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AU - Mirror Room and all Science Labs

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    She had the urge to say duh, "I guess yea," still reeling from the shock. "Major Ashood" she said giving a slight slaute, "this is," she turned to Davis, "Lieutentant Claire Davis."

    Hearing Mattews question, "Well, I think we have meet up with the Alpha Site team." Ashwood said.
    Last edited by SilverRider; 09 January 2007, 10:14 PM.


      Kym came through the Mirror and looked around, startled by the amount of people there. Hearing a familiar voice that she thought she'd never hear again, the woman spun around.
      "Ernie!" The delight virtually radiated off of her. "I'd know that cheesy mustache anywhere."
      You're never too old to do something goofy.
      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


        "How many of there are you? We were expecting a team, not a baseball team." He kept his tone light but gave an unobtrusive signal for reinforcements to be standing by out of sight.
        Pratt continued his courteous discussion. It was his job to make sure misunderstandings didn't lead to disasters. "Pleased to meet you ladies."
        He beckoned to the man and woman who'd been sitting watch. "Most of the rest of SG8. Lt. Elaine Simms and Captain Dan McCoy."

        Hearing his nickname shouted, Ernest took a second look at the latest addition to the 'team'. A big grin spread across his face. "Kymmie-sabe? Holy cow!"

        Simms rolled her eyes and chuckled, nudging McCoy and muttering, "I'll give you 5 to 3 that she tries to whack him with something before we leave here."

        (( OOC - for the non-US, a baseball team is 9 members. You'll end up a football team, 12 members. ))

        Last edited by Gen Blue; 10 January 2007, 03:29 PM.
        Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


          ((OOC Theres 18 in aussie football. 11 in cricket. ))

          Issac was pretty speechless, he didnt know of "Earnie" and it seemed that there was a bit of "catch up" to be had.

          Giving room to breathe, Issac stood up straight again, instead of the prone "ready-to-dive" position. However their was one member, of the "alternate team" that did catch his attention.

          "Danny!" Issac shouted, causing most people in the room to turn and watch as Issac raced up to him, beaming with a smile. "How are ya mate?" Issac cooed out-stretching a solid handshake to the Australian mate he knew well of back on Gaia. "Your on SG-8 now?"

          Name: Issac Matthews
          Team: SG-3(Marines)
          Rank: Captain (YAY)
          click for biography


            Sarah stumbled through the mirror luckily Claire caught her, straigtening herself Sarah looked up at about ten others in the room. She recognised Pratt a bit from Earth.
            Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
            LOVE HIM-> DT
            ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


              Tyler didn't know whether to laugh or cry at hearing the dreaded name. Her friend had only used it when she called his mustache 'cheesy'. Seeing him again, alive and well, was a mixed blessing.
              She walked over and held out a hand, "It's good to see you again, Ernie. Face fuzz and all."
              She glanced over and caught sight of the other two team members, "Lain? Oh, man. You too?"
              Checking the crowd, she asked, "Is Col. Karr going to pop out and tell us to quiet down?"

              (( I couldn't find a name for the CO so, I made one up. ))
              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                Originally posted by Ascended_Elite_mercenary View Post
                Issac was pretty speechless, he didnt know of "Ernie" and it seemed that there was a bit of "catch up" to be had.
                Giving room to breathe, Issac stood up straight again, instead of the prone "ready-to-dive" position. However their was one member, of the "alternate team" that did catch his attention.
                "Danny!" Issac shouted, causing most people in the room to turn and watch as Issac raced up to him, beaming with a smile. "How are ya mate?" Issac cooed out-stretching a solid handshake to the Australian mate he knew well of back on Gaia. "You're on SG-8 now?"
                McCoy stepped back and raised his zat, startled at the person rushing towards him. "Whoa! I've always been on SG8. Do I know you?"
                Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                  Vincent stepped through the gate, he looked immeadiatly around, no stand off. He lower his P-90 and stayed quite, as he knew absolutly no-one properly in the room. He also kept his guard up a little, anything could happen.

                  <<Stop being like Ikio, you could never match him for this kind of thing>> he felt his stomach turn a little, prehaps Ikio might be here. Ikio Remo, Alexander Dawnson and a few other SAS troops had become his friends during his time at the SGC, there might be a chance that they would still be here. Ikio had been a quiet sniper, who kept himself to hiself, very good at Recon. Lex had been almost a polar opposite, confident, outgoing. A born leader. They'd all perished in the Goa'uld attack, but just maybe...
                  "I once thought it better to be right
                  But now I have finally seen the light
                  Sometimes you've got to be wrong and learn from mistakes
                  I live with serenity now, not self righteous hate.

                  - Dream Theater, Shattered Frotress

                  Gateworld RP: Aftermath
                  Update Thread


                  Main Characters

                  Ray's sig made by Shelly, Vince's, House's and Li's modelled on her good work.

                  Looking after

                  For Xym, and so I have a place I can take the siggy code from!

                  Non-bio'd NPC Characters


                    On the other side Donna quickly assessed the situation, her p90 had been raised as soon as she reached the other side but now it was lowered though she still had a good grip on it. She seen some zats raised, she kept an eye on them. Moving off to the side she watched what was going on. Seemed they knew some of these people. She watched on listening to what they were saying.
                    Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                    SG-2: CO
                    Base Senior Biologist,
                    Stargate RP, Gateworld

                    Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                      ... Within a blink of an eye Harvey rematerialised on the other side of the mirror. Glad that she'd opted to be facing out as she touched the mirror, it meant she was aware of the situation going on as she arrived. The place was a little crowded as most people hadnt gotten around to moving away from the mirror. There was a tiny moment of confusion and she placed her hand on the Zat in its holster on her thigh, before she realising there was no threat. As the other members of the oversized team moved away she got a clear view of her surrondings, and more importantly the people in it.

                      Although she'd known there was a possability they'd meet people they knew it was still a bit freaky seeing faces of people she knew were dead. Then it made her think about her family, but they were'nt her family, who knew? She may not have a family in this reality. 'Stopp it' she chastised her self.

                      Back with the programme, but not quite sure what was playing out she decided with a nice safe "Hey?"


                        Originally posted by Jynjyr View Post
                        Tyler didn't know whether to laugh or cry at hearing the dreaded name. Her friend had only used it when she called his mustache 'cheesy'. Seeing him again, alive and well, was a mixed blessing.
                        She walked over and held out a hand, "It's good to see you again, Ernie. Face fuzz and all."
                        She glanced over and caught sight of the other two team members, "Lain? Oh, man. You too?"
                        Checking the crowd, she asked, "Is Col. Karr going to pop out and tell us to quiet down?"
                        Pratt took the woman's hand and gave it a squeeze. He knew she wasn't the woman who'd been his friend, but it was good to see her nonetheless. "Here too, Kym."
                        He shook his head somberly at her question, "No, I'm afraid not. Colonel Karr died on the same mission that you guys did. Ironic, ain't it? Your teams came to rescue us. You died and we survived."

                        Breaking off the personal conversation, the Major checked the room, counting the visitors. Turning to Colonel Sharp, he asked, "Twelve? You brought a football team? Why so many?"

                        Last edited by Gen Blue; 10 January 2007, 03:35 PM.
                        Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                          Gen Blue: McCoy stepped back and raised his zat, startled at the person rushing towards him. "Whoa! I've always been on SG8. Do I know you?"
                          Issac rushed to a holt as the man only a few meters away activated his Zat weapon and pointed dead straight into Issac's prone position. "Whoa, easy their sunshine!" Issac raised his hands in a defensive nature towards the man who clearly had never met him before. "In my reality, your on SG-3 with Hannah Harvey, Kym Tyler, Jamie Taylor and along with yours truly". Issac gave a smirk at his last "your truly part", as the Danny he would know would laugh at that sort of thing. Issac pointed to each women in the room, to show the alternate Danny just who was on his team. "Your a good mate of mine, and at the moment, your in the infirmary, in a critical condition."

                          Unsure what else to say to convince the man infront of him, Issac stood motionless, still watching if Danny was going to shoot him for charging at him like he did.

                          Name: Issac Matthews
                          Team: SG-3(Marines)
                          Rank: Captain (YAY)
                          click for biography


                            Turning to Colonel Sharp, he asked, "Twelve? You brought a football team? Why so many?"
                            "Well, um." Sharp said slightly embarassed. "Basicly our DHD got on the fritz, screwed up our gate, then exploded. So, now we're here to gate back to the planet, take its DHD, then bring it back to our reality." Sharp slightly smiled before he noticed something, well, everything. He was no longer standing in the ruins of some ancient building, he was in a huge concrete room...
                            "Um," He said trying to formulate his question so it made sense in both realities.. but what eventually came out was; "Where are we?"
                            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                            SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                            Join the Aftermath RP


                              Originally posted by Ascended_Elite_mercenary View Post
                              Unsure what else to say to convince the man infront of him, Issac stood motionless, still watching if Danny was going to shoot him for charging at him like he did.
                              [ Mirror Room ]
                              Dan slowly lowered his zat, "Sorry, fella. I'm on SG8 with Pratt, Simms and Belousov. SG3 is Major Rhea and company. No Harvey, no Tyler, no you."

                              Lt. Simms joined them. "Dan, I think these were the people who tried to do a pick-up on us right after Earth was destroyed."

                              (( Please start using location tags. I didn't expect action in so many different places at once. ))
                              Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                                Mirror room
                                Before anyone could answer his question of where they were Sharp jumped in. "So Earth is destroyed here too?" There were so many questions inside him right now, Sharp felt like he was going to explode. He wanted to just sit down and talk with someone.
                                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                                SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                                Join the Aftermath RP

