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    Kate shuffled along to sit next to him on the bed, slipping her arms around his waist. "You know, I'm not so sure they're mutually exclusive, Richard," she sighed, smiling weakly at the young man. "Rowena's still young and doesn't understand what you've been through, why you might be uncomfortable and want to take it slowly." She frowned as she remembered the cadet's visit. "The thing is, you've inadvertantly sent her some mixed messages. There's this idea that you don't want her, you're not attracted to her and she's just the rebound girl, and then on the other hand, she sees you racing to get her into bed, use her as some kind of baby machine. She's very confused, Richard."
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      "I never said I didn't want her, nor that I wasn't attracted to her, I did go a little... okay a lot overboard and blame her for dragging me in." He blushed. "I know that was idiotic of me but, she did kiss me first." He sighed. "As for the rebound girl thing, blame Hermione, remind me to never piss of a shrink again. Ya know, assuming the others weren't destroyed with earth." He paused, leaning slightly on the older woman, waiting for a response.


        Kate felt him lean on her and tightened her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. "She's not all bad, she's just looking out for her little girl, that's all. I'm just worried it's too soon for you, Rich, after all you've been through." She gave him a quick squeeze then relaxed her grip somewhat. A curious expression played on her face as she let go completely. "Errrr... Rich.... what do you mean in my quarters?"
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          "Oh, yes. I went to your quarters earlier, hoping you had been discharged, Rowena answered the door. I apologised, and I think I got through to her." 'And that's al you need to know.' He shifted a little, hoping she didn't dig too deeply into that.


            Kate raised an eyebrow at him. "There's more to this than you're telling me, Lieutenant Dobson," she said sternly. "Trust me, if I find something out later on, you'll be sorry, young man. Best to get it out in the open now."
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              He frowned a little at that. "Yes Ma'am. Rowena and I almost..." He made a few grand gestures to try and explain, hoping the metaphor was universal. "Or, that's how she'll explain it, my intentions were more... honorable, I just didn't bother to explain that as I left." He gave a hopeful smile.


                "In My Quarters?!?!?!" Yelled Kate, springing to her feet, her ankle buckling underneath her, making her grasp the bed to break her fall. Getting back to her feet, her eyes were like slits. "You were going to have sex in my quarters? How can that be 'more honourable'?"
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  "I was never going to go through with it! Probably. Anyway, that's just how she'll explain it, she stopped it before I got a chance to. And keep your vioce down!" 'Talk about over-reacting' He sighed as he helped her back onto the bed.


                    "Probably?" Asked Kate, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. "Well, I've never known a man say no." She shook her head. "So go on. Explain."
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      The noise jolted Larry just as his REM cycles were approaching the deep sleep phase... still very groggy, definitely not coherent, and most definitely still in pain, he shifted from his side to his back, a semi-soft moan and cursing of the red oatmeal escaped his lips as he shifted to the other side, trying to fall back to sleep.

                      Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


                        Kate stiffened and sat rigidly on the bed. "Larry," she whispered quietly, frozen in her position. She glanced around for an instant, fighting an urge to spring off the bed and run to his side. Instead, she brought her knees to her chest and clasped them tightly.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          "Well, I apologized, she was there, I kissed her then said I could never blame her for dragging me in again, she didn't seem to respond so I, kinda... Took it a little further, when she said stop I stopped. She tried to apologize, I told her there was nothing to apologize for, then left." He shifted again, hoping it didn't sound as bad to her as it did to him. Suddenly Kate moved and whispered something. "Larry? What about him?"


                            "Huh...? Oh, that, errr, nothing," Kate said, bringing her attention back to Richard. "You.... what if she hadn't said stop?"
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Larry shifted again... his psyche was in a limbo somewhere between semiconsciousness and sleep, struggling for sleep, albiet unsuccessfully. Vivid images flashed through his head, like some sort of malevolent slideshow flashing at the right speed to induce epileptic seizure in some unfortunate individuals. He saw himself placing the bomb that caused the problems in the seals... setting the timer, hearing the CO tell him to get out NOW.... cutting the timer by 2 minutes due to the snafu... running like a madman to get clear... the extremely unlucky sighting of him by the sentry... the bullet entering his thigh, then exiting... the kids entering the building... 'Oh God... not again... not this'.... the thunder as it detonated, eliminating the desired target and far too many innocents.... white flash.... decking the CO.... white flash.... busted from major on fast track to lt. colonel (actually lt. commander to commander since it was navy at the time) to lt. j.g. (1st lt)... the transfer to the airforce and area 51... the loneliness... the breakthrough and promotion to captain, but still loneliness.... transfer to sgc then beta site....

                              Thanks to ShelBel for the sigpics! SUPPORT GATEWORLD ROLEPLAY


                                "I'm not really sure to be honest." He blushed a little. "I intended to stop when I started but... she just looked so... I don't think I would have stopped to be honest ma'am." He gulped. "Well let's just be glad it didn't go that far."

