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someone probaly knows the answer to this question

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    but yet we already no that the ancient found the wraith weakness and were waiting for the arrival of the information. I think we are missing a big peice to the puzzle of why the wraith won the war. I personally thinking that this new enemy the asurans had more do with it than we no so far and perhaps someone else but who knows perhaps one day the writer well tell exactly how the ancients lost the war.


      Originally posted by Gate Master
      I completely agree and I still find it completely implausable that the acients lost the war, at least with what we know so far.
      Superior numbers is meaningless against an enermy as advanced as the ancients were. A ZPM powered shield can last for days under fire while their weapons can defeat hive ships in seconds. Be it 60 or 60 000 ships the ancients should have won at least with what we know so far.
      Most of what you have said it true, but even if their weapons can destroy hive ships in seconds and their shields can last for days, it doesnt change the fact that they couldnt have kept building more zpm's and drones if they ran out of raw materials. I think they would have relised this and thats why they sunk the city and returned to earth.

      Originally posted by Nero
      Doesn't answer the question as to why during the siege of Atlantis the Ancients didn't travel to the planet from Inferno and retrieve the nearly Fully Operational and Fully armed warship they just left there! Could have aided in the siege no? We know the Wraith didn't go near it! Beware the Plot holes
      It wouldnt have made any difference! Even though the warships can defeat Wraith ships one on one it wouldnt have stood a chance against all of the ships that were participating in the siege!
      By *E*K*R*


        Originally posted by Gen_J_O'Neill
        It wouldnt have made any difference! Even though the warships can defeat Wraith ships one on one it wouldnt have stood a chance against all of the ships that were participating in the siege!

        Eh yes it would. It could have protected the Transport Ship arriving at the City in preperation for the evacuation!(Ep: Before I sleep). That would have made a BIG difference!

        Originally posted by knowles2
        but yet we already no that the ancient found the wraith weakness and were waiting for the arrival of the information. I think we are missing a big peice to the puzzle of why the wraith won the war. I personally thinking that this new enemy the asurans had more do with it than we no so far and perhaps someone else but who knows perhaps one day the writer well tell exactly how the ancients lost the war.
        I also believe this. From the Spoilers so far we know the Ancients attacked the Asurans. Perhaps the Asurans aided the Wraith in order to destroy the Ancients.


          Originally posted by Nero
          I also believe this. From the Spoilers so far we know the Ancients attacked the Asurans. Perhaps the Asurans aided the Wraith in order to destroy the Ancients.
          Hmmm... i must have missed that spoiler. I guess its possible they did but from what ive read the Asurans seemed to envy the Ancients and wanted to ascend like them.

          Anyways moving on. I dont think they really lost the war due to being outnumbered. IF the ancients were able to mass produce the drones and have enough ships and sattellite defence platforms then i think they could have defeated the race easily. What you have to remember about the Ancients, as with most other advanced races, they tend to be more peaceful. I highly doubt the Ancients would have gone as far as wiping them out completely because they probably feel they have a right to exist or something. And so the ancients fought the war more defensively, when they could have fought offensively and aggresively they just chose not to. They probably figured they would be able to hold them off and when they realized they couldnt it was too late to start being aggressive and they said screw it and went back to Earth.


            maybe he is right.....

            sig made courtesy of M2W


              numbers become moreof a issue when you remember that there wouldn't have been just space battles. there would have been hundreds of ground based wraith attacks by wraith troops coming through the gate. You have to remember the war lasted for over 100 years. It wasn't a quick victory over decades of battles the wraith wore the ancients down. Not being as advanced the wraith ships were probably easier and faster to reproduce. It got to a point where eventually the Atlantians ran out of resources and manpower to fight an offensive war and had to pull back. Eventually retreating to Atlantis and then evacuating pegasus altogether.
              Captain John Sheridan: [practicing his apology for blowing up a Centauri War Cruiser] I apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry we had to defend ourselves against an unwarranted attack. I'm sorry that your crew was stupid enough to fire on a station filled with a quarter million civilians, including your own people. And I'm sorry I waited as long as I did before I blew them all straight to hell! As with everything else it's the thought that counts.

              Beta Ray Bill: “ I have battled in the vastness of space and bled in the depths of Hell! Come for me, and you come for death!!!” Omega Flight #5 of 5


                I don't now if this is right but I'm going to take a stab at it... ok, well, I'm thinking that it takes more drones todestroya hive ship maybe because the're bigger or have more advanced shielding. It did take more than three drones todestroy Anubis's mothership and his fleet... There's also the possibility that all the hive ships didn't come at once...but slowly over the years that Atlantis was under siege and the Ancients coudn't make the drones fast enough to stave off the Wraith... just a thought


                  ok we all know that drones have two settings explosion on impact and cutting straight through the ship jack used cutting straight through sheppard uses explosion because he hasnt had the chance to use them against a hive


                    First off, the hive ships don't have shielding, so no. Second of all, where did someone say thousands of hives, and that there were sixty in Atlantis's quadrant of the galaxy. Incorrect, IIRC there are only sixty hives in existence, and at least 20 in Atlantis's region. I think the ultimate enemy of the Ancients were the Asurans, and were the main cause of the weakening of the Ancients. The Wraith didn't know, and took advantage of the situation.

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      Originally posted by DaCk
                      Hmmm... i must have missed that spoiler. I guess its possible they did but from what ive read the Asurans seemed to envy the Ancients and wanted to ascend like them.

                      Anyways moving on. I dont think they really lost the war due to being outnumbered. IF the ancients were able to mass produce the drones and have enough ships and sattellite defence platforms then i think they could have defeated the race easily. What you have to remember about the Ancients, as with most other advanced races, they tend to be more peaceful. I highly doubt the Ancients would have gone as far as wiping them out completely because they probably feel they have a right to exist or something. And so the ancients fought the war more defensively, when they could have fought offensively and aggresively they just chose not to. They probably figured they would be able to hold them off and when they realized they couldnt it was too late to start being aggressive and they said screw it and went back to Earth.

                      From Rising Part 1:

                      Ancient Hologram: Then one day our people stepped foot upon a dark world where a terrible enemy slept. Never before had we encountered beings with powers that rivalled our own. In our over-confidence, we were unprepared and outnumbered.

                      From Before I Sleep:

                      ALT-WEIR: The Atlanteans sent a delegation protected by their most powerful warships in the faint hope of negotiating a truce. One on one, the Atlantean ships were more powerful, but the Wraith were so many. After that great battle, it was only a matter of time.

                      they lost due to numbers, simple.


                        yup! thats right! the great alterans were defeated by bugs...just cause the wraith could grow most of the ship (engines and weapons were added by the wraith) causing fast building of ships and little effort on the part of the wraith to actually make them..


                          Originally posted by ek_elder_common
                          yup! thats right! the great alterans were defeated by bugs...just cause the wraith could grow most of the ship (engines and weapons were added by the wraith) causing fast building of ships and little effort on the part of the wraith to actually make them..

                          Again where are you getting your information from? Or are you just making it up?

                          We know the Wraith use some organic technology on their ships, we dont know how much. May only be some of the computer systems onboard. What about the entire hull, all the Armour, power systems, life support systems etc etc what are those made from?
                          And on another point do you know that organic technology is quicker/easier to produce than in-organic? Do you have evidence to support these assumptions?


                            well mckay in the season finale of s9 was talking to a wraith and the organic thing came along...and the abilitiy to grow ships in large quantaties without the use of spacedocks and workers would help too....(i was guessing on that part) but if you grew ships in theory you would not need space docks to do so and the amount of resources needed would be reduced and production would be quicker and you could produce more....


                              Originally posted by Nero
                              From Rising Part 1:

                              Ancient Hologram: Then one day our people stepped foot upon a dark world where a terrible enemy slept. Never before had we encountered beings with powers that rivalled our own. In our over-confidence, we were unprepared and outnumbered.

                              From Before I Sleep:

                              ALT-WEIR: The Atlanteans sent a delegation protected by their most powerful warships in the faint hope of negotiating a truce. One on one, the Atlantean ships were more powerful, but the Wraith were so many. After that great battle, it was only a matter of time.

                              they lost due to numbers, simple.
                              Their a big problem their, this information is only coming from the anicents. How do we know it is accurate and that they are not trying to make them selves look better than they were.

                              Who knows may be the ancient actually started the war in the first place. We know from spoilers that it was the ancient that launch war against the asurans and perhaps they were the one who started the war against the wraith.

                              The fact is from what we have seen the wraith cannot rival the ancients in power only number. So who the lady talking about when she said powers that rival our own, to me that sound like someone with the same level of technology and knowlege has the ancients.


                                well i think ot it like this:

                                10 humans with machine guns and 10,000 people with axes and swords

                                who do u think will win???? the 10,000 people with axes and swords thats who becasue the 10 people cant kill that many people coz they would be swarmmed and killed. simply outnumbered.

                                but the asurans are a very powerful and could have helped in destroying the ancients
                                Last edited by llama; 02 May 2006, 02:33 AM.

