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    Originally posted by Jacksbabe
    Apparently they cut out the big Sam/Pete kiss!!! Is there no end to their censorship!!!!?

    Yeah, they cut-out the scene after they went dancing when they go back to Sam's. Stupid really.



      Originally posted by Anubis
      Yeah, they cut-out the scene after they went dancing when they go back to Sam's. Stupid really.
      They need to move the timeslot!!!


        Originally posted by Jacksbabe
        They need to move the timeslot!!!

        I think that even if they did they'd still cut scenes out. But the episode invovled Pete *shiver* so I wasn't too bothered about those scenes that were taken out.



          Happy New Year to you all.

          Looking at the TV guide Sky One are repeating the first season of SG1 weeknights 6pm.
          WALES: The Six Nations Grand Slam Champions 2005 (Rugby Union)


            Originally posted by button04
            Happy New Year to you all.

            Looking at the TV guide Sky One are repeating the first season of SG1 weeknights 6pm.

            And weekday mornings at 9am too.



              Originally posted by Anubis
              And weekday mornings at 9am too.
              My TV Guide says its at 10.50 am in the morning


                Originally posted by Jacksbabe
                My TV Guide says its at 10.50 am in the morning

                Yep, you're right. I'm getting confused with what time it used to be show. *hits self on head* Silly me!



                  I missed today's showing of Chimera on T4. My son wheedled us into watching our DVD of Prisoner Of Azkaban instead !
                  My best friend in RL wants to borrow my tape tomorrow,as she wasn't impressed at all by the C4 clippage .(She can't afford Sky)

                  Anyway...BSG is back tomorrow evening at 8pm Sky One.

                  Hope you all had a fab Christmas/New Year. Happy 2005, all !

                  Countdown update :

                  1 day,20 hours and 11 mins till SG-1 "It's Good To Be King".Add 1 hour to that to view SG-Atlantis "The Defiant One".
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    As you rightly said FHB, Battlestar Galactica returns to Sky One tonight, 8pm with only four episodes remaining of the series. I'm hoping that the climax to the finale will be big.

                    On to our updated countdown now. Here we go ..

                    1 day, 11 hours, 17 minutes until SG1 -- 'It's Good To Be King' (World Premiere)

                    1 day, 12 hours, 17 minutes until SGA -- 'The Defiant One'

                    I'm looking forward to 'It's Good to be King', it seems a very promising episode.



                      I agree !

                      On a different tack,but still topical for Sky viewing schedules,I've just seen a short trailer for AT's "Proof Positive" show.(I'm watching COTG,btw)

                      The first instalment will be shown on Sky 1 at 9pm, next Monday (10th).
                      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                        Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                        I agree !

                        On a different tack,but still topical for Sky viewing schedules,I've just seen a short trailer for AT's "Proof Positive" show.(I'm watching COTG,btw)

                        The first instalment will be shown on Sky 1 at 9pm, next Monday (10th).

                        I thought Sky might air it, gives me something to watch next Monday too. I'll with the COTG repeat tonight at 6pm.



                          I'm pleased that we're getting the chance to see Proof Positive,but it won't be everyone's idea of a good show ,that's for sure !

                          Here's the link for anyone who wants to see the series details.(Assuming Sky keeps the same order...)
                          The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                            Originally posted by F.H.BAGPUSS
                            I'm pleased that we're getting the chance to see Proof Positive,but it won't be everyone's idea of a good show ,that's for sure !

                            Here's the link for anyone who wants to see the series details.(Assuming Sky keeps the same order...)

                            Let's see .. ten episodes -- ten weeks. Ah, I'll give it a watch to see what it's all about.



                              Originally posted by Anubis
                              As you rightly said FHB, Battlestar Galactica returns to Sky One tonight, 8pm with only four episodes remaining of the series. I'm hoping that the climax to the finale will be big.

                              On to our updated countdown now. Here we go ..

                              1 day, 11 hours, 17 minutes until SG1 -- 'It's Good To Be King' (World Premiere)

                              1 day, 12 hours, 17 minutes until SGA -- 'The Defiant One'

                              I'm looking forward to 'It's Good to be King', it seems a very promising episode.
                              didn't you already get the defiant one? or was that just tha canucks lol
                              come read my website!!!!!!!!!



                                Im gonig to watch the repeats at 6, i dont get up early enough to watch the 10.50 airing lol

                                I give green for signatures with ancient in them

