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Beta site - Colonel Eric Hanes, Commanding

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    <<<From the SG8 Mission Thread, Location- Dakara>>>

    George stepped through the gate to find a team of guards greeting him and Colonel hanes standing there with a smile on his face. George walked down the ramp and saluted the Colonel with a smile. "Sir, we tried to get to the alphasite but were unable to connect."

    The colonel returned the salute "We know, we havent been able to connect either and have been in limited contact with them. What we do know is that an earthquake damaged the base and they are in disrepair. As far as I know there are no casualties but the quake destroyed thier DHD and damaged thier Gate. they do not know what happened. Your team is the second team to come back. We also have some of SG's 6&7. Go get cleaned up and wewill debreif in 30 minutes"

    George smiled "Aye sir"George then turned to face the gate and wait for his team.


      << From the SG8 Mission Thread, Location: Dakara >>

      << Beta Site: Gate Room >>

      Natasha was the second member of the team to exit the wormhole end at the Beta Site. She saw Rhea and Colonel Hanes, but they had just finished talking and she didn't arrive in time to listen to any of it, but Rhea's "Aye, sir" response.

      "So which are the bad news, sir?" She asked expecting the worst, but hoping for the best. Rhea or the others in the Gate room didn't seem shocked which was a good sign, so she kept half positive.

      Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 06 February 2007, 07:46 PM.
      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


        "From what they could find out it seems that there was an earthquake at the Alphasite heavily damaging the base and the gate. no casualties as far as they know." George said relived to hear himslef saying that as if it had just sunken in "For now get a shower and relax. we will debreif in 30 minutes where you will find out more"


          << From the SG8 Mission Thread, Location: Dakara >>

          << Beta Site: Gate Room >>

          John walked through just as Major Rhea was re stating everything to Natasha, it hit him like a brick wall. I hope Rachael is alright, than he replayed the message in his head, no casualities as of yet. At least there is that.

          "Debrief in 30 minutes," John was finally able to say, he than walked up to Colonel Hanes, "Hi Sir."

          "Major, nice to see you walk through the gate this time." Eric said with a smile.

          "It feels so much better walking through it on my own." John said, "Will see you in 30 minutes." Than started to walk off with the rest of his team.

          <To Locker room>
          Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

          August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


            <<<from Dakara>>>

            Liam stood quietly by and nodded his understanding of the orders. Following the others inside, he silently wished that he had his guitar with him so he could truly unwind.
            Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

            I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


            Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


              After seeing his team come through te gate geoe felt a sense of accomplishment. The mission was finally done. One his team recieved te orders. Geore then turned to othe General " colonel. If you do not mind i would like to have the other members of the alpha site present at the debriefing if possible?"

              "Sure thing major" The colonel siad in a cheerful turn. "If they are up to it that is, I know some of them are pretty banged up"

              George smiled "Of course sir, they should recover and if you dont mind right now I am going to go take a shower"

              George then walked out of the room

              <locker room and showers>


                <<<Playing Colonel Hanes>>>

                Colonel hanes followed george out of the gateroom and into the control room where he grabbed the intercom microphone.

                <INTERCOM>"Will all available members of sg6&7 please report to the briefing room in 30 Minutes. Thankyou"<INTERCOM>

                The Colonel then turned and went into his office to finish some paperwork.


                  <<<Me, in the locker rooms>>>

                  George walked into the men's locker room and disrobed quickly jumping into the shower. As the dirt and grime ran off his body Geoe pushed his fingers through his hair feeling the instant energy a shower usually provided him. As he unwound in the shower George began to think of thinggs other than the previous mission, instantly Rachel came to his mind. At first he was worried that she might be injured but mostly he was upset that he was not thier with her.


                    <John-Mens Locker Room>

                    John walked over to his old locker, he pilled his stuff in front of it then shed his cloths and jumped into the shower. Finally some relief of the long couple days they had. He felt like he could sleep for a week, or at least 24 hours.

                    He stepped out and dried off, finding some fresh BDU he changed and started to reorganize his bag before heading to the debriefing.
                    Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                    August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                      <Locker room>

                      George walked out of the nearly flooded stall energized and refreshed and quickly put a towel around his waist. George then walked over to the locker assigned to him and opened it finding a set of BDU's with his rank on them but no name. George then got dressed, combed his hair and shaved making himslef presentable after being on that grimy mission for so long. Being fully dressed George looked at the clock in the locker roon and judged that he would have just enough time to drop by the mess hall to fill his stomach before heading to the briefing "Ezekiel, want to grab a quick bite to eat?"

                      <Waiting for a response then going to the mess hall>


                        << Gate Room >>

                        Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus View Post
                        "From what they could find out it seems that there was an earthquake at the Alphasite heavily damaging the base and the gate. no casualties as far as they know." George said relived to hear himslef saying that as if it had just sunken in "For now get a shower and relax. we will debreif in 30 minutes where you will find out more"
                        "That's actually good news since there were no causalities. Though, at the same time, bad because of the base damage. Well the base can be fixed in time, the people are a little harder to heal. All in all, not so bad, sir." Natasha said releaved and smiling. That was really good news close to what she was expecting to receive upon crossing the StarGate.

                        "OK. I'll be back in 30, sir." Natasha said pulling her pack on her shoulders and leaving the Gate room, nodding to the SFs as she passed.

                        << Ladies Locker Room >>

                        The Beta Site was strange to Natasha, but since earthlings like a sense of familiarity, she thought this base's locker rooms would be in the same spot as the Gaian ones. So she went in that direction. She found the locker rooms in the exact same place, behind the Gate Room.

                        She entered and placed her pack over a bench in front of the showers, disrobbed and turned the water tap in order to let the water flow and heat. She took a shower and then just let the mild hot water flow through her body and relax her tension which was more emotional than physical.

                        Then she dried and dressed a new set of BDUs and made herself presentable once more, putting her recently washed hair up in a loose pony tail instead of the Lara Croft style braid she uses on missions. She took her pack and left the locker room.

                        While in the corridor outside the locker room, she overheard Rhea's comment of grabbing something to eat and though she had just taken Virna's soup at Dakara a few hours ago for some reason she was feeling very hungry again. "I'd go eat something with you guys, Rhea. If you only get out of the 'place forbidden for girls'. I'll wait here in the corridor." She said joking.

                        Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 11 February 2007, 01:10 PM.
                        Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                          George heard the captain yell into the mens locker room and he responded in kind "okay captain, we will be out in a minute"


                            Liam washed himself quickly and scurried out into the hallway.
                            Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

                            I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


                            Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


                              (D4d, you have to write more than ust a one line reply, please, the RP suffers when everyone doesnt post alot. It gives us less to work with.


                                (( I hope he took time to get dressed. ))
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

