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    "I am going to go york you are in command of military things." Said Harry who rushed off to the gateroom.

    ((OOC I will post as york everyonce and a while.))
    Last edited by captainpash; 04 January 2006, 04:21 PM.
    Lastest Episode: Alliances, Part One


      "Toss me a Zat and ill look after myself."

      ((Have i really been away that long? What the hell happened?))
      Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
      LOVE HIM-> DT
      ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


        ((This link should explain everything. Attack Summary Sharp and Blue started the season finale.))
        "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
        " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
        Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

        Discover a … New Galaxy

        Look for a … New Adventure

        Find a … New Mythology


          <<<from the control room>>>

          "We need a medic in the Gateroom. General Blue's down. Seems groggy," Kate barked as she ran into the infirmary. "He could have been compromised. There were dead Jaffa with snakes everywhere."

          She knew what they were thinking. She should have sensed the naquadah.

          "I didn't get close enough to tell for sure. Just get down there."

          She spun round and left.

          <<<to the hangar bay>>>
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            "Rigth, Steele you go, and take that P90 with you." Said York afraid that badthings could be happening.
            Lastest Episode: Alliances, Part One


              Major Howard's Bark woke Claire up, "What's happening?" She asked alreadly alert.


                Cole jogged into the infirmary, finally properly clean from the dirt and muck the Na'too children had covered him in. He slipped on a white coat and filled his pockets with latex gloves and his tools.

                "Nurse," a nurse quickly dropped what she was doing and rushed to him, clearly relieved the CMO was back, "Report," he asked curtly as he slipped on a pair of gloves and headed straight for an injured SF.

                "The injured started coming in not long ago, sir. We have a lot of them right now, I think mostly from the gateroom..."

                "Gateroom?" he looked at her as he listened to man's heartbeat, "But I just left there!"

                "Yes, sir, but Jaffa started pouring in after you left, Dr. Steele is there right now with a team," the nurse quickly said as she took over giving the heavily burnt man air.

                Cole gestured to the side and looked into his patient's eyes with his pen light, an SF that was guarding the infirmary quickly handed him his radio, "Steele, this is Attington, how's everything in the gateroom?"

                "Cole! I'm relieved to hear you. Things have calmed down here, there are several dead, a few injured, I've sent them to you. The General is suffering a mild concussion but he will be alright as well. I was just about to head to the hangar," Dr. Steele answered. He was very proud of how well she was handling everything, at first, he had thought she would crumble under her grief at the loss of her children but she had risen to the challenge marvelously.

                "Alright, go. I'm sending you an extra team. Do you need more medkits?" he asked as he gestured for a medic to gather a team and head out to meet Julianna in the hangar.

                "Yes, please. I'm especially in need of everything to treat staff weapon wounds," she replied. He could hear she was running.

                "You got it. Treat what you can on site, send only the critically injured to me," he ordered, she was the first line of defense and would treat the lesser injuries while he would handle the worst of the wounds, "Where's Gus?"

                He looked around, "And why are there armed people inside my infirmary?" he asked calmly, an eyebrow raised.
                May our transmatter beams cross again...

                Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


                  "Defense if the Jaffa break through the lines." Said York as he apporched the major.
                  Lastest Episode: Alliances, Part One


                    Sarah grabbed a nearby Zat and stood up, only feeling a little pain.
                    ((Shes been lying down for weeks.))

                    "Claire," she said
                    "Theres been an attack on the base."
                    Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
                    LOVE HIM-> DT
                    ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


                      "Doctor Attington? You're back." There was a pause. "Gus here. I've got Triage set up on Sub-level 1 of the Hangar Bay. We're out of the line of fire. There's not many casualties . . . Yet. The enemy hasn't been able to hit us in force."

                      ((Here's where))
                      Attached Files
                      Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                        "Excellent," Cole responded into his radio, "Radio back if there's anything you need at any time."

                        He cut off the uniform of the SF with the staff weapon burns and started working on keeping him alive, he couldn't promise he'd be pretty when he was done with him. Unless he could get someone with a healing device to fix him before the wounds on his face and neck were healed, he'd be left with some bad scarring. They didn't have a plastic surgeon on the base.

                        "Doctor..." he looked up and frowned as a gun was handed to the nurse assisting him and she shoved it in his pocket, "Just in case," the guard shrugged and returned to his position by the door to the infirmary.
                        May our transmatter beams cross again...

                        Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                        "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


                          (( check your PM ))
                          Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                            ((Done ))

                            "Here, you can finish here," Cole turned to another doctor and removed his bloody gloves. He went to the phone by the door and dialed the control room, he didn't know where the general was at this point, "This is Dr. Attington, can you get me the General please?" he asked the technician who replied.

                            ((I can't find you in the threads >_<))
                            May our transmatter beams cross again...

                            Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                            "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


                              Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman
                              ((Done ))

                              "Here, you can finish here," Cole turned to another doctor and removed his bloody gloves. He went to the phone by the door and dialed the control room, he didn't know where the general was at this point, "This is Dr. Attington, can you get me the General please?" he asked the technician who replied.

                              ((I can't find you in the threads >_<))
                              "General. It's Doctor Attington."
                              "What can I do for you, Cole." Blue sounded exhausted through the phone.
                              Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                                "Sir, I'd like you to report to the infirmary please," Cole said firmly into the phone. Before handling other patients, he needed to make sure he wasn't letting the enemy be in charge of the base and that included scanning the general.
                                May our transmatter beams cross again...

                                Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                                "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "

