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Stargate SG-1: The Alliance Game

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    Thanks for the info cool pics
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      Sweet, I just hope they have great gameplay to go with the sweet environments. Whoo Hoo!


        Originally posted by Osiris-RA
        Sweet, I just hope they have great gameplay to go with the sweet environments. Whoo Hoo!
        I think that the game is turning out good so far, I hope that you will be able to explore the environments like in a free roam game. I know it will be a first person shooter but I hope that it will have rpg elements in it.


          ok, it says we're supposed to recognize the first two....Tok'ra tunnels right? but it looked more like a tok'ra throne room.

          anyway, it looks uber awesome so far. thanks for the info.
          ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


            Looks great.. Can't wait for it to come out I just hope it would come out on Gamecube aswell. At the moment it's seems it's not coming for CG
            Well it's all the same PC and Xbox will do. Wouldn't it be great if they would made it for MAC


              They said that the new screen shots added on yesterday (Feb 21) said that fans would recognize where it is. And to tell you the truth I have no idea what the location is. A few guesses though

              Tok'ra tunnels, Ancient outpost or something

              Whaddya think?

              Jack: Is mental illness contagious?
              Daniel: This has been disturbing on many levels.
              "Trandoshan eliminated...with extreme prejudice." - Scorch RC-1262
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                The first two are Tok'Ra council chambers. The third one is an exterior shot of the planet where BrayTac and Ryac were being held captive in 'Orpheus'.

                I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                [Revelations 22:13]


                  Thanks DownFallAngel.

                  At least I knew the first 2 shots were by the Tok'ra.

                  Jack: Is mental illness contagious?
                  Daniel: This has been disturbing on many levels.
                  "Trandoshan eliminated...with extreme prejudice." - Scorch RC-1262
                  My deviantART profile


                    Last edited by wizz_kid_sid; 21 August 2005, 03:06 AM.


                      Ok how much of everything you said was wrong?....ALL OF IT!!!!

                      firstly don't advertise on the board for a "girl Stargate fan" this isn't a teenage chatroom you know. Plus Stargate isn't going to end, why would they make a whole new series called Atlantis and end it after second season?


                        i honestly did not recognize the screenshots. i guessed ancient outposts or something. (i didnt think tokra b/c in one pic there is a window)

                        r the close-ups on the jaffa the in-game graphics or is itthe far away shots??
                        because the close-ups look realy good, but the far away shots are average.


                          Originally posted by Grin
                          Ok how much of everything you said was wrong?....ALL OF IT!!!!

                          firstly don't advertise on the board for a "girl Stargate fan" this isn't a teenage chatroom you know. Plus Stargate isn't going to end, why would they make a whole new series called Atlantis and end it after second season?
                          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                          love Torri


                            Wouldn't it be cool if Stargate the Alliance had a feature where if you stepped too close to a Jaffa or a Goa'uld, you'd get snaked and then you'd go to a scene showing your character going on a mad rampage. (Kinda like Star Trek Elite Force).

                            [SIZE=3]Come on people, what do you think?[/SIZE ]
                            Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini => three of the world's worst dictators.

                            Also failed artist, failed priest, and failed grade-school teacher.

                            What we should learn: Don't trust artists, be wary of priests, and fear your teachers!


                              Originally posted by PugGate
                              Wouldn't it be cool if Stargate the Alliance had a feature where if you stepped too close to a Jaffa or a Goa'uld, you'd get snaked and then you'd go to a scene showing your character going on a mad rampage. (Kinda like Star Trek Elite Force).

                              [SIZE=3]Come on people, what do you think?[/SIZE ]
                              it would be cool to see when you play to get blended with a symbiot Than you had to attack the SGC and than they capture you and the Tok'ra came to remove the symbiot or kill it so that the naquadah comes in your blood and you are once again yourself but now you are able to use the ribbon device or healing device on yourself and you know some knowledge of the goa'uld.I hope we get in a level to fly a glider or an al-kesh or better the F 302 wow that would be GREAT !!! or an ha'tak or tel'tac wow thinking about it it sounds just great doesn't it
                              Lord Zedd


                                That idea would be illogical.

                                The reason that symbiotes are in Jaffa is because they need to mature BEFORE blending. Therefore, it would be illogical for the symbiote to leave the safe body of the Jaffa to blend when its not even old enough.

                                Also, its never been done before in the show.

                                The Goa'uld thing is also off. The only reason that the Goa'uld would jump hosts (b/c jumping hosts would be icky because you lose loyality from Jaffa) is if they were about to die.

                                Therefore, the Jaffa symbiote would NEVER blend, even if dying because its too young. The Goa'uld symbiote would attempt to blend on the occassion of eniment death. But sneaking up to a Goa'uld and getting too close would just result in your death because they are faster and stronger than you and can throw you across the room with a ribbon device. Only if you kill a Goa'uld and it doesnt completely die.

