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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    *Orb and Bullseye look up*

    Bullseye: Looks like another lucky wraith found himself a worshipper?

    Orb: Hello! Nice to meet you. Help yourself to some chocolate that DS brought!



      TP: Looks like it's gonna be ME having to keep and eye on Steve instead of the other way round!

      Seth: Nah... you know Steve, babe - he likes to have his cake and eat it!

      TP: Oooh... your mysterious companion looks intriguing Addict!

      Aurel: here we go again! TP is incorrigible!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Addict: *grins* Thanks, I will do, though I warn you... Steve isn't the only thing I'm addicted too. *glances apologetically at TP before turning back to her own sexy man*

        *Antoine wraps his arms around Addict possessively before grabbing some chocolate for himself*


          Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
          Addict: *grins* Thanks, I will do, though I warn you... Steve isn't the only thing I'm addicted too. *glances apologetically at TP before turning back to her own sexy man*

          *Antoine wraps his arms around Addict possessively before grabbing some chocolate for himself*

          Seth & Aurel: Aaahhh! We have another TP in our midst!!!

          Steve: Oh well, that's all right then! *snuggles TP possessively and waves to Antoine*
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            *DS looks up while trying to strangle a manically giggling Rhys*

            DS: Hi there! Nice to meet a new worshipper and Wraith!


              *TA and her boys all come on to the COH, Rocky and Astor greet the newcomers and then go and talk to their pod brother, Eddie*

              TA: Hi Guys, We heard all the noise earlier but I was a bit tied up so couldn't come and join in.

              The Eddies: Nice job with the Vuvuzela, Rhys.

              *All of them grab some chocolates and go and sit in the recliners to watch the fun.*
              Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                *waves to TA and her boys*

                DS: Hi guys! *to TA* Good to see you're no longer tied up.

                Rhys *ignoring DS who still has her hands around his neck* *to the Eddies* Thanks.


                  Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                  *TA and her boys all come on to the COH, Rocky and Astor greet the newcomers and then go and talk to their pod brother, Eddie*

                  TA: Hi Guys, We heard all the noise earlier but I was a bit tied up so couldn't come and join in.

                  The Eddies: Nice job with the Vuvuzela, Rhys.

                  *All of them grab some chocolates and go and sit in the recliners to watch the fun.*
                  Orb: *giggles* Hello, TA!

                  Bullseye: *telepathically to Rhys* You should play musical instruments more often.


                    Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                    Orb: *giggles* Hello, TA!

                    Bullseye: *telepathically to Rhys* You should play musical instruments more often.
                    Rhys *telepathically back to Bullseye* I have a liking for loud musical instruments. That's why I learned to play the bagpipes. Besides, DS likes the sound. But she loathes Vuvuzelas. I'll reconcile her later tonight though.


                      *Bullseye sits down on a recliner with Orb*

                      Orb: Did Tommy and Rhys use the human disguise machine?


                        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                        *Bullseye sits down on a recliner with Orb*

                        Orb: Did Tommy and Rhys use the human disguise machine?
                        DS: They used to dress up as humans in the beginning when they moved to earth – and they looked hot. But people in our neighborhood know we're a bit weird so the boys just stay their gorgeous green selves today. When we go shopping in the city they usually wear human clothes and sunglasses, people tend to stare but Rhys gives them a toothy smile and they become suddenly interested in something else. Where have you taken Bullseye to yet? As far as I know he hasn't been to earth much.


                          Bullseye: I can see it: Rhys in human garb and doing S&P on DS, making everyone really stare. As for me, I refuse to use the human disguise machine or go to Earth. I don't like the sound of it from all the stories our worshippers tell us about.

                          Orb: I am more than good with that! We mostly go to uninhabited planets in the Pegasus galaxy so we can have lots and lots of privacy and enjoy the outdoors.


                            *geekywraith arrives with Kenny and Bob*

                            geeky *waves hi to everyone and crashes on a recliner*
                            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                            Nina: Everything else was taken.


                              Rhys: After the first time people we got stared at DS was very firm about not doing S&P in public on earth.

                              DS: He still forgets himself from time to time though. It's especially embarassing in the queue of the supermarket till.

                              Rhys: It wouldn't be embarassing if you stopped struggling.

                              Tommy: *to Bullseye* Aw, you're missing something, Bullseye. Earth is a lovely place. It's a refreshing difference from living on a hiveship.

                              *DS and her boys wave to geeky, Kenny and Bob*


                                *geeky, Kenny and Bob wave back to DS*
                                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                                Nina: Everything else was taken.

