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    There, all of them.
    Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



      What VS said

      The thread is called info/faq's for a reason

      "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


        ...or maybe the newbies can start by checking the first two or three posts in the FrequentlyAskedQuestions-post before joining and if they have at least some recollection of their reading, which I know most people around here do, they should be able to remember, if not the exact layou of each level, then at least where to find the information when needed

        "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


          The 'style' of writing is up to each individual poster. I tend to include some details and movement. I have a friend who tends to write mostly dialog.
          Agreed, it helps to have movement and details in a post to set the scene but, I'm not going to force my friend to do something she dislikes.
          It's not perfect but, you get used to it.

          As for a "Maps" folder - that's what the FAQ's thread is for. The post with maps is very easy to find. I use it all the time. Actually, at home I have print outs of the maps.
          You're never too old to do something goofy.
          Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


            RR: I plan on posting for Lannie later today. You also can take control of Lannie since he is an NPC.
            "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

            Aftermath RP

            SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


              Blue I know you are busy and all, but I am still not on the player list. Can we fix that?
              Dr. Andrew Clarke

              Aftermath GW RP


                The players list IMHO needs an overhaul and redone


                  Do I hear a volunteer? *looks hopeful*
                  Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                    Originally posted by Gen Blue View Post
                    Do I hear a volunteer? *looks hopeful*
                    Haha yea sure. Give me few days and I'll have it done I got a class test this Wednesday so after that I'l have the new version presented.


                      Just got home from a day on Gröna Lund, Stockholm
                      ...and those of you who know me know where I spent most of my time - ON THE ROLLER COASTERS!!!

                      "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                        Sorry about double posting, but I'm in a bit of a shock

                        When hubby and I planned the above trip, about 250 km one way, we had thoughts about taking the train so that we'd be well rested when we got home tonight.
                        My oldest daughter's friend who accompanied us, had a bit of a hard time deciding though, which meant that when we finally could sit down and to book the tickets, there was no way we could sit all 5 together.
                        Well, oh crap. Lets skip the train then, cause there's no way I'd go by train without having full control of the kids, so we took the car anyway...

                        Just found out that said train crashed 45 km from home...

                        14 severe casualties... It was so close that we could have been there...

                        "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                          well, I'm glad Lady Fate smiled down upon you and you and yours are all ok!


                            Originally posted by Northern Girl View Post
                            Sorry about double posting, but I'm in a bit of a shock

                            When hubby and I planned the above trip, about 250 km one way, we had thoughts about taking the train so that we'd be well rested when we got home tonight.
                            My oldest daughter's friend who accompanied us, had a bit of a hard time deciding though, which meant that when we finally could sit down and to book the tickets, there was no way we could sit all 5 together.
                            Well, oh crap. Lets skip the train then, cause there's no way I'd go by train without having full control of the kids, so we took the car anyway...

                            Just found out that said train crashed 45 km from home...

                            14 severe casualties... It was so close that we could have been there...

                            wow, talk about a close call! I hope the passengers are ok...train crashes are rare but pretty severe when they do happen..
                            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                            SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                            Join the Aftermath RP



                              Glad you're OK as it's obviously not your time yet.
                              Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                                WOW!! Fate moves in mysterious ways. I'm glad that everyone in your family is OK. I just hope the injured passengers will be OK as well.
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

