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    *Colonal Richardson had been up a little while and was shaving.*

    "I'll be right there, Captain!" called out Jason.

    *He quickly finished up and got dress. Col. Richardson open the door and smiled at his secound in command.*

    "Ok, let's get going!"

    *He started toward Gen Blue's office.*

    << to Gen Blue's Office >>
    Last edited by BigGator5; 21 December 2005, 07:07 AM.


      Jen decided what Colonel Richardson had to discuss with General Blue was really none of her business. She followed him as far as the stairs, then headed for the lounge while he went to the general's office.

      ((to Lounge))
      "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
      " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
      Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

      Discover a … New Galaxy

      Look for a … New Adventure

      Find a … New Mythology


        Harvey arrived back at her quarters and slummped down into her desk chair. She sat in silence for a minute and then reached over and inserted a pod into her small coffe machine and waited for it to heat up, 'These arent gonna last long now' she mused. She turned on her lap top and started pulling up files from the bases network. She was looking at recent mission reports and planets still to be visited. The green light on the coffee machine flashed to indicate it was ready and Harvey placed a cup under the nozzle and pressed the large button, almost instantly the aroma of fresh coffee wafted around the room. She took the cup and leaned back in her chair, scrolling through the reports and taking in the relevant information.


          Ka'te entered her quarters, which were big enough but devoid of most personal effects. A set of clothes she had received from Alpha Site supply was in her dresser, on top was her knapsack. She sat cross-legged on her bed and picked up the laptop and notebook that were lying there. She spent a few hours compiling a dictionary of new words or variations from the dialect used in the Alarius' computers, and thought about asking Jamie if she could help her write a program that would do that automatically. She knew the computer tech was busy being turned into a Marine, however, and figured she could continue to profile her languages the old-fashioned way. That gave her an idea.

          The base supplies were fine as far as necessities were concerned, but they would eventually run out of novelties like pop((soda, if you're not from MN)), coffee, and jello. They had no way of getting more of these from Earth, but they may be able to imitate them with materials from the Alpha Site planet. That was how they'd been invented on Earth in the first place, after all. MacDoreign powered down her computer and went outside to see if she could find anything. <<to outdoors>>

          Lt. Colonel Jason Richardson/Major Jen Stevens Shipper
          Lt. Colonel Jim Anderson/Major Kate Howard Shipper

          "Tir gan teanga, tir gan anam." -Gaelic Proverb
          (A country without a language, a country without a soul.)

          ~RockinHobbit (MySpace)


            ((Alec walks into his room.))

            Alec goes and takes some Asprin then lays down on his bed.
            I doubt my sanity; then again I doubt yours as well!


              << from Armory >>
              Kym shook herself awake from yet another disturbing dream. Although the Cougar was her totem, she didn't know if she'd like having claws.
              Rolling out of bed, she did her morning stretches and meditation. Finally she gathered up some clean clothes and wandered down to the Locker room. I wish we had showers up here.

              << to Locker rooms >>
              You're never too old to do something goofy.
              Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                *Spaker* "Hey, this is Colonel Sharp, quick announcement; as some of you might have, or might not have noticed, today is Christmas! There will be a party at eighteen hundered, I hope to see you all there." (It's about 1300 right now lets say)
                Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


                Join the Aftermath RP


                  Harvey awoke quite a few hours later to find she had fallen asleep at her computer. She looked at her watch and discovered it was the early hours of the morning "Damn missed Dinner" she muttered to herself. she reached over and turned off the screen on her computer, then stripped down to her underwear and drapped her dirty clothes over the back of the chair. she climbed into bed and pulled the quilt over her head, nodding straight back of to sleep.


                    Harvey awoke at 0700hrs on the dot, it sure was helpfull that she had her own internal alarm clock, it srangley allowed her to wake at what ever hour she chose before she went to bed. She slipped out of bed and grabbed a coffee from the handy little machine, she quickly knocked it back and slipped on a pair of shorts, a T-shirt and trainers and grabbing her MP3 player headed to the Gym for her morning run.

                    (ooc - To the Gym it is)


                      Harvey arrived back in her quarters and started to dry her hair, 10 minutes later and it was good enough. She tied it up as she normally did and then made her self another coffee while she got dressed in a clean uniform. She placed the uniform from yesterday into the laundry bin and the clothes she had worn from the showers in her locker, folding them neatly. Checking her watch again she realised she had a few minutes to spare and quickly checked the information she had last been looking at before she had fallen asleep. Happy that she had everything straight she headed for a some well needed breakfast before her meeting.

                      (OOC - You guessed it off to the Commissary)


                        ((OOC: Whoa, internet acces has been access in general :| I should of been here three RL days ago))
                        <<1300 hours>>
                        Jim opened the door, it was the same old room, the familiar posters of SGC alien technology on the walls, the several blueprints of several of his favourite guns.
                        And certificates of graduation to say he had earned his rank now.

                        Jim shut the door behind him, he walked over to his bed, his Laptop in hand and earphones. He put the laptop and earphones under his bed and lay down, he was so tired...he needed sleep.

                        he heard the announcement of Colonel Sharp over the speaker. *Speaker* "Hey, this is Colonel Sharp, quick announcement; as some of you might have, or might not have noticed, today is Christmas! There will be a party at eighteen hundered, I hope to see you all there."

                        "Grr...five hours of sleep...then i'll get up for the party..."
                        Jim then fell asleep.
                        Last edited by Ascended Times.2; 26 December 2005, 08:36 PM.

                        Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


                          Entering her room Donna closed the door behind her and then went over to her desk where she placed her laptop and earphones. She went over to her cupboard and took out her wolves grey t-shirt and changed into it. She stopped infront of the mirror as she walked across her room and looked at her face the bruise from the last mission was still there. she continued on over to the corner of the room and picked up her basketball and smiled as she spun it on her finger, ok to the b'ball court she closed the door behind her as she left her quarters.
                          Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                          SG-2: CO
                          Base Senior Biologist,
                          Stargate RP, Gateworld

                          Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                            Donna swung her door shut as she walked into her room. Placing her ball in the corner of her room where it usually went. she walked over to her bed and took off her boots and lay back on the bed for a little while. She glanced at the photo on her side stand for a few seconds, making her think about her family.
                            Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                            SG-2: CO
                            Base Senior Biologist,
                            Stargate RP, Gateworld

                            Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                              George walked into his room. After his shower he was refreshed. all the stress, all the presure, all the physical strain had washed away. George sat down on his bed and laid back on the big comfy blanket. Many peoplethat that was an oxy moron. George loved the military. He thouhgt the food was good and the uniforms comfortable. The accomadations were suitible and there was always something to do. he stood up and got changed into an old T-shirt, and a pair of jeans. He then did his hair and left for the hangarbay

                              <TO the Hangar bay!>


                                Jim woke up after a peaceful nap, he stared at the roof for a moment, he then raised his left arm and looked at his wath. "F@#$!" He cursed, he then jumped up outta the bed, put his boots on and started walking at a slightly faster than usual pace towards the Mess hall.

                                He though he was late for the party, when he might be one of the first there.
                                <<To Mess/the party>>
                                ((OOC: I'm not really, just doin' it because Jim overlooks things sometimes))

                                Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.

