos to say that the Wraith didn't have tens of thousands of ships. They controlled a large part of the galaxy when they attacked the Ancients and Atlantis. I would have thought that the Ancients built some of their ships in the Pegasus galaxy aswell, so the wraith may have been able to control them and build a large fleet at speed thus oerwhelming them.

                                I expect the Wraith would have taken massive casulties in the battle, the fleet in orbit in Trinity could have been huge, that is why there are only 80 or so hives(that we know of) left.
                                aka paddytehpyro

