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    Jaime stuck her head in the infirmary's main door and took a glimpse around. Things seemed to have settled down; some of the patients were even up and about, scattered around the room, talking to one another.

    Decompressing, Jaime thought. Getting out of that mission mindset.

    She reached out and tapped the shoulder of the nearest nurse. "Is it okay to come in without the scrubs?" she asked. The nurse took a quick look around and nodded, and Jaime stepped inside, eyes sweeping the room in search of the previously offending tablet PC. She spotted it in the hands of the same nurse as before, over my McCoy's bed, so she went over and waited. The nurse's eyes flickered up once and noticed Jaime, but she held up a hand. "No rush. Finish what you're doing, I just wanted to check and make sure the tablet was still sync'ing okay."

    "So far its been fine," the nurse replied, tapping stylus to screen with well-accustomed motions, then handing it to Jaime. "Here you go."

    "Thanks." Jaime took the tablet, logged in as herself, and started navigating thru the settings, checking and double checking connectivity and signal strength. Hmmm... the access point signal could be stronger. I wonder if I have a hack to boost it a bit...? She chewed on her lip and continued to work, oblivious to the chatter of the recovering SG crews around her.


      Harvey smiled at Tyler as she thumped the wheelchair, then listened as McCoy answered Tylers questions.

      When McCoy had finnished Harvey took her turn to answer Tylers questions "Yeah I got one in the back of the thigh wich is the worst and one in the side of my lower back. the one in the backs not so bad but the doc says Ill need some trick he has up his sleeve to sort my leg out. Ive apparently lost some of the muscle, its only a small bit but damn painfull all the same, thankgod for pain killers eh!" Harvey nodded at the IV attached to her containg a mix of ingredients to help her injuries. "I think Im gonna be needing one of babies myself" she meant the wheelchair "who do I need to talk to? I need to get outta here"


        "Well, Major," Kym pointed to the IV bag, "You'll have to get un-tethered, I think. Then I'll hijack you one." She smiled at the other woman, testing her humor. "We can have drag races in the hall. Dave can be the judge."
        You're never too old to do something goofy.
        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


          As kym left him by her old bed matthews just stood there. It was obvious that he wasnt wanted around at the present time becasue of the mission he just botched. " I must prove myself matthews thought"

          "So all three needed a wheel chair, while all i got were some harsh words and sullen looks?" Matthews was alittle taken by that thought.

          " oh before i move" Mathhews began," i have these for you"

          He pulled a small cardboard box, roughly 20X30 centimeters and placed it on Mccoys bed. In the box were a assortment of magazines, videos and snacks probably from an american supplier. " i thought all of you would like some items to pass the time" Matthews said, facing both Tyler, Mccoy and harvey. With a apologetic nod, he swiftly turned and left to leave the injuried team mates to themselves.

          "i hope they have enough to go around" Matthews thought as he left the infirmary

          ( Matthews left the Infirmary) now moving to Mess.

          Name: Issac Matthews
          Team: SG-3(Marines)
          Rank: Captain (YAY)
          click for biography


            After a few minutes Jaime finished with the access point and checked the signal strength again. Much better, she smiled to herself, then crossed the infirmary and dropped the tablet in it's numbered cradle.

            She turned around, simply absorbing the activity and loathe to leave, enjoying the interaction she'd had so far today. With a sigh and a hand thru her hair, she decided she really should get out of the way, and besides, Captain McCoy looked to be involved in something with his CO.

            Ah well. There was always the book back in her quarters.

            << to Quarters >>


              "Drag races I like that idea, always was a bit of a speed demon. As for the IV Ill see what I can con the nurse into" she watched Mathews milling around looking uncomfortable where Tyler had left him. Maybe she wouldnt have to have a chat with him, he looked like he understood her feeling towards him. She could see from the expressions that where running across his face that he he was torturing himself without her imput. Still she would have to have an official chat with him at some point. Mathews turned and with a few words droped a parcel on the bed and headed off.

              Harvey turned to the data tablet and made her move in the chess game, she hoped it was good, she wasnt certain she had remembered all the rules. while she waited for McCoy to make his move she watched the young lady fiddling with a data tablet a few feet away. She looked a little down, like she needed some company. Harvey had seen her around the base a few times always had her head in some computer or other. She was about to call out to her when she turned and left the infirmary, 'maybe next time' she thought.


                With a sudden burst of energy McCoy sat up and slinged is legs over the side of the bed. David stands ups clearly in pain but he is detremind to prove he is worthy to be a solider, even yet a United States Marine. Stands straight up lifts his foot, and takes the first steps he would take on the road to recovery. He uses his bed as support while he takes a few more steps.

                Proud Supporter of:
                - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                - Jack Bauer (24)


                  "Son, do you really think that's a good idea?" *comes over to the three in the corner* "Doc is going to be irked if you fall on your face."
                  Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                    "Son, do you really think that's a good idea?" The General comented.

                    "General Sir" Harvey tried to sit up straight as the General came over to them. McCoy was trying to get out of bed without showing any pain, he was a little wobbly and using the bed for support, he had made a couple of steps.

                    "The General has a damned good point there McCoy, You've seen how feisty those nurses get if you rub them up the wrong way" she gave him a cheeky smile. "Sir did you need the report already, I have my PDA to hand I can get it typed up for you right away?"


                      At the sound of the General's voice, Tyler whipped her chair around, missing sweeping McCoy's legs out from under him by a narrow margin.
                      "Sir!" She sat to 'attention' and gave him a quick salute. This was only the third time she'd seen the man and thought the formality was good.
                      You're never too old to do something goofy.
                      Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                        << Harvey, are you a Major or a Lt. Col? I see you called one but your sig says another. >>

                        "At ease, for pity's sake." *casually returns Tyler's salute*
                        "I don't think you need to be typing a report on your PDA." *raises one eyebrow* "I'll have your notebook brought down to you if you're not out of here by this evening."
                        Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                          <OOC - Gen Blue, Harvey is at current a Major the deal was that once Macri (SG3s last C/O) was out of the picture I would be promoted and take over as C/O. That has only just happened on this last mission, so am just waiting the official promotion now. This was all previously agreed with Proxy/Col Sharp)

                          "Thankyou General. Actually Id like to get out of here if its possible. I know Im not fully recovered but Im not exactly gonna go anywhere! I promise to take it easy if Im allowed to go back to my own quarters. Im not exactly the most patient of patients if you get my drift". Harvey liked to think she was polite but she new after sitting around in the hospital bed for a couple of hours she would irratate the pants of the infirmary staff, she hated being cooped up with nothing to do.


                            "General Sir" McCoy siad standing up and saluting the superiour officer. "What brings you down to the infirmary sir?" McCoy asked sitting back down on the bed.

                            Proud Supporter of:
                            - 'Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis' -

                            'If you don't tell me what I want to know, then it'll just be a question of how much you want it to hurt!'
                            - Jack Bauer (24)


                              << OOC - Thanks for clearing that up. I'm still reading through everything. Lots of s**t happening here. >>

                              "Major, when you get released is between you and the Doctor. I learned long ago not to poke my nose in." *rubs his hip* "They have ways of getting even. Anytime in the next day or so is fine for your report. And, like you said, you're not going anywhere."

                              "Captain McCoy. My condolences on the loss of your team. I knew Colonel Karr quite well. SG-8 was a good group." *rests his hand on McCoy's shoulder* "You just concentrate on recovering."
                              << OOC - I couldn't find a name. Did he have one? The Colonel? >>

                              *sees the Doctor heading their way* "You all concentrate on recovering. We need everbody we can get."

                              << escapes back to his office >>
                              Last edited by Gen Blue; 28 January 2007, 07:03 AM.
                              Wondering what's happening? Updates for Everything


                                (OOC my character isnt here, but i thought i should post the situation.)

                                currently SG-6 and SG-3 and SG-8 all have team members, but no full squad. we need to either merge the teams or find replacements. And find new CO's

                                Name: Issac Matthews
                                Team: SG-3(Marines)
                                Rank: Captain (YAY)
                                click for biography

