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    Originally posted by sonny1 View Post
    Jenny and I are toying with a post movies storyline for SG-1, but we're both flat out on other projects at the moment, so it will have to wait a bit.
    Have you done anymore talking about post-movie stories? Or any future SG books for that matter? From either of you? Same for Susan. Any future SG novels?
    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


      Here is a question perhaps you can help with. Is SG-1 Shadows (Iblis Trilogy) no longer available for pre-order? My borders order got canceled on mee and I can no longer find this book on amazon, barnes & noble, or borders.


        Hmm it still shows up on Amazon when I just googled - it got removed from the schedule with the delays but as far as I know is going to galleys soon and should be coming out fairly quickly. Wish I could help more.


          Well, it seems you're right, and the Amazon link is deleted - this could mean lots of things, most likely that there's a cover image about to go up and the link has been redone or a screw up in ipage or any number of things. I wouldn't worry. We'll find out soon enough... and ooooh shiny new name.


            I'm up to part four of Holly and Jaimie's Hydra.
            Enjoying it a lot, a SF premise which could only be done well by a media tie in; the whole idea of the different teams plays to the readers knowledge of the characters.

            It's my current 'in the bath book' as opposed to my 'in the car book' - The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Gambon, and my 'in the lounge book' Consorts of Heaven by Fenn (who's been a personal friend for 22 years now!) and I am savouring it. Three books at once... actually, I think there is a copy of Aberystwyth Mon Amour in the draw at work too...



              Just got Angelus in the post. And Wahey(!), bookmarks are back.
              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                Why doesn't gateworld have a forum for each of the stargate books so you could ask a question in there so it would be easier to find a question.


                  Originally posted by leeman15251 View Post
                  Why doesn't gateworld have a forum for each of the stargate books so you could ask a question in there so it would be easier to find a question.
                  I think they've tried to keep things pretty consolidated so people don't have to keep up with multiple threads, but it seems like you could always start a thread for any book you'd like. Just be sure to let me know if it's one of mine, or I might not notice -- I generally just check this one and don't hang out in the rest of the forum much.

                  P.S. Hi from a few miles northward. I see you're from Portsmouth -- I flew to your airport a couple of times during my pilot training.


                    Steve, would you be able to tells us when your Stargate Novel will hit the stores? I have had your book on pre-order with Amazon since forever.
                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Forgot to say anything but I finished re-reading Casualties sometime ago and am about 100 pages in Angelus. Casualties is still a blast on the re-reads. All my previous praises stand and as does my one complaint about the use of "dialer".

                      I'm very entangled in the mystery of Angelus but something feels different about the book. I can't put it down to Evan's writing or that Season 4 feeling. Anyone else know what I mean?
                      Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                        Hi Pittsburghgirl - I was talking to Sally at Fandy only this week, Shadows is going through some changes, one being it is now called The Power Behind the Throne (we all liked The Faces of Mujina but decided tpbtt was 'more Stargatey) and it is going back onto the publishing schedule (hence the drop off Amazon last week) but the bad news is you won't see it until I believe May 2010... so really weirdly it will be almost three years after I wrote the first word that the book hits the shelf. The name change is because another title with shadows in it is on the roster and they want to avoid confusion. Obviously I was hoping it would arrive sooner, like October time, but Fandy have a big schedule and it is all about timing and May is when it's going to be.


                          I have yet another question the good writers of this amazing book series (for both SG-1 & SGA); namely. When you write the story, How exactly do you write? do you have music playing in the background to give a sense of forboding to scenes, or do you just have the sounds of nature moving you along? Also, what is your insperation for a story? How do you get it?

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            I tend to write out in public places at least 50% of the time because as a full time writer I miss social interaction, so I'm usually sitting around various coffeeshops in Stockholm. When I am out I work with my headphones in, listening to whatever I need to wipe out the background noise. The music helps me to disappear into my own little zone. I don't have particular music for particular scenes though, just so long as it is something I know the words to. I don't like to try and write to new stuff because I get distracted by the words. Knowing the words means it's just a another variation on background noise.


                              Thanx so much for letting me know. I had pre-ordered it so looooooong ago and wondered what happened.
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by StevenSavile View Post
                                I tend to write out in public places at least 50% of the time because as a full time writer I miss social interaction, so I'm usually sitting around various coffeeshops in Stockholm. When I am out I work with my headphones in, listening to whatever I need to wipe out the background noise. The music helps me to disappear into my own little zone. I don't have particular music for particular scenes though, just so long as it is something I know the words to. I don't like to try and write to new stuff because I get distracted by the words. Knowing the words means it's just a another variation on background noise.
                                I see, do you have a laptop or do you write it on paper? What's your medium? (mine is desktop & laptop as my handwriting stinks)

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

