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    A little question about the anime-style maquette of SG1, would it be possible to command the same maquette number as Teal'c's one if we already bought it? It would be great to have the same number for the whole collection...


      Originally posted by QMx Andy View Post
      Heya JG -

      No plans right now on the Atlantis gate as a mirror, but that could change if a bunch of you want to see it. Our next "gate" will likely be smaller – a lot smaller (hint, hint). And then I'd like to do a "studio scale" diorama style, like the SGC gateroom? But that probably won't be for a while.

      So, I gotta ask everyone a question re: Atlantis. Now that the show's over, do you think interest in Atlantis-themed collectibles will fade? I mean, I'm a fan of the show (especially this last season – which was *awesome*), but Universe will be out pretty soon and I'm not sure Atlantis achieved quite the iconic status that SG-1 did?

      Death Glider is a definite mid-scale project. Only issue we're wrestling with right now is the base. I'd like it to be some kind of ancient landscape – nothing so fancy as it'd drive the price up. But we really like the idea that the stands should be more than just something to hold the replica up

      Oh dang! Did I just make another product announcement? Must... stop... talking...

      I am more of a fan of SG1 than Atlantis, but I did love Atlantis's first two seasons. As a consumer, I am more worried that the percieved perception of a loss of interest in Atlantis will result in less merchandising. Star Trek TOS, and TNG, is as popular today as when they were first shown. The demand for DS9 and VOY merch is the same, yet they seem to fall down at the planning stages, and less is produced. Atlantis is the Stargate equivilent of the same.

      From what I have seen and read, (Guys, need some help here!!) - Items that would be worth considering focus on the city, the Gate, and the Puddlejumper. Beyond the lead characters, I would also say keep Weir, Beckett, Zelenka and Lorne in the picture too. Although they made fewer appearances, the fanbases for all of them are as strong as the leads, except perhaps for Sheppard. (Bit like O'Neill nosing just in front of the others, to being the most popular for SG1?)

      Items - Atlantis Gate coasters like the SG1 version. Puddlejumper replica in the same scale as the existing F302.

      Re the Death glider base, how about some floor tiles from a Ha'Tac? - It would keep in with the theme from the F302 taking off from the Prometheus.
      Converting a human body into energy and sending it millions of light years through a wormhole. Bloody insanity!
      Come on, how often do you get the chance to go to an alien planet?

      I was a'ready on an alien planet!

      - Poisoning the Well, Atlantis Season 1.


        Thanks QMX Andy! I will preorder my Metal Enterprise now! As far as Atlantis is concerned, I am a HUGE fan but admittedly I do believe popularity will wane now that the show is off the air. SGA coasters would be great and so would a mini model of the city (4" diameter, diecast metal would be my choice, but resin would be OK). And of course the Rodney McKay Marquette and puddle jumper. But beyond that, I would stop because I feel that you would not make the return needed on the items.


          Originally posted by Thunderbird 2 View Post
          I am more of a fan of SG1 than Atlantis, but I did love Atlantis's first two seasons. As a consumer, I am more worried that the percieved perception of a loss of interest in Atlantis will result in less merchandising. Star Trek TOS, and TNG, is as popular today as when they were first shown. The demand for DS9 and VOY merch is the same, yet they seem to fall down at the planning stages, and less is produced. Atlantis is the Stargate equivilent of the same.
          I have to agree. It's a vicious self-fulfilling prophecy. There's a perception that there's not as much interest in Atlantis, so companies that make merchandise cut back on their plans. Then consumers don't buy as much, because, well, there's nothing to buy. Which sucks for me, as I prefer Atlantis over SG-1. Most of the fans I interact with here on GW and elsewhere share that preference, and we'd love to see more high-quality Atlantis merchandise. All we've really got right now are the action figures (which look like they may be put on hold, here comes that self-fulfilling prophecy), the books and audio dramas, and trading cards. We'd love to buy more... but there needs to be more cool stuff out there for us to buy.

          Originally posted by Thunderbird 2 View Post
          From what I have seen and read, (Guys, need some help here!!) - Items that would be worth considering focus on the city, the Gate, and the Puddlejumper. Beyond the lead characters, I would also say keep Weir, Beckett, Zelenka and Lorne in the picture too. Although they made fewer appearances, the fanbases for all of them are as strong as the leads, except perhaps for Sheppard. (Bit like O'Neill nosing just in front of the others, to being the most popular for SG1?)

          Items - Atlantis Gate coasters like the SG1 version. Puddlejumper replica in the same scale as the existing F302.
          Hey, Weir and Beckett were in the opening credits, which makes them lead characters too.

          Actually, I think that illustrates another perception about Atlantis that may be adversely affecting how the show is viewed by potential merchandisers. It's not like SG-1, where the show's emphasis on the off-world team begins right with the series title. Atlantis is more than just Team Sheppard, it's ostensibly supposed to be about the city of Atlantis and the Atlantis expedition. So characters like Weir, Beckett, Lorne and Zelenka are just as important to the stories as Sheppard, McKay, Ronon and Teyla. That's why they have such big fanbases of their own, and why relegating them to a second, less-important tier only hurts the effort to get good merchandise for the show as a whole.

          And yes, I want an anime-style Weir maquette, darnit.

          Perhaps if there's concern about market interest in Atlantis, some less expensive items could be used to test the waters. I know that there was a suggestion a while ago about a double-sided map of the Stargate network (both the Milky Way and Pegasus, which would have crossover appeal for both SG-1 and Atlantis fans), and also for an Atlantis city blueprint set and a puddlejumper blueprint poster to parallel the F302 blueprint. An Atlantis gate mirror and Atlantis gate coaster set might be easier to do as they're variations on existing products. Didn't someone suggest a replica of the Ancient PDA? Hmm, what about making it as a cover for an iPod touch (or similar music players)?

          As for the higher-end items, definitely models of Atlantis, the puddlejumper and an Aurora-class warship. Weapon replicas-- Ronon's gun, Wraith stunner, a zat for the SG-1 fans.

          And... that's all I've got for the moment.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            A Puddle jumper or Death Glider in the same scale as the 302 without a doubt


              OMG !!!

              Worse day . . . for while

              Ordered the F302 a few days ago from after QMX Andy posted the 'bargain' and was very surprised to get a phone call from my wife at home this afternoon saying that UPS was at the door with a parcel for me !!

              Asking for £18 customs charges roughly $30

              So I say pay it and she does

              I get home start unpacking and the unimaginable . . . As Im taking it out of the packaging I drop it

              . . . .

              . . . .

              Its now in about 15 pieces

              You can imagine my emotional state right now

              Im going on Holiday this evening what a great start . . .

              $59.95 from Think Geek
              $25.59 shipping UPS
              $30.00 customs charges

              Cant believe it $115.58 for broken bits of plastic . . . didnt even get it into the display cabinet to get any appreciation out of it. Im just gutted . . .

              Cant even claim on my home insurance as my excess is $130

              Previous posts asking for the Death Glider and Puddle Jumper in this line . . . disregard
              Last edited by Mooncat; 14 September 2009, 05:00 AM.


                Hi Mooncat – that's terrible! Please e-mail our webmaster ([email protected]) and let him know the e-mail is intended for me, and he'll forward it. And I'll see if there's anything we can do to help you out.



                  Scary Kitty – Our plans have never changed from Day One: We're working our way through the SG-1 heroes and then will move on to Atlantis. I mean, who wouldn't want Rodney with MALP on a stick? Or Sheppard's gravity-defying hair in a maquette? We're all big Atlantis fans here and cried over it's cancellation as much as anyone, just as it was truly hitting its stride. Even if we have to make these in a very small edition, we will do them.

                  As for low-end/high-end products, we believe in a mix of items. Yes, the Stargate Coasters outsell everything else right now for Stargate and are also our lowest-priced item (the significance of this is not lost on us). However, that doesn't mean we're going forgo higher-end items (F-302; Death Glider) or even Artisan editions (BC-304?) in the product mix.


                    Hey Andy email sent

                    It just seems to keep coming [they say it comes in three's]

                    I mentioned in my post above I was going on holiday

                    Well I was going to visit my parents in Spain, we land in a Thunderstorm last night and my parents apartment block borders a road, here it is this morning :[

                    So thats number 2 of 3

                    I ask everyone to avoid me for the for-seeable future at least until I stub my toe or break wind and fill my pants ! As I cant be held accountable for whats in store to those around me !


                      Oh no! *hugs Mooncat* I'm so sorry things aren't going well for you.

                      Andy - Thanks for the reassurance that Atlantis will get its due. And don't forget the Weir and Beckett maquettes! Small edition size doesn't scare me, I'm getting 'em all!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Scary Kitty - when we met up with Joe F. at Dragon*Con to give him his F-302 (picture below), Paul was there and seemed quite hurt we didn't have one for him, even though we explained we felt obliged to give one to Joe because he'd logged more fictional airtime on an F-302 than any other Stargate actor. So one of our product managers ran through to the adjoining hotel where our booth was and picked one up and ran back, just so Paul could get a toy, too. Totally worth it for the toothy smile he rewarded us with.

                        I can only imagine the kicked-puppy look we'd get if we did Atlantis maquettes and didn't do one of Carson! ;-)


                          OMG! *dies laughing at the pic of Joe* Andy, you're made of win just for posting that pic!

                          Awww, that's such a cute story about Paul! Actors always seem to like getting toys from their shows to play with.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Dear QMX Andy,

                            I have placed an order for one Metal Enterprise, and I am considering a second. But tell me this; are the pylons that hold up the warp nacelles thick enough? The one problem with the new movie design is that the pylons are so thin and the warp nacelles are so big that it looks like they would break off. Please assure me that the QMX craftsmanship has alleviated any possible bending or breaking problems with the pylons and warp engines. Thanks!


                              A big shout out to Andy and Jessica at QmX after my tale of woe they offered me a reduced F302, so I paid for shipping and they have sent the ship themselves so that should avoid customs charges ! A big thank you to them

                              Ive just paid £17 this evening again for customs charges to Parcelforce this time, think its for some parts being sent by jrwingo1 for some 12 inch jaffa customs Im doing

                              I think that Parcelforce and UPS are just taking liberties now


                                Quantum Mechanix,

                                Are you guys going to make a Jumper, like you did with the F-302?

