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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Phineas: "It makes me glad that I'm a Runner-hunter, I've no use for maths!"
    *looks over to Jasper* "Oi, what about you?"

    Jasper: *looks up mid-way between hunting for a snack - no, not a human or clone*
    "Well, I should have used it when measuring out explosives and the like, but guesswork made it more interesting."


      Originally posted by IV View Post
      Phineas: "It makes me glad that I'm a Runner-hunter, I've no use for maths!"
      *looks over to Jasper* "Oi, what about you?"

      Jasper: *looks up mid-way between hunting for a snack - no, not a human or clone*
      "Well, I should have used it when measuring out explosives and the like, but guesswork made it more interesting."
      Agravain - never even took maths on the hive school i took hunting and leadership classes

      Mordrid - hence your poor maths skillls

      Agravain - hey ! even you said you didn't understand any of this !!! don't judge me !

      *Sigh* they're always this cranky in the mornings *shakes headS* this is what i get for having pod brother wraith


        Originally posted by IV View Post
        *IV's already there, sleeping against Phineas*
        Phineas: *waves with a smile* Morning DS, morning Rhys. Sleep well?
        DS: I wouldn't call it sleep. But we had a very good night.

        Rhys: Indeed. *purrrrrr* I got nearly rid of all Harkness clone energy.

        DS: Yeah, by transferring some to me when I was near collapse.

        *DS and Rhys wave to Selene and her boys*

        DS: I was never any good at maths.


          Phineas: *chuckles* I worked it off by sparring

          IV: Yeah, only because I actually wanted to sleep and because Jasper wouldn't let you transfer it to him

          Phineas: Pfft, he'll try one one of these days then we'll see


            Wellme and boys are off to suffer more maths revision. take care and i will try to be on more. bye...come on boys *drags them with* if i must suffer so do you !

            Agravain - have mercy !!!

            Mordrid - Not even a wraith queen is that cruel !!!!


              Originally posted by IV View Post
              Phineas: *chuckles* I worked it off by sparring

              IV: Yeah, only because I actually wanted to sleep and because Jasper wouldn't let you transfer it to him

              Phineas: Pfft, he'll try one one of these days then we'll see
              DS: Aww, poor Phineas. But I bet your sparring was exceptional good.

              Originally posted by Dr. Selene Ankarres View Post
              Wellme and boys are off to suffer more maths revision. take care and i will try to be on more. bye...come on boys *drags them with* if i must suffer so do you !

              Agravain - have mercy !!!

              Mordrid - Not even a wraith queen is that cruel !!!!
              DS: Oh dear, you have my best wishes for the maths exam. *keeps fingers crossed*


                *PA arrives with Aurora and Craig, they settle on a sofa*


                  Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                  *PA arrives with Aurora and Craig, they settle on a sofa*
                  *Both Winter and Forrest wave to the new arrivals.*

                  Winter: Hi Guys. What you been up to lately????

                  Forrest: *To Phineas* How did the sparring go?
                  Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                    Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                    *Both Winter and Forrest wave to the new arrivals.*

                    Winter: Hi Guys. What you been up to lately????

                    Forrest: *To Phineas* How did the sparring go?
                    *PA, Aurora and Craig wave back*
                    PA: We've been spring cleaning the house today, I think even Wraith get worn out doinf housework
                    Craig: Yep, so PA had better give us a good reward later
                    Aurora: *to TA, Forrest and Winter* How are you? How is the dig going?


                      Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                      *PA, Aurora and Craig wave back*
                      PA: We've been spring cleaning the house today, I think even Wraith get worn out doinf housework
                      Craig: Yep, so PA had better give us a good reward later
                      Aurora: *to TA, Forrest and Winter* How are you? How is the dig going?
                      TA: I really don't like spring cleaning even when I try to make it fun.

                      Winter: We haven't been to the dig but we've been hearing updates on it and it sounds like it's going well.

                      They've (DS, IV and C have moved the dig to the off-world Thread and we're now dropping in at the Hippie Commune.
                      Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                        Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                        TA: I really don't like spring cleaning even when I try to make it fun.

                        Winter: We haven't been to the dig but we've been hearing updates on it and it sounds like it's going well.

                        They've (DS, IV and C have moved the dig to the off-world Thread and we're now dropping in at the Hippie Commune.
                        Craig: There is no way to make spring cleaning fun
                        Aurora: It's not too bad if you have music on as well
                        PA: *to Winter* Ah, okay.

                        Craig: Anyone want cookies or cakes? I made some earlier and thought I should share them, I don't want to end up the only fat Wraith on the hive

                        Oh, didn't realise the dig had moved completely


                          TA: I usually just end up either doing nothing, and just singing along or reading whilst listening to the music.

                          TA, Winter and Forrest: Yes, please Craig.
                          Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                            Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                            TA: I usually just end up either doing nothing, and just singing along or reading whilst listening to the music.

                            TA, Winter and Forrest: Yes, please Craig.
                            Aurora: Lol, Craig did a lot of that and not cleaning
                            *Craig hands out fairy cakes and cookies with Wraithie-green icing on them*

                            PA: *to TA* So how's the job hunt going? Sorry, I'm so out of the loop at the moment


                              Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                              Aurora: Lol, Craig did a lot of that and not cleaning
                              *Craig hands out fairy cakes and cookies with Wraithie-green icing on them*

                              PA: *to TA* So how's the job hunt going? Sorry, I'm so out of the loop at the moment
                              TA: I've applied for a paid position at one of the charity shops that I volunteer for and the application process finishes tomorrow, so I'm going to see how that goes before I apply anywhere else so it's not too bad.

                              My mum reckons I'll manage to get an interview no matter what, so it's basically seeing how that goes first.
                              Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                                Originally posted by Toddandrea View Post
                                TA: I've applied for a paid position at one of the charity shops that I volunteer for and the application process finishes tomorrow, so I'm going to see how that goes before I apply anywhere else so it's not too bad.

                                My mum reckons I'll manage to get an interview no matter what, so it's basically seeing how that goes first.
                                PA: That sounds good, giving time to a good cause
                                Craig: I could think of a better cause to devote your time to
                                Aurora: Wraith don't count

