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    Originally posted by max_omega View Post
    <Major Josh Ezekiel- AU Mirror Room>
    Josh felt the hand on his shoulder, Josh watched as Pratt walked away, over to Jamie. He noticed Kym reluctance to answer; when she finally did it was short. “I don’t want to put you on the spot or anything, but I have ask, Did you ever expect to see me again?”
    [ Mirror Room – Kym Tyler ]

    Kym looked at her former lover and said solemnly, “No, not even if Earth hadn’t been destroyed. What we had was … broken … years ago.” She gently touched his face, “I’m sorry that it couldn’t be different. We were good together. Just too d@mn stubborn to know.”
    She waved a hand, including the whole room, “This … never occurred to me.”
    You're never too old to do something goofy.
    Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


      Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
      [ Mirror Room ]
      Jaime chewed her lip. "I'd really like to get when they come back, but... I would assume its pretty much the same thing? The mirror comes up, and they just blink in?" At Pratt's nod, her mind was made up. "Let's continue on, then."

      Jaime's sig
      [ Mirror Room - Maj. Ernest Pratt ]

      "Very good," he agreed, "I'll give you the quarter tour." Grinning, he added, "That's a lot more inclusive than the nickel tour."
      He check his watch. "Ezekiel has hours left on his shift. I'll see if Tyler wants to join us."
      Holding up a finger to indicate 'in a minute', he moved over and, not wishing to intrude, stopped a few feet from Ezekiel and Tyler.

      Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


        <Major Josh Ezekiel- AU Mirror Room>

        Originally posted by Jynjyr
        Kym looked at her former lover and said solemnly, “No, not even if Earth hadn’t been destroyed. What we had was … broken … years ago.” She gently touched his face, “I’m sorry that it couldn’t be different. We were good together. Just too d@mn stubborn to know.”
        She waved a hand, including the whole room, “This … never occurred to me.”
        Josh figured that was going to be her answer, "I don't think most people ever think this is a possibilty." He put his head down, "There was a time when I didn't think was possible."

        He started to say something else but than look up and saw Major Pratt, so he stopped.

        Originally posted by Gen Blue
        Holding up a finger to indicate 'in a minute', he moved over and, not wishing to intrude, stopped a few feet from Ezekiel and Tyler.
        Josh look back over to Kym, "I think your escort is about ready to leave."

        Last edited by max_omega; 01 March 2007, 04:02 AM.
        Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

        August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


          [ Mirror Room - Maj Ernest Pratt ]

          Ernest shook his head and spoke up, "Tyler, you can stay here and wait for your Colonel if you want. McCoy can be your escort when they get back."
          He jerked a thumb toward the patiently waiting Jaime, "I'm giving Ms. Taylor a film tour."

          Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


            [Mirror Room - Kym Tyler]

            Kym looked between the two men. She wanted to talk to Josh but also wanted to see the base. "Josh," she asked quietly, "can we have dinner together? Alone? Or at least have some time after dinner? I really want to see this place."
            You're never too old to do something goofy.
            Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


              <Major Josh Ezekiel- AU Mirror Room>

              Josh smiled at Kym, "Go, see the base. I am on duty anyway." he grabbed her hand, and leaned in closer, "I promise I will find you, and we'll have dinner."

              He let go of her hand and and sat back to original position, She is oddly still like Kym, curious.

              Last edited by max_omega; 01 March 2007, 04:00 AM.
              Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

              August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                [ Mirror Room - Kym Tyler ]

                Kym gave the man a smile and a squeeze on his hand. "Thanks, Josh. I'm looking foward to that."
                Putting her cap back on, she joined Jaime and Ernest. "Where to first?"
                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                  [ Mirror Room - Maj Ernest Pratt ]

                  After they re-joined Jaime, Ernest asked, "Ms. Taylor, where would you like to begin? We can start here and work our way down the length of the ravine to the other end of the base. The walk alone will be about 30 to 45 minutes. On the way back we can stop at specific departments. Or we can stop along the way."

                  Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                    <Major Josh Ezekiel- AU Mirror Room>

                    Josh watched as Kym walked over to Major Pratt and Mrs Taylor. He waved good bye to her, than tried to refocus his mind back on to his duties. "Alright, enough of that distraction for right, although...I don't mind it one bit." he said quitely to himself.

                    He turned his attention to his team all sitting around the room, they look so relaxed, but he knew that they were ready incase the mirrors were activated. They were expecting Col. Harvey and McCoy back anytime with there naqudah generator.

                    Last edited by max_omega; 01 March 2007, 04:01 AM.
                    Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                    August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                      [ Mirror Room ]

                      Originally posted by Gen Blue View Post
                      [ Mirror Room - Maj Ernest Pratt ]

                      After they re-joined Jaime, Ernest asked, "Ms. Taylor, where would you like to begin? We can start here and work our way down the length of the ravine to the other end of the base. The walk alone will be about 30 to 45 minutes. On the way back we can stop at specific departments. Or we can stop along the way."
                      "I like the idea of heading down and working our way back, stopping as we make our way," Jaime affirmed. "I don't mind walking, and getting more footage of the ravine would be excellent. Do you think we'll run into any more of the Shajgar? If they'd allow us to film their village..."


                        [ Mirror Room - Kym Tyler ]

                        Kym tried not to make a face at the mention of the Shajgar. She was in no hurry to get close to them. "I vote for up the ravine and back down." Maybe by the time we get back here it'll be too late to bother them.
                        You're never too old to do something goofy.
                        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                          [ Mirror room - Maj. Ernest Pratt ]

                          Ernest led the way back outside while he explained, "The Shajgar aren't real keen on strangers in the village. I'll see if Ivan is willing to go talk to Harra for permission. It may have to wait until you come back though. He's got another couple of days leave available."

                          They came back out into the sunshine and the man turned around, pointing to the the carved cliff face. "These glyphs translated out as 'The Place of Probabilities.' We think that, in some reality, this was the original home planet of the race who invented them. What we can't find out is where they went and why they left."

                          Last edited by Gen Blue; 28 February 2007, 03:02 AM.
                          Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                            "The Shajgar aren't real keen on strangers in the village. I'll see if Ivan is willing to go talk to Harra for permission. It may have to wait until you come back though. He's got another couple of days leave available."
                            Jaime nodded. "No problem. Ivan knows the Shajgar; if he thinks it would be a problem, or inappropriate to ask, I'll abide by his decision. My personal curiosity isn't worth endangering whatever diplomatic and/or trade agreements you've been able to work out with them." She had to smile. "Although I'm sure you were about to tell me the same thing!"

                            "These glyphs translated out as 'The Place of Probabilities.' We think that, in some reality, this was the original home planet of the race who invented them. What we can't find out is where they went and why they left."
                            Jaime smiled, remembering her own struggle to translate the glyphs. "Nice to know you know about as much about them as we do," she chuckled. She filmed as they walked, panning through the ravine. It'll be interesting to compare and contrast the film from our reality to this one, she thought.

                            A thought suddenly occured to her. "Major Pratt, who would we talk to about possibly meeting the Iberians?"


                              [ Outside the Mirror room - Capt Kym Tyler ]

                              Kym trailed along after Jaime and Ernest, enjoying sightseeing. She was feeling a little guilty because she should have been checking equipment again and making arrangements to get what they may have forgotten.
                              I hope this Ivan person takes his good ol' sweet time coming back. A whole village of full will be a bit much to handle.

                              (( Should we be in the 'main canyon' by now? ))
                              You're never too old to do something goofy.
                              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.



                                Rachael just sat on the bed thinking, Why did she have to bring me here? I could of dealt with this on my own, I have been dealing with this for over ten years. Oh whe did she have to bring me here. Why now? She looked around the room and spotten a pen.

                                She sat there for a moment but couldn't resist getting up, she walked over to it and picked it up. Rachael started to scan the room for any paper, she saw a few pieces neatly stacked on top of a table in the far corner from the room. She picked them up and went and sat back down on the bed.

                                Than she started to write things down, slowly at first than at a normal pace. She look at the writing and at first had no idea what it was. Why am I doing this? There is no reason I should be doing this, so why? All of a sudden her mind started to go into over drive and a flood of memories started to come to the front of ther mind, all the while she could stop writing anything.

                                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.

