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AU - Mirror Room and all Science Labs

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    Originally posted by SilverRider View Post

    "Oh my god," She exclaimed as the shock sink in, "He...He..." was all she could manage, before a train of tears rolled in. Looking at her best friend and team mate, Claire wanted to be assured that this wasn't a dream. When Whitely smiled and gave a squeeze, Claire knew this was all real, then let out the tears that were held for far too long.

    "Today is not my day. I don't know what to say to you." She knew Davis was feeling that mixed emotion of happiness and sadness and came to the conclusion that Major Davis was no longer alive in their universe. She decided to say no more in order the let things calm down on their own, always the best thing to do in cases like this.

    Originally posted by SilverRider View Post
    She had missed him like h3ll, as to he was all she had back one Earth. But here, he was alive, to her that all that mattered. As her grief tired to take over, she felt another friendly arm taking her for comfort, looking through her tears, Claire could make out Zack's face, burying herself in his chest, she sought the comfort that she longed for and only he could give.
    Originally posted by Hulabaloo View Post
    Sarah squeezed Claire's shoulder and smiled at her, but this wasn't enough. Claire turned to Zach and Sarah could only watch on worriedly, hoping for Claire to be fine.
    Originally posted by SilverRider View Post
    She herself had no clue as how to help Davis, due the fact she was still getting over the news that Pratt had given earlier. Knowing that shew was likely to be dead, Kim knew she would have to get use to that, like Claire, she wasn't upset at begin dead, but knowing the ones you loved are dead, that was hard to get used to.

    Snapping out her trace, she noticed that Zack was comforting her, sharing a knowing look with Whitely, Kim smiled. It was about time that these two got together, if ever.
    The only thing Natasha could think as she saw the scene between Davis and Black was that it was right and she smiled at them just as their friends did. 'This two were always a beautiful couple. Somethings transcend the boundaries of the universe and the human spirit is one of those things. Does it mean? No, he didn't seem to even know me from their reality at all. Does it mean we were never meant to be? No, I don't acept this!' She thought as she continued to watch the scene.

    Originally posted by SilverRider View Post

    Seeing that Davis was in a shock and the state of her, she aswered the spoken question. "Yes, as Davis said your a Captain in our reality on SG-8."
    "Interesting. So your Earth is still in one piece? That's nice." She said having mixed feelings of happiness and grief at the news. After all, she asked if she was in a team on the SGC, therefore Earth, and the answer was affirmative.

    Originally posted by Hulabaloo View Post
    Accepting the LGR Sarah attached it to her wrist. Then she turned to Natasha and asked,
    "Am I dead too?" Even though Sarah thought she knew the answer was no, she wanted to know to be sure.
    "I'm sorry, but I can't say either way since I personally never met you. Well, I can hardly say I know everyone on the base or the towns though. I'm a workaholic and have a kid at home. That doesn't leave a lot of time for socializing." She shrugged, saying it in the most cordial tone she could find to mask her total lack of knowledge of the woman in front of her and added to reassure her and not have another person crying in the room. One was already enough for her to handle. "It's fairly possible that you're alive though."
    Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 12 January 2007, 12:19 PM.
    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


      Harvey took her turn and stepped up to the doctor, "Are these safe? I mean long term." She turned the device over in her hand. She knew they must be but the question hadn't been asked by anyone yet. She hesitated as the question was answered then not wanting to be the awkward member of the team fixed the device in place on her bicep under her shirt.

      She had many questions herself, but with everyone else busy asking theirs she wasn't sure how to ask. No doubt there would be time later, then she might get a more detailed answer.
      Last edited by Somnium; 16 January 2007, 12:19 PM.


        "Sure they are. There's nothing to worry about. Unless you loose it of course as I explained." Natasha replied with certainty in her voice as Harvey implanted the device on her arm.
        Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


          "Ok got the don't loose it part" she smiled and stepped back. She made her way over to Sharp and whispered "this all seeems a little too easy" she hated to be cynical, but during the various ops she'd been on you soon learnt that it could save not only your life but that of your team.


            Originally posted by Atlantean_Fan View Post
            "I'm sorry, but I can't say either way since I personally never met you. Well, I can hardly say I know everyone on the base or the towns though. I'm a workaholic and have a kid at home. That doesn't leave a lot of time for socializing." She shrugged, saying it in the most cordial tone she could find to mask her total lack of knowledge of the woman in front of her and added to reassure her and not have another person crying in the room. One was already enough for her to handle. "It's fairly possible that you're alive though."
            Sarah nodded and thanked Natasha for her help. Natasha then walked over to help someone else and Sarah turned to Zach and Claire, to make sure they were okay. Kim and Sarah shared a 'moment' of thinking that they should be together and smiled ((Bit late i know. )).
            Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
            LOVE HIM-> DT
            ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


              Originally posted by Gen Blue View Post
              Simms shook her head at Tyler, "You always were one to stick your boot in it, weren't you?" She tapped the black band on her arm, "General Belousov. Two days ago. The funeral was yesterday evening."

              Lt. Elaine Simms - SG8
              Kym's stomach flip-flopped as her sub-conscious connected the dissimilar names. This news on top of the revelation that herself and most of her team were dead took her breath away.
              "I'm sorry, guys," she whispered, touching Elaine on the shoulder. She didn't know the General well but, what she did know from her own reality, she liked and admired.
              In a daze, she moved over to her commanders to report this intel. "Colonels, something you need to know, I think. Blue's dead. His name was Belousov here."
              Looking around the room, Kym finally registered that everyone in uniform wore the same black armband below their PoO patch.
              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                [Our Sharp-Mirror Room]
                "Colonels, something you need to know, I think. Blue's dead. His name was Belousov here."
                "Blue...dead?" He couldn't beleive it. Suddenly he looked back at the mirror, wondering if the same fate befell there general... Nah, couldn't be, you saw him alove and well a few hours ago..

                He turned to the group. "I'm sorry to hear about bl, Belousov.." He let his sincere alpolgy sink in before jumping in again. "But we need to talk to who ever is in charge, the people in our universe are waiting on us to bring this bad boy home.."

                (AU sharp to come..)
                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                Join the Aftermath RP


                  Originally posted by Colonel Sharp View Post
                  [Our Sharp-Mirror Room]

                  "Blue...dead?" He couldn't beleive it. Suddenly he looked back at the mirror, wondering if the same fate befell there general... Nah, couldn't be, you saw him alove and well a few hours ago..

                  He turned to the group. "I'm sorry to hear about bl, Belousov.." He let his sincere alpolgy sink in before jumping in again. "But we need to talk to who ever is in charge, the people in our universe are waiting on us to bring this bad boy home.."

                  (AU sharp to come..)
                  [ Mirror room ]

                  "Thank you, sir," Pratt nodded gratefully, "And as to who's in charge, you are. At least our version of you."

                  Originally posted by max_omega View Post
                  (Major Josh Ezekiel-mirror room)
                  After the passing out of the LGR, Major Ezekiel walked in with SG6.
                  "Here's my relief team and we can get moving." Raising his voice to be heard over the babble, Pratt announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be walking about a kilometer to the ... Colonel's office and briefing room. We would request that you stow your gear in the cart outside the door. Sidearms are allowed."
                  In a lower tone, he added to Sharp, "We aren't confiscating your weapons, sir. The cart will be in your possession. It's basic security since we have some native youngsters around the base."

                  Last edited by Gen Blue; 17 January 2007, 02:35 PM.
                  Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                    [Our Sharp- Mirror Room]
                    Sharp was struck dumbfounded for the Nth time in the last hour. "I'm in charge?" Sharp said quietly to himself, thinking about what would happen if the General died in his reality, it would leave him in charge...he shook the thoughts off as he nodded to Pratt.
                    Children on the base?!

                    He put his p-90 on the cart, and nodded for the others to do so.
                    Last edited by TameFarrar; 17 January 2007, 05:37 PM.
                    Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                    Join the Aftermath RP


                      Originally posted by Atlantean_Fan View Post

                      "Today is not my day. I don't know what to say to you." She knew Davis was feeling that mixed emotion of happiness and sadness and came to the conclusion that Major Davis was no longer alive in their universe. She decided to say no more in order the let things calm down on their own, always the best thing to do in cases like this.

                      The only thing Natasha could think as she saw the scene between Davis and Black was that it was right and she smiled at them just as their friends did. 'This two were always a beautiful couple. Somethings transcend the boundaries of the universe and the human spirit is one of those things. Does it mean? No, he didn't seem to even know me from their reality
                      at all. Does it mean we were never meant to be? No, I don't acept this!'
                      She thought as she continued to watch the scene.

                      Mirror Room

                      Giving a smile to Natasha, from where she was, "Not my day either."

                      Which wasn't far from the truth. So far thing went sorta smoothly for her.

                      "Interesting. So your Earth is still in one piece? That's nice." She said having mixed feelings of happiness and grief at the news. After all, she asked if she was in a team on the SGC, therefore Earth, and the answer was affirmative.

                      Mirror Room

                      She shook her head sadly, "No, Earth is destroyed in our reality as well."

                      Originally posted by SilverRider View Post

                      "Oh my god," She exclaimed as the shock sink in, "He...He..." was all she could manage, before a train of tears rolled in. Looking at her best friend and team mate, Claire wanted to be assured that this wasn't a dream. When Whitely smiled and gave a squeeze, Claire knew this was all real, then let out the tears that were held for far too long.

                      She had missed him like h3ll, as to he was all she had back one Earth. But here, he was alive, to her that all that mattered. As her grief tired to take over, she felt another friendly arm taking her for comfort, looking through her tears, Claire could make out Zack's face, burying herself in his chest, she sought the comfort that she longed for and only he could give.


                      Mirror Room

                      Pulling herself away from Zack's embrace, she nodded to him, getting away and closing herself to the pain that was yet to come was the only thing she wanted to do.

                      Walking over to the wall where the anicent writing was she knew that would keep her from thinking and feeling. Hearing the heavy footsteps follow her, Don't Zack, don't, I'm not yet myself.

                      She closed her eyes, when she felt his hands on her shoulders. Sighing she turned to look at him.
                      Last edited by SilverRider; 12 January 2007, 10:00 PM.


                        Our Doctor Zack Black

                        Mirror Room

                        Zack had been mildly surprise to have her leaving his embrace, he was baffled as to why she looked greifsticken. He knew it wasn't the time to be asking questions when she was asking for comfort.

                        Placing his hands on her shoulder, he saw her turn. "Hey, it's okay," he cupped her face, with one hand and wiped the tears with the same thumb. "We will get through this together," when she shook her head, Zack he knew had to be a bit stren, "We are team along with them," he pointed to Sarah, Kim and Chris. "You will let us help you, right?" he gazed into her green eyes, feeling the tug, he always got when, he saw those eyes.

                        Getting a nod of her, he smiled, "Good."


                          [Mirror Room]
                          Matthews took his device from Dr Bytronski without question, yet again, she would'nt look or talk to the Captain. Issac decided to confront the Doctor, maybe then would the strange atmosphere between them would cease to excist. "Is something the matter Doctor? have i something on my face i should know about?" Issac asked jokingly, giving the the usual snicker on the end of his words. However the Doctor simply ingnored him further, and moved on to talk to the next person to receive the gadget.

                          Issac stood to the side, and listned the the newest revelations. "Ill talk to her alone later i think." Matthews thought to himself. Issac only spoke up to hear that Belusov had been killed, and that Sharp was in command. "Sharps in command?" Issac muttered out loud. "Has the actobatics gotten better?" Issac asked Rehtorically, looking back to Kym to see if she would give him the pleasure of knowing if Tyler was going to bite back at Issac's remark. However Issac realized that could of been extremely insulting to to Belusov memory and would'nt want to offend the other reality people.

                          Before long, the team was ordered to Give up their weapons and go to meet Sharp in his office. Keeping his Sidearm, Issac decided to leave the Ancient rod in his pocket too. Ever since he steped through the mirror, the rod was moving by itself, and glowing, plus Allurai's prescence could not be found.

                          Issac thought it best, that the others didnt see a glowing, ancient rod left on the side of a weapon cache. Issac stood awaiting to be lead to Sharp's office.
                          Last edited by Ascended_Elite_mercenary; 13 January 2007, 09:03 PM.

                          Name: Issac Matthews
                          Team: SG-3(Marines)
                          Rank: Captain (YAY)
                          click for biography



                            Mirror Room

                            After hearing for the Visting reality to gather to be lead to Sharp's Office. "Sharp's Office?" she asked Zack, who just shrugged.

                            Leaving their weapons, Claire and Zack meet up with Issac, Sarah and Kim who were already waiting for more orders.


                              [ Mirror Room ]

                              Sarah watched Claire and Zachs exchange of words with a smile. Then she turned and joined Kim with Sharp. She then surrendored her weapon and watched Claire and Zach walk over.
                              Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                              LOVE HIM-> DT
                              ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                                Unclipping her pack, Tyler stood it against the inside of the cart and tucked her P-90 behind it. Weird restriction. You'd think they'd disarm us totally, not just take the heavy stuff. She thought again of the terrain. Of course, if they have people with high power rifles on the cliff, we're toast.
                                Kym strolled over to where Matthews was standing. "I saw you with McCoy before. You gotta remember that he's not the McCoy that's on SG3. H3ll, we're not even SG3. We're dead and have been for quite a while, it seems."
                                She wiggled uncomfortably, "That just sounds so wrong."
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

