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    >> From SG-6 Office, SG-6 Missions thread >>

    < Corridor on floor 6 >

    Tim groaned as he added the four hours, “Aouch, that’s more or less in the middle of the night for you,” and shot a look towards Greg.
    “Does this floor looks familiar?” as he opened the door to level 6. “I live a little further down the corridor, room 14…”

    "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


      <<from SG-6 Office, Mission Thread>>
      <<Corridor to Greg's Quarters>>

      Greg looked around the floor. "It's the right floor. I'm not sure my number, but I know it's around here."

      He sighed. "It is pretty late for me, think I'll hit the sack. See you in the morning. I don't seem to seem brusque, but it's pretty late and tomorrow will be early."

      Relying on memory of the time kibitizing with Emma, he managed to find his room and swiped his key. His luggage, the box of pictures that chronicled a lifetime, the box of degrees that chronicled nine years of higher education, were still on the dresser. 'I'll unpack it tomorrow, after we get back from the range.'

      Greg made up the bed and stripped off to crawl into it. It had been some day. He'd started the morning as the maligned butt monkey of Beta Site engineering and ended the night as the civilian member of an Alpha Site SG team.

      "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
      " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
      Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

      Discover a … New Galaxy

      Look for a … New Adventure

      Find a … New Mythology


        < Corridor on floor 6 -> to Tim’s quarters>

        Tim winced, “Yeah, it sure is an early start. Sleep well…”
        He stayed and watched Greg take off towards his room making sure he knocked on the right door in the morning.
        With a sigh, he fished up his key card from his pocked, swiped it through the reader and entered his quarters.

        A few minutes later he’d changed in to a t-shirt and some old PJ pants, brushed his teeth and crawled to bed.
        The day off had turned out to be a good one after all. No emergencies, no attacks. Just L A Z Y…
        With a content sigh, Tim set the alarm clock at 5.25 and turned out the bed side lamp. He laid on his back and watched the picture of the eagle on the ceiling in the dimmed night light of his room for a few minutes before he drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the deep forests around the house where he’d grown up…

        "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


          [Sharp's Quarters]

          The altimeter was spinning faster than he could see and his fuel gauge had quickly reached rock bottom. Alert sirens started sounding, the constant buzzing in his ear. 'Mayday mayday red leader is going DOWN.' His hand struggled to keep the plane level and the fuel switch wasn't responding- neither was the oil, the engine started to stall. 'Mayday, red leader is going down, ejecting NOW.'

          Sharp awoke in a sweat, sitting quickly up and looking over at his alarm clock.
          'Oh jesus.'

          The ringing sound in his ears still remained after the alarm was turned off.

          Sharp slid his legs around to the side of the bed and wiped his face. He hadn't had that dream in years- not even after the destruction of Earth.

          'Oh god, not again.'

          [To be continued...]
          Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


          Join the Aftermath RP


            [Sharp's Quarters]

            Sharp stood up and shuttered at the thought that the nightmare had come back. 'I thought I had gotten rid of this damned thing.' He shook his head. What he needed now was a nice warm shower.

            After wresting with the drawers and beating up the closet, Chris finally managed to get out with a new day's armful of clothing. He missed the light switch on the way out, and had to step back to hit it. Everything seemed to be off-beat this morning.

            'Just need to shower. Just need to get my mind off of this.'


            Sharp walked briskly out of the washroom. Spending an hour in the shower was not how he had planned on starting the morning.

            Quickly dumping the clothes off on his bed, Chris quickly ran a hand through his hair in the mirror, put on his boots, and made his way back over to Thor.

            [Guest Quarters]

            Though he wasn't exactly sure what an Asgard's sleeping schedule was, he was sure that the commander was ready to eat breakfast.

            "Is Thor in?"

            "Been in there all night, sir. Not a peep."
            The airman outside the door responded.

            Sharp gave a couple of knocks on the door.

            Within seconds, the door opened.

            "Colonel, I expect you are here in order to accompany me to your morning meal. Am I correct?"

            'I wonder how long he's been up. I wonder if he even went to sleep!'

            "You are correct."

            "Very well. Let me acquire some of my dietary supplements, which I have been saving, and I will be happy to dine among yourself and General Blue."

            Sharp was nearly taken back by the "enthusiasm" the Asgard was showing. 'Hell, it's just breakfast...'

            [To Mess]
            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


            Join the Aftermath RP


              <<from briefing Room>>

              McKinnon's Quarters

              Lance placed the folder next to his computer after he entered his quarters. The events of the days had finally caught up with him now. Groaning he took a seat on the bed and pulled off his shoes before making his way to grab his nightwear; changing into them he walked over to the bed, climbed in after throwing the covers back and falling asleep instantly.

              The Next Morning

              Hearing his alarm go off he groaned and moved his hand aimlessly to hit the snooze button on it. Barely aroused from sleep his stat up, allowing a yawn to escape as he nearly tumbled out of bed. Changing he made his way get freshened up for the day. Returning back thirty minutes later, McKinnon was ready to start the day. But first thing was first, he needed to make sure he had everything for the meeting with the Iberians. If he needed anything he could always make a dash over the course of the day to the stores and get it. walking over to his robe he went on to check.


                < Tim’s quarters >

                Beep… beep… beep… beep…

                An arm flew out from under its covers and silenced the offending alarm clock on the bedside table.
                With a sigh, Tim sat up and groaned as he tossed the legs over the side of the bed, “I’m up, not awake, but I’m up …” and rubbed his face.
                He shook his head about the necessity of being up at this time of the day and then slowly reached over to grab his training fatigues and slowly changed in to it.
                A few minutes later as he stood and tucked the radio in one of his pockets, his eyes fell on his jacket on the chair.
                The sight of the Alpha site patch on its sleeve made him smile, “It’s bye bye with you from now on… If our dear CO remembered to sign out a few team patches from Mykonos that is…”

                He left his room while pulling his hands through his hair in a futile attempt to flatten it a little and walked down the hall towards Greg’s room and knocked on the door, “Wakey wakey! Room service!”

                "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                  [Ryn Chikozu's quarters]

                  <<From Stores>>

                  She was humming a soft tune as she walked into her room, her arms still full of clothes. Ryn kept on humming, occasionally the hums became words, sung off-key but fun nonetheless. She went through the motions of carefully storing everything where it needed to hang or lay down in. It was just a merry tune, one she knew from childhood, one of the happy ones, obviously.
                  After shedding her own clothes, she went to bed, and fell asleep with a smile on her face.


                  The smile was still there the next morning, even at that early hour. Ryn didn't think she had slept this good in ages. Not even a hint of a dream. She carefully rolled her shoulders when sitting up, just to test them. They felt... ok. Ish. Still a few twists and hinges here and there, and an occasional louder 'ow'. Nothing a few painkillers wouldn't solve. Eyeing herself in the mirror, she noticed the bruises were doing their best to fade, although still there. Peering closely she could still make out the beast's toenail. Or pawnail. Whateverthenail, it'd been HUGE. Kind of pretty shape actually, she mused, studying it. Then the redhead shrugged, pulled out her tongue and grinned at herself. Knowing this day could not start any better, Ryn started pulling on a bathrobe over her PJ's. She grabbed a fresh set of BDU's along, and headed to the showers.

                  <<To Mess Hall via Showers ((won't post there))>>


                    ((And we have a rare event, Jen and Greg in the same post. Ta da! Sorry, long week, I feel goofy.))

                    Originally posted by Northern Girl
                    He left his room while pulling his hands through his hair in a futile attempt to flatten it a little and walked down the hall towards Greg’s room and knocked on the door, “Wakey wakey! Room service!”
                    <<Greg's Quarters>>
                    0500 Hundred Hours

                    He was deep in a very good dream, id and subconscious running wild with the known data of Emma LuBan and using his talented imagination to fill in the blanks.

                    The alarm went off, blaring as reality and dream combined to shatter the dream world. Mostly because a beautiful blonde Air Force officer shouldn't suddenly sound like an alarm clock. Greg smacked it off and got up, stretching and studiously ignoring the creaks and pops that implied his age. "Alarm always goes off before I do."

                    He rolled off the bed and got clean BDUs out of his still packed boxes. He was dressed and ready when the knock came. Greg opened his door and pretended to examine a room service tray. "I'm sorry, I ordered the bouillabaisse, not the filet mignon. Ready to go topside?"
                    <<Jen's Quarters>>
                    0500 Hundred Hours

                    Her own alarm woke her. Jen came up gasping, unable to believe who had somehow crawled his way into her lonely dreams. At least it wasn't another nightmare about the Goa'uld. Still, the man was going to work under her if she got her way, she shouldn't be thinking such things. 'It's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything except I need to get out more.'

                    Kicking herself, Jen got up and got a new uniform from her dresser. She'd dress, hit some breakfast, check her office, and try to see the general about SG-5's next mission and Lieutenant Michaels' assignment to SG-5.

                    <<to Mess Hall>>

                    Last edited by DragonGate; 24 July 2009, 07:22 PM. Reason: Movement Tag
                    "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                    " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                    Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                    Discover a … New Galaxy

                    Look for a … New Adventure

                    Find a … New Mythology


                      <<From Armory (I think)>>

                      Somehow, Hughes made it to his room. He was much more tired than seemed humanly possible; at this point he just wanted to sleep. He could worry about his other problems--his injuries, namely--later.

                      Robert lazily swiped his card and entered his room. He made time to do little else before he collapsed in bed, asleep almost instantly.


                      His fist slammed into the buzzing alarm clock harder than he had anticipated. The red numbers taunted him; it felt like he'd only just gone to sleep. 'Should have made sure to set the damn thing for later,' he growled Reluctantly, he pushed the tangled sheets aside.

                      He tentatively tested his ankle; that, at least, felt better. One for two wasn't a horrible start to the day. He hadn't decided about his shrapnel wounds yet.

                      A fresh uniform and breakfast, he decided, was first up.

                      <<To Mess Hall>>


                        Originally posted by DragonGate View Post
                        <<Greg's Quarters>>
                        0500 Hundred Hours

                        He was deep in a very good dream, id and subconscious running wild with the known data of Emma LuBan and using his talented imagination to fill in the blanks.

                        The alarm went off, blaring as reality and dream combined to shatter the dream world. Mostly because a beautiful blonde Air Force officer shouldn't suddenly sound like an alarm clock. Greg smacked it off and got up, stretching and studiously ignoring the creaks and pops that implied his age. "Alarm always goes off before I do."

                        He rolled off the bed and got clean BDUs out of his still packed boxes. He was dressed and ready when the knock came. Greg opened his door and pretended to examine a room service tray. "I'm sorry, I ordered the bouillabaisse, not the filet mignon. Ready to go topside?"

                        Tim frowned, “Umm…You don’t want to touch most of the shell fish around here, yet alone eat them…” then it dawned on him and he gave the doc an embarrassed grin, “Oh, a joke, sorry… Please, no jokes before I had my morning coffee. That part of my brain’s never connected at this time of the day, as I said; I’m just not a morning kind of person.”

                        He moved towards the elevator and slid his card through the reader, “No, first stop the armory,” Tim shot a glance at his watch, “There’s still enough time for us to go and pick up the weapons we need. I’d like to do the APFT first and then head off to the shooting range immediately after that.”
                        Entering the elevator, Tim looked at the doc with an amused and maybe even a bit of an embarrassed grin, “Sorry for being such a pain in the rear, but I’d really want to now your limits.”

                        >> to the armory >>

                        "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                          <<Greg's Quarters>>

                          "Right, armory first. Of course." Greg felt a little queasy. He hadn't quite expected a PT test immediately. Still, it wasn't like he'd done nothing physically since he'd left the Army. He'd be able to pass, he was sure. What kind of elevation were they at here, anyway?

                          "Lead the way, Tim. Still don't my way around very well."

                          <<to Armory>>

                          "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                          " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                          Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                          Discover a … New Galaxy

                          Look for a … New Adventure

                          Find a … New Mythology


                            [Jennifer's quarters]

                            Opening her eyes and standing up rapidly, Jennifer realized she woke up in sweat again. She peered around the room for a bit, before refocusing and realizing where she was. Jennifer mumbled something to herself, while rubbing her eyes. Few moments later, she reached for her uniform, slowly dressing herself up. Her eyes kept shifting focus across small room, which was assigned to her. She didn't have much in her room, but she didn't complain.

                            Few minutes later, she was finally fully dressed up in her blues. Her peered on various ribbons decorating her uniform. Jennifer shook her head and let out a soft, silent sigh.

                            'Another meaningless day...' She thought, frowning for a second, as she brushed her red short hair with her right hand. With a groan, she exited her quarters, heading towards the Mess hall.

                            <<To Mess Hall>>

                            Cpt. Jennifer J. Firali
                            (soon to be host to Tok'ra Teal'auc )
                            Member of SG-Aftermath RP group


                              Davis's Quarters

                              As she slowly woke before her eyes fluttered open, Claire felt one thing before anything and was a full blown headache along with a pounding heart to top it off. A spinning vision did nothing to help her stomach which riding towards being unsettled. She might throw up the last meal she ate, which was likely to be what...breakfast or lunch; since she was certain she had no dinner.

                              Lying on her back she waited for spinning to ease out as her brain travelled to the events of last night. Did she really seen and blow up at Travis? And right in front of his potential team members? What in h3ll possessed her to do that? Take her anger that was meant for Black out on Travis. It had been low and uncalled but for now she didn’t really care. When she would start to care she would apologise to him, even if she didn’t have to like it. He would throw her the smug grin and she would know it was coming anyway.

                              Sighing she looked at the time and rolled painfully out of bed. Ambling off towards her desk for the china doll Zack had given her, but s small piece of paper took her attention, picking it up she noticed Sharp’s handwriting and winced. He was going to want to know more about Travis. She was likely to bet another month worth of her jello to Chris. Since he never mentioned the time she was to radio him Claire tucked the paper in her pocket and tilted her head at the doll. “On one hand I have my past,” she spoke to the porcelain which sat in her hand motionless, “then there’s untested waters with Zack. Which way am I to go?

                              Not getting an answer, she moved to the door and opened it after placing the doll back on the table and moved towards the mess hall.

                              <<To Mess Hall>>



                                -From Base Stores-

                                Lie'na entered her room, and sat atop the bed. She closed her eyes and began to clear her mind of all the thoughts that swirled around. It had been a long day, in more ways than physically and even now her mind wandered.

                                For once she felt... secure, not safe - there was a feeling she doubted she could ever feel again, lost along with the innocence of youth - but she was alone, in her own room, which no other could enter. She actually owned more than the clothes she wore and to a true slave, that was almost beyond belife.

                                She had begun to secure friendships too, another action she had doubted she would even perform again. She could almost see herself trusting these Tau'ri, or at least some of them. For now though she had to remain somewhat wary, pain was all she had know for all too long and while they never appeared to revel in it, there were always those who would seek to cause others pain for thier own pleasure.

                                Yet this was a perfect place to be reborn, is only metaphorically.

                                Content with that thought her mind slowly cleared and she sunk into her trance.

                                The bad memories still returned, in what humans would call nightmares. but less so than ever before.


                                She woke, with no idea of the time, but knew that she had an appointment in the infirmary to head to. Best to head there and wait than dawdle and be late.

                                "I once thought it better to be right
                                But now I have finally seen the light
                                Sometimes you've got to be wrong and learn from mistakes
                                I live with serenity now, not self righteous hate.

                                - Dream Theater, Shattered Frotress

                                Gateworld RP: Aftermath
                                Update Thread


                                Main Characters

                                Ray's sig made by Shelly, Vince's, House's and Li's modelled on her good work.

                                Looking after

                                For Xym, and so I have a place I can take the siggy code from!

                                Non-bio'd NPC Characters

