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    "CIA nice" she had her doubts about them but hey he seemed nice enough. The comment about the vice president flying past her head at the moment. "Impatient arent you" she smiled "Still got a lot to do". Just then Doctor Parker came into the lab,

    "Hey Donna good to see you back"

    "How's things been around here? I need upd..." she was cut off

    "All in that pile, all files of what has been through the lab and a overall report on top as well as somethings for you to complete and sign off on" she grinned happy to have some of the work load taken off her now, not that she didnt enjoy it, because she did.

    "Gee, thanks Isobel" she used her first name as she knew she prefered it instead of her second name which she usually used and she didnt like it.

    "Are you alright" Isobel new there was something wrong she had not been friends with Donna for as many years as she had and not learned a few things about her.

    "Am fine well talk later ok" she smiled in reasurance. Isobel smiled to the both of them at the table and excused herself as she had a sample running and had to go get it. Taking a look at the top file Donna rolled her eyes again so much work and there were some querries on some tests from some of the food from the messhall. She looked up at the guy "You know what lets go this can wait another little while. She got up took off her lab coat and went and washed her hands before turning round to him "What is your name...?" she asked
    Lt.Col Donna Henderson
    SG-2: CO
    Base Senior Biologist,
    Stargate RP, Gateworld

    Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


      When the doctor said lets go a huge smile came over Lee's face. He was hungry.

      My name is Lee Howard. and your name is ?

      he said as they walked out of the room
      Lee Howard


        Donna smiled as she stopped Lee as he was about to walk out "Wash you hands please, lab rules" she pointed to the notice at the sinks at the front of the lab. Once he washed his hands they continued out to the messhall. Talking as they went down the corridor "Donna Henderson" she replied to his question.
        Lt.Col Donna Henderson
        SG-2: CO
        Base Senior Biologist,
        Stargate RP, Gateworld

        Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


          Originally posted by max_omega
          Rachael look at the computer for a second, "Well this is going to take a while, but I do have something that you might be interested in." She walks over to one of the cabinets and pulls out a small ancient device, it looks some what egg shaped with writing on it. "Remember when I said I had the memories of an ancient downloaded into my head, this is the device that carries the memories." It started to glow slightly but did nothing else, she than set it down on the table.
          ((OOC - I take the memories are no longer in the device since they're supposed to be on Rachel's head, but...))

          Natasha got a little frightened when Rachel brought the device and it glowed. She didn't like to stay in much proximity with Ancient technology. It was somewhat an instinctual fear, although she knew it was safe, if it was Ancient she wouldn't touch it unprotected. She didn't do it even with Lyra's module. So she looked around and found a pair of gloves over a desk nearby and put them on her hands, going towards the table with the device.

          "Better safe then sorry, right, Rachel?" She half asked, half stated as she grabbed the device in her hands. Nothing happend because there was no phisical touch or ATA activation. "After all, as I told you, it would be very weird if these memories just get stuck in my head too. I kinda like my mind the way it is right now." She said and smiled towards Rachel.

          She then sat down on a chair next to the table and looked at the writing, she didn't know how to read Ancient, but she was good at pattern matching and mathematical probabilities and correlations and language is just a code and thanks to her grandpa, she knew a little Latin, so as she looked at the device's writing, its meaning became clear to her as she decifred the language as her eyes scrolled over and over again finding the alfabetic code of the Ancient language. Natasha took nearly 50 minutes in this process since the text wasn't long.

          "You're right, Rachael. The text tells an interesting message. The only question I have left is this: it's clearly written what gift of knowledge would be given to the one that activates this device, I mean what would happen, so did you want to have it?" She said showing on her face and the way her eyes looked at Rachel that she couldn't believe that a real scientist like Rachel would, first not be cautious when finding something clearly alien to even think about touching it bare handed and the thought that she wasn't able to read such a simply written text just couldn't cross her mind for the moment. Later she realised that Rachel may not have known Latin at all at that time and so did not have a way to translate the text into something she could understand, even if she had found all the alfabetic and phonetic correlations through letter positions as Natasha just had done. But as for the bare handed touching mistake, she couldn't find Rachel an excuse for.

          Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 07 July 2006, 06:44 PM.
          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


            Rachael split her attention between the computer running the program and Natasha looking at the device, "Actually from what I have learned about the device the memories are still in there, the crystals used for the divice is a permanent imprint pattern." she paused, "Plus it can also download my own memories to the device, although I have to activate that part myself."

            She noticed her put some gloves on, "Actually even if you were to touch it with your bare hands, the memories would not be downloaded into your mind, since I was the first person with the ATA gene to touch it after Alexandria, it has in effect locked onto my unique genetic code, until I die it will only reposnd to my touch."

            Rachael seemed to stare at the device remembering when she found it, "When I found the deivice I had no idea what it was, I found it before I became involved in the stargate program. I was serving on a US naval vessel off the coast of Italy and Egypt, on shore leave I would go diving. I found the device while diving off the coast of Alexandria, it was in a small portion of Alexander the Greats sunken library. Along with this device I found some other goa'uld artifiacts."

            She stopped for a second and checked on the diagnostic, she reviewed what the prelimiary scan said then went onto the main scan. "When I touched the device it started to glow, I didn't know what was happening, than I passed out. A few days later I started to have dreams, about her life. I didn't ask for it, it just happened." She thought about what the text said, "After I was brought in on the stargate progarm I understood what had happened better, and now I have learned to live with the memories. In a way having them had opened my eyes as to what is out there, plus I am never alone."

            She look at the woman and into what her face was saying, "As for what you are thinking, I should have been more careful when handling the device, but I don't think that it would have made any difference if I had been wearing gloves."
            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


              Natasha put the device back over the table.

              "Well for my little" She made a sign with her left hand putting her thomb and indicator fingers togheter. "understanding of Ancient tech, stuff like this can only be activated by the ATA gene carriers because of some substance such a gene allows us to have in your skins or something and we can control them better or worse also depending on how this gene affects our brain chemistry, that's how I always thought it worked. So no contact, no activation. But I can be wrong about it, after all, you're the especialist, Rachel, not me. So are you telling me that my precaution is kinda useless and the times I didn't activate Ancient tech were because I blocked it with my mind or something?" She stopped a little to consider that option.

              "You know, I discovered I had the ATA gene in a mission once for the SGC. We had to take this device back to Earth, but it wouldn't move out of place unless activated. Everybody tried untill there was no one left but me. My CO kinda insisted for me to touch the thing. It glowed and fell out of the wall. Not a head grabber. Good for me. My first reaction was to throw it on the floor. My CO caught it half way down. I don't know why exactly, but almost every piece of Ancient tech kinda makes me run away from it. Weird, I know, especially for a naturally curious person like me. I should love to be able to activate and learn a few things with the help of my good friends who know more than I do from such advanced tech, but to tell you the truth it scares the hell out of me, much more than anything Goa'uld. Those gadgets I can deal with. No problem. It's sorta subconscious I think." She said rather fast and then kinda backpaddled. "Idiot, I know, but..." She stopped and looked at her feet, not knowing what to say next.

              Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 08 July 2006, 04:16 PM.
              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                "Its not technically your skin and touch that activates its, its your mind. That's way some people have to concentrate a lot harder than others to activate ancient technology." She tought about it again, "Although contact with the device you are trying to activate is necessary in I think some situtations to actually activate it." She closed her eyes as if trying to remember something, "Also when we had an ancient ship for a while, we were able to study the connection between the mind and activating ancient techonology, in some of the case touching what they wanted the person to activate was not necessary."

                She looked back over at the computer and did a few things on it, "What I meant was with this device imparticaluar, you won't activate it by touching it. Other people with the ATA gene have touched it with there bare hands before, and they did not get the memories. But you are right, you never can be to careful." She paused for a second, "Although I am not a biologist and I don't know what all is involved with the connection between mind and touch. I guess we both could be right. And as for the times you touched devices and they did not turn on, it probably was your mind blocking it."

                "In many ways I would prefer to study Goa'uld techonolgy, so much easier to figure out, and reverse engineer. Even with the knowledge that I have gained ancient techonolgy is still light years beyond us."
                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                  Natasha looked up from her feet and over to Rachel. "I guess our minds are more complex than we give them credit for sometimes." She said and then thought for a moment continueing. "Lots of knowlegde building up to do then. It'll give you something to do for the rest of your lifetime, I guess. What would you like to know and you don't now, but you know is possible because someone, either Ancient or Goa'uld, has achieved it already? Just curious." She gave Rachel a little smile as if to challenge her to give an answer to the question.

                  Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                    "I would like to know.." Rachael looked away and closed her eyes for a second she took a deep breathe, "..that time travel is possible, I know it is becuase an ancient achieved it. I would love to be able to travel through time, not necessarily to change things, just to know things. To know that everything is going to be alright."
                    She look over at Natasha, "What made you almost drop the ancient device?"
                    Last edited by max_omega; 08 July 2006, 08:00 PM.
                    Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                    August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                      "Time travel can be a two edged sword. Perhaps just knowing can change it all. If it's bad you can make better or worse by trying to change it, if it's good you can make it worse by trying to make sure it happens that way. Is it really worth knowing? But I get what you mean. Well, you're probably talking about the small time ship SG-1 found on the planet Maybourne was sent to, right?" Natasha said to Rachel. "And to answer your question... I'm not sure what made me throw that device like that even knowing it was unique and important, I just couldn't hold it. Well, when we returned to the SGC, General O'Neill made me see the base's shrink. Can you guess what she told me?" She said with an indignant expression on her face.

                      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                        "I have a philosphy of, 'Never try and get inside someone else mind, especially since I get lost in my own easily.' So I am not even going to make a guess as to what the shrink said. Plus I don't really like shrinks, they always give me this wierd feeling." She paused, "The device SG-1 found, I wished I had had more of an oppturnity to study it. When ever I think of time travel I think of Frank Herberts Children of Dune, 'To know the future is to be trapped by it.' Especaily if you try and make things happen."
                        Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                        August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                          "It's harder for some than for others." Natasha said. "Well, she said that..." She started gesturing a lot while talking like an italian. "Since Ancient devices are powerfull ones, I was actually having a subconscious fear of getting more power." She made a WTF? expression and continued. "Can you believe that? I just decided to drop the subject altogether and stay in a safe distance as much as possible from anything that might arise such reaction from me. The idiot thing is that I always thought that by not touching the devices, nothing would happen, but in the end, as you just said, it was my sheer lack of will that truely made them do nothing at all. I don't get it really and don't think I wanna think about it." She said and paused to consider. "Well, who am I to desagree with Frank Herberts?"

                          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                            "Now you know my secret love for Dune, darn my secrets out. Anyway moving right along, as for you fear of getting more powerful, I guess you could get more powerful from ancient techonology depending on what it did."

                            Rachael threw up her hands and said, "Well enough about ancient techonolgy," she paused and looked around the room, even though she knew they were alone, "I need a favor from you, well actually it is more of a little help in planning a date, are you interested?"
                            Last edited by max_omega; 08 July 2006, 08:33 PM.
                            Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                            August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


                              "Don't feel bad about it, Dune is great." Natasha said. "Agreed. No more Ancient talk for the day. It gives me headaches." Then she smiled and said. "So I take things are going well between you and Rhea. Somehow I had the feeling this would happen sooner or later. You don't even had to ask. Sure I'm gonna help you. Do you have some basic idea or do I begin scheming from the scratch?" Natasha asked with inquiring eyes.

                              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                                "Well this is what I thought of so far, an old fashion date to the movies. I can get my hands on projector that hooks up to my lap top, and the screen. But I need someone to find out what his favotire movies are, hopefully I have it. I already know a place off-base we can set it up at, the place where we had out last two dates." Rachael smiled, "Things are going great, I couldn't be happier, I don't think I could be." Her faced had a certain glow to it, when she began to think and talk about George. "He sort of challenged me to top his last date, which was amazing. First he got me this beautiful dress, he even got it in my quarters, than he made dinner and I even got him to dance. It was out side at this waterfall not to far from the base, with in walking distance."

                                ((OOC-one more post after this, my bed is calling me.))
                                Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

                                August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.

