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    Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
    I'll check out that site .Thanks !
    *Hopes for Sky repeats*

    So ,looks like the box sets are the best option !
    I can live with that.Just need to come up with some spare loot.....

    Edit : * Just looked up the S1,S2 sets .$ 119.98 .(R1 DVDs) on DVDSoon

    *Sigh* Back to saving.....
    Yes, it's all very expensive. If you go here you can see they are selling the box sets for £48.99. Come up to my place and we'll watch my dvd's together!


      LOL ! Thanks,Bev for the link and the kind offer .

      (I'm still happy to have that other link,though, from Replicarter,as there are some interesting films on there..nice to have shopping options,imo. )

      Still flat,stony broke,though !
      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


        Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
        LOL ! Thanks,Bev for the link and the kind offer .

        (I'm still happy to have that other link,though, from Replicarter,as there are some interesting films on there..nice to have shopping options,imo. )

        Still flat,stony broke,though !
        Hmmm...perhaps you'll have to go back to that busking option to make a few bob!


          True...if nothing else,maybe people would pay me to shut up !

          Must complete SG-1 DVD sets first,anyway.
          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


            Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
            True...if nothing else,maybe people would pay me to shut up !

            Must complete SG-1 DVD sets first,anyway.
            Of course you do! I watched Proof Positive and actually enjoyed it. Doesn't AT look good? That show will be a nice little earner for her once SG ends.


              I'm glad I'm not the only one to enjoy the show ! As a sceptic,though,I found myself focussing on the "evidence" for the "Proven" guy.He didn't convince me,I'm afraid.Got me thinking,though....

              As for Amanda,I think she's a very cool and talented lady.I wish her every success..and she looked great !
              The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                I have been wanting to do a more 'current' version (oh playing with my photo program has been fun!!). This is an alternative stop-gap for now
                Very Nice! Did I say very nice!


                  Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                  I'll check out that site .Thanks !
                  *Hopes for Sky repeats*

                  So ,looks like the box sets are the best option !
                  I can live with that.Just need to come up with some spare loot.....

                  Edit : * Just looked up the S1,S2 sets .$ 119.98 .(R1 DVDs) on DVDSoon

                  *Sigh* Back to saving.....

                  Holy _________!!!!!!!!!


                    Don't worry,Kligs..I'm not planning on paying out that much !
                    Canny cats shop around.Once they're financially un-embarrassed .....
                    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                      Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                      I'm glad I'm not the only one to enjoy the show ! As a sceptic,though,I found myself focussing on the "evidence" for the "Proven" guy.He didn't convince me,I'm afraid.Got me thinking,though....

                      As for Amanda,I think she's a very cool and talented lady.I wish her every success..and she looked great !
                      I agree. I wasn't convinced either, but I quite like the concept of the show.


                        I like the concept too.I'm def watching all the P.P.shows.
                        Keeps me sweet while waiting for each week's SG-1/SG-A eps,Farscape,Lowdown,etc !

                        *Sigh* Also helps with all the contradictory stuff about some of the eps.
                        I think I'll give up on trying to work out what Moebius is all about for a start.
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                          I like the concept too.I'm def watching all the P.P.shows.
                          Keeps me sweet while waiting for each week's SG-1/SG-A eps,Farscape,Lowdown,etc !

                          *Sigh* Also helps with all the contradictory stuff about some of the eps.
                          I think I'll give up on trying to work out what Moebius is all about for a start.
                          You mean you don't understand all


                            Nope ! I know what a "Moebius Strip" is/does,but the episode .......!

                            I refuse to get my fur in a mangle,trying to unravel any of the speculation.

                            Yet !
                            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                              Yes I agree FHB. My head has already exploded thinking about this ep!


                                Pop !!!

                                You were saying........

                                Sheesh..all too complex.I just realised no-one actually answered nthanki. Also it's handy to repost the Sky schedules,so.......

                                Originally posted by nthanki
                                This may be new or old info but here goes:
                                SKY ONE
                                18th january
                                SG1 Citizen Joe 8pm
                                SGA Sanctuary 9pm
                                25th january
                                SG1 Reckoning (Part 1 of 2) 8pm
                                SGA Before I Sleep 9pm
                                1st February
                                SG1 Reckoning (Part 2 of 2) 8pm
                                SGA The Brotherhood 9pm
                                8th February
                                SG1 Threads 20:30 to 22:00
                                15th February
                                SG1 Moebius (Part 1 of 2) 8pm
                                SGA Letter From Pegasus 9pm
                                22nd February
                                SG1 Moebius (Part 2 of 2) 8pm
                                SGA The Gift 9pm

                                Listing for March aren't available yet.
                                I don't get the 15th of february. In Letter from Pegasus:
                                Atlantis manages to send a data transmission to the SGC with all details of the wraith, atlantis, mission logs, personal messages etc.

                                Now shouldn't they air this before Moebius part 1? This doesn't make any sense. I hope they switch the shows around otherwise i don't know how they will work it out.
                                In Moebius part 1: SPOILERS for its good to be king:
                                SG-1 travels back in time (using the ancient time ship found in Its Good to be King) and try to steal a Z.P.M from Ra in ancient Egypt.

                                Other than that everything seems to be in good order and should make for spectacular viewing. I cannot wait!
                                Likewise ,'ll make sense,when shown,hopefully !
                                Last edited by Bagpuss; 12 January 2005, 04:24 PM. Reason: Replying to nthanki.....and carrying the dates forward.(The ones we've got so far anyway.)
                                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:

