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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Hey guys, what's going on?
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      Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
      Hey guys, what's going on?
      Lots of shackle breaking! The Queens might be interested in all the ways you could come up with removing them with your super powers (but not before letting them have a little fun first).


        Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
        Lots of shackle breaking! The Queens might be interested in all the ways you could come up with removing them with your super powers (but not before letting them have a little fun first).
        Good idea, I bet Ruby and Mina will like that in particular *sees Mina smile as she sends telepathic image of her idea for the shackles*
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          Great videos WS!

          KM: *Hugs Addict*

          Azrael: Hmmm... Random chocolate spam!

          KM: Because chocolate makes everything better. Including life force apparently.


            TP: Ooooh, yummy! Thanks Azrael!

            Steve: Indeed, KM - chocolate basted worshippers taste sooooo good *picks a few choccies and delicately feeds them to TP*
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              Sexy video Ws!

              Oooh chocolate! *takes a piece* thanks Azrael.

              Ugh my back hurts.

              The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                *geekywraith waves hi and grabs some chocolate*

                *Kenny and Bob wave hi to everyone*
                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                Nina: Everything else was taken.


                  *waves to Geeky, Kenny and Bob*

                  Steve: *blows kisses to Geeky*
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    *geeky blushes and waves back to Steve and TP*

                    *Kenny returns with mugs of hot chocolate and decaff coffee*

                    *Bob simply stands in the shadows*
                    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                    Nina: Everything else was taken.


                      Oooh, thanks Kenny! I'm just heading off for bed, I;m afraid But some lovely hot chocolate would be good.

                      Steve: *goes over and chats with Bob while waiting for TP to have hot choc and head for bed*
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        Kenny: Sure. Here you go TP. It's from the best cocoa in the Pegasus galaxy.

                        geeky: ah well...darn time zones. Well at least I got to say hi. Sleep well.
                        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                        Nina: Everything else was taken.


                          Orb: *grabs some hot chocolate and pieces of chocolate candy*

                          Bullseye: *inspects his feeding hand contentedly*


                            Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                            *Tony storms in and break three pairs of shackles*

                            Edgar: Is that really necessary?

                            Tony: That cowardice, scummy little Wewads. *flexes his feeding hand manically*

                            Addict: *snuggles with Tony* Can't we stop talking about the cowardice scum and do some meditating on the beach?

                            Tony: Sorry Addicty, you know how much I hate him though. Especially when he hurts you.

                            WS: *hugs Addict* Are you talking about that mean human...?

                            Shaun: *hisses and breaks the head off a cookie of that 1 fat guy he dined with in Condemned*


                              Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                              WS: *hugs Addict* Are you talking about that mean human...?

                              Shaun: *hisses and breaks the head off a cookie of that 1 fat guy he dined with in Condemned*
                              Addict: *hugs WS* Thanks. Yep, still stuck on the puny human

                              Tony: *comes out wearing oven mitts with a baking tray* Speaking of puny humans, I made cookies in the shape of all our wewads!

                              Addict: *picks up a Wewads cookie, coats it with red icing and breaks it into little pieces* That was psychotic and therapeutic at the same time You're a wonder Tony *kisses him on the cheek*

                              Tony: I know.


                                *Shaun walks over to Addict and gives her a hug* "Don't worry my dear don't let those horrible humans ruin your day, i tell this to my worshipper all the time." *smirks at Addict*

                                WS: *Blushes in daydream at Shaun*

                                Karl:*walks up behind WS and grabs her* could let me torture the human, *snaps tech wraith cord around WS's neck about to choke her then kisses her on the cheek*

                                Shaun:*glares at Karl* Your always so violent and unstylish *roll eyes* I am sure Tony will take care of the issue. I mean all wraith must feed right? *grin*

                                (The video of Bullseye is finished !) & since i had Sally clips on hand at the time i made a short one of her for HR. HOPEFULLY this time the Sexy Steve video isn't blocked !!


                                (I wish Bullseye had more scenes! it seemed like the video was a little short)


