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Briefing Room

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    Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus
    George was looking for Cpt. Bystronski. George liked to keep tabs on the people under his command. It wasn?t that he didn?t trust them; it was because he felt responsible for them. While passing by the semi closed briefing room George caught a glimpse of her through the crack of the door and rushed in. "Captain" George said in a playful yet serious tone, " I have been looking for you".

    As soon as George muttered the words he took his focus off Bystronski and noticed a full room, including General Blue, and an offworld delegate. George was able to conclude that the delegate was a Centurion by the clothes he wore and the tattoo on him. "Sorry Sir! I didn?t mean to interrupt!"
    "Well, don't feel bad, Rhea. You are not the only one that kinda got in without noticing what you were doing first. I'm also guilty of the same behavior, sir." Bystronski says snarkily. "You said you were looking for me. What can I do for you, sir?"
    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


      George, a little embarased, looksed over to the captain and in a hushed tone sais " Nothing, i just like to keep tabs on people under my commnand" george then turned and slowly began to walk out of the office. Very slowly.

      (i am still around and not goin anywhere for a bit so feel free to stop me or not)


        Originally posted by TheGreatLordGeorgerheaus
        George, a little embarased, looked over to the captain and in a hushed tone says "Nothing, i just like to keep tabs on people under my command" george then turned and slowly began to walk out of the office. Very slowly.

        (i am still around and not goin anywhere for a bit so feel free to stop me or not)
        ((OOC - Just got home few minutes ago. Sorry, I didn't catch you around. So, BTW, did you arrive before or after Marshall? I read back and got kinda lost...))

        Natasha looks at the Major who was leaving and looses herself in her thoughts for a minute. "I'm not used to people caring that much about me, I think I'll get spoiled serving here...".

        Knowing her, the only one who noticed her drifting was Gaius. "Is there something wrong with you, Bystronski?"

        Natasha is knocked back to consciousness by Gaius' words and the fact that everyone in the room was looking at her after that comment and she felt she had to say something. "No, Justinius. I was just thinking that I could get used to all this care and it may not be good for someone like me who wonders around like I do. Although I did ask for this assigment to get more grounded. Just thought it would take longer to happen. Settle down, know the people, you know..." She said in the snarky way she uses when she wants to push people away from her personal space.

        "I see." Says Gaius the usual short Jaffa way.

        "Nothing to worry about, Justinius. I see too that you are learning how to give short, kinda criptic answers like the Jaffa." Natasha said in a playfull tone to Gaius.

        "Well, it has its usefullness." Gaius says kinda joking back in a unusual way for a Roman, noticing the others were giving him dumbfounded looks, he completes. "That I learned from you, Captain."

        "I'm glad I could teach you something, Justinius. I hope it serves you as well as it does me." She says to which Gaius only nods in acknowledgment. "Sir, thanks for your concern." She says, now looking at Rhea again, kinda disturbed by the situation, trying to adjust herself to her new ground and the ways of her new CO, sorta the first in a long time since she never really gave a damn to any of the other ones she has had since Earth's destruction and just did her own thing most of the time since.
        Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 19 July 2006, 06:16 PM.
        Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


          Marshall took a seat at the conference table, across from Gaius. This is gonna be a long briefing, he thought.


            >>>>From Quarters

            The SF lead the way off the elevator, and Jim stepped off from behind the SF.

            The SF had told Jim that he was actually late for the briefing, and it had started a short while ago.
            Jim had blushed, which happened be a good thing as it didn't make him look like a ghost and apologised.

            He now approached the door to the briefing room.
            As he reached the door, the SF stopped for a moment and saluted Jim.
            He saluted back, in as formal a way as he could, and saw him off and walked into the briefing, turning his attention to the General and several others in the room.

            Jim turned his salute to Blue and said "Good afternoon sir. My apologise for being late, I was tied up...Unfortunately." He let the comment hand and nodded to Captain Marshall, who he vaguely recognised.
            He then nodded to the Roman judging by the look of him who was sitting across from him.

            'Hm...I swear I heard something about him...Maybe. Oh, I don't know.' Jim thought to himself.
            He then nodded to a new character he didn't recognize, yet just today he hadn't recognised an SF.

            Obviously he was far from knowing everyone on the base.
            Jim then walked into the room and right past a person he hadn't noticed who was there, someone he thought looked vaguely familiar.

            Deciding he was almost there instead of nodding or acknoledging he was there, he just took a chair next to Captain Marshall, opposite an empty seat.

            He faced Blue and said "Sir. If you don't mind...What have I missed?" He said eager to make up for his tardiness.
            Last edited by Ascended Times.2; 30 April 2006, 02:56 AM.

            Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


              "There's been a development," Marshall answered Anderson's question. "Apparently we've got a lead on the Tok'ra, which is good news for Major Beale."
              "However," he said, turning to General Blue, "If it were as simple as simply dialing their planet and showing then we'd be there already. What's the problem?"


                Jim raised his eyebrow at this.

                He had been the one who had taken Beale down when he had been Goa'ulded, he had kept guard to make sure the Goa'uld didn't try and escape...However, he had been severely ill at the time, and had passed out because of it.

                He waited until the captain had finished talking and thought to himself in scorn.
                'Poor Beale. All this time, you've been grieving over one thing or another, and you've totally forgotten him and him having a Goa'uld in his head...Poor guy. I would hate to have a Goa'uld in me. Not quite sure about a Tok'ra though.'

                Jim shook his head and decided to wait for the General to reply, as he was quite curious to the answer.
                However, he had already assumed the planet was fortified in some way or the Stargate had a shield around it. This is what mainly caused briefings such as this to come around instead of the standard handing of the reports and going.

                Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                  Originally posted by White Knight
                  "There's been a development," Marshall answered Anderson's question. "Apparently we've got a lead on the Tok'ra, which is good news for Major Beale."
                  "However," he said, turning to General Blue, "If it were as simple as simply dialing their planet and showing then we'd be there already. What's the problem?"
                  Blue nodded to the two officers, "The problem is: Hera's forces may get there first. She knows that the Tok'ra are in her territory."
                  Gaius repeated his story of how the information came to him. When he was done, he added, "I regret, General, that we cannot send men with your's. I will give you a name and password to use if they happen to contact Hera's troops. We have men among them."
                  "Thank you, Centurion. Your information alone is a great help." He drummed his fingernails on the the cast while he thought.

                  (( Guys, PM me with the roster of who is going and a finalized mission plan, please. After that, Blue will do assignments and you can be gone. ))
                  Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                    ((OOC - With the approaval of Blue.))

                    Natasha looks in the direction of the room's new addition. "Hello, you must be Colonel Anderson. Captain Bystronski, the newcomer, sir." She nods towards him thinking. "Complicated man this Colonel Anderson. He's so conflicted. Well, his friend and Marshall's was Goa'ulded that must be the reason why they are both so agitated...Focus Natasha!!!"

                    Then she says to all in the room in a clear voice. "So, well, the situation as General Blue said can get bad really fast. Justinius, thanks again for everything, but which is the world's Gate adress?" She hands him the back of her base map and a pen in order for Gaius to write down the adress, which he does.

                    Natasha looks at the piece of paper with the Gate adress Gaius have put over the table of the Briefing room. Her gaze on the symbols, her mind elsewhere.

                    "Do you know this place?" Gaius says acknowledging her absentmindedness (?).

                    "Yeah, actually I do think I have been there before, P3X-928. Not very beautifull, lots of thick forest around the Gate area, but around 200 miles northwest of the Gate there is a mountain formation with lots of caves in it. The perfect hideout for the To'kra base since the minerals those mountains are made of can naturally block Goa'uld sensors. That's the reason I went there. The forest itself can hold many traps, if the To'kra have planned so. But Hera will send her Romans anyway after not finding anything on the other worlds of her territory and knowing the advantage of this place herself and they will get to the caves sooner rather than later since she has had this information for longer and has more forces at her disposal for the search task." Natasha says looking at Marshall and Anderson.

                    Natasha now focus her gaze towards Blue. "Sir, that's all I can give you and your men about this world, the rest is with them. I hope this heads up will help the mission and I wish you all luck. I'm sorry I can't be of more assitence to you. When I was there, the To'kra base was still located in Hafga." She said pushing her seat backwards. "Permission to leave if I may, sir. I still must settle in my quarters. I kinda am still behaving like I'll leave in a few days, leaving everything packed and so, time to change that and get grounded, sir. But I'm sure..." she now looks at Rhea "that Major Rhea will..." she looks at Blue again "constantly remind me of that fact, sir."

                    She begins to stand, waiting for Blue's approval of her leaving.
                    Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 19 July 2006, 06:18 PM.
                    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                      George, still a little embarased made his way out of the room


                        "Thank you, Captain. If we need more information, we'll have you paged." He watched the fledgling team leave before he got back to business.
                        Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                          Originally posted by Gen Blue
                          "Thank you, Captain. If we need more information, we'll have you paged." He watched the fledgling team leave before he got back to business.
                          ((OOC - Fledgling? I just noticed my dictionary is crap.))

                          "Yes, sir" Natasha said completing her standing up process.

                          "I was good to see you again, Justinius." She says towards him.

                          "It was good to see you too, Captain." Gaius says to Natasha while they both salute each other the Roman way.

                          "I'm glad to have met you too, Colonel, Captain." She nods to them and then leaves the room.

                          <<Going to Quarters. We have new floor and everything. Thanks Sharp !!!!>>
                          Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 19 July 2006, 06:19 PM.
                          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                            (( OOC - fledg·ling also fledge·ling (flµj“l¹ng) n. 1. A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers. 2. A young or inexperienced person. --adj. New and untried or inexperienced. ))
                            Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                              Originally posted by Gen Blue
                              (( OOC - fledg·ling also fledge·ling (flµj“l¹ng) n. 1. A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers. 2. A young or inexperienced person. --adj. New and untried or inexperienced. ))
                              ((OOC - Oh! Thanks Blue.))
                              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                                (( Pash and AT.2, PM me with the roster of who is going and a finalized mission plan, please. After that, Blue will do assignments and you can be gone. ))
                                Last edited by Gen Blue; 03 May 2006, 02:59 AM.
                                Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything

