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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    "I'm starting to wonder how many he can hold" Claire whisptered to Sarah.


      "Don't have a clue. What do you want to talk about?" Lyra asked.


        Sharp leyt his arms hand down, it was a little more heavy. But no matter, the air force made you get in shape.
        Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


        Join the Aftermath RP


          Originally posted by Proxy
          "Don't have a clue. What do you want to talk about?" Lyra asked.
          "I asked cause I didn't wanna bother you with my curiosity before we even get to know each other through small talk first, which is the usual in these situations if you don't know already, but since you asked... I see you can touch things.. literally. Well, you are seated anyway." Natasha said amazed as she saw Lyra touch the table with her arms without loosing coherance besides the fact that she was sitting on the chair. "That's awesome. How? Force field or particle synthesis? Yeah, I used to watch too much Sci-fi... And got too much time to let my mind run wild these days..." She says in a curious tone.
          Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 05 June 2006, 08:32 AM.
          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


            "Well I can make myself able to pass through things and touch things. I'm not actually aware of how I am able to do so but the Alterrans didn't tell me much about my program, just minor objectives that I was to accomplish." Lyra said. "However, I believe there is an explanation within my storage device's programming." She said.


              "Don't worry about it, Lyra. I didn't want to upset you in any way. Just to get this conversation going. And it is my honest opinion that let the mind run wild looking for explanations is a better exercise for the mental faculties than the easy answers. I never truly liked them anyway. I don't have to know if I'm right or wrong, I just wanna keep thinking about the possibilities." She said in a good humoured way. "You must think I'm an odd character after that..." She said as if thinking to herself more than talking to Lyra.
              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                "On the contrary, you're one of the more smarter members of this group." Lyra smiled and stood. "I believe I must return to the science lab, you can come along if you wish." Lyra said.


                  "Wow, I'm flattered, but please don't go saying that to the others, OK?" She said joking, but also half seriously. "What I meant by odd is that it's not the.. let's say.. natural reaction to sit in front of a, for what I have been told, repository of Ancient knowledge and say what I just said. But it could be how everyone is seeing you. I don't know... I haven't been around for long enough. Sure, I'd like to see your module again sometime, but I don't think it would be now. I'll remember to pass by by the Lab some other day tough. I can't control my curiosity." Natasha said with a smile. "Have a nice day, Lyra, and if you want to just chat with someone that won't haress you with a bunch of technical questions, just show up. I have a feeling you'll be able to find me. I'm always up for a good unconsequential (?) conversation. Sometimes they can teach us more than we think at first." She said standing up. "Bye !!" She said waving and turning to leave the table.
                  Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 07 June 2006, 07:45 AM.
                  Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                    Originally posted by Colonel Sharp
                    Sharp leyt his arms hand down, it was a little more heavy. But no matter, the air force made you get in shape.
                    "A bit outta shape are we?" Claire batted her lashes at the Colonel.


                      "Oh I will, you have a nice day as well." Lyra said as she left, vanishing into thin air.
                      Last edited by Proxy; 08 June 2006, 08:45 PM.


                        Natasha turned again to listen to Lyra's words and then smiled when she vanished into the thin air. 'Sometimes, you are really like a curious kid Natasha.' She, then, turned again and left the Mess Hall.

                        <<To somewhere. Your guess is as good as mine.>>
                        Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                          << from Quarters >>

                          Jensen let Kate pull him along, digging in his heels just enough to irritate her, and laughing at her expression as she was forced to drag him behind her. "Slow down, would you?" he grinned. For some reason he was in a high mood and teasing Kate seemed to be the obvious thing to do.

                          Take it easy on her, Winchester, he scolded himself. There's a lot going on here and you don't want to muck it up just because you wanted to get her goat. He finally stopped dragging his feet and dropped into step next to her as they approached the Mess Hall doors and stepped inside.

                          "Mmmm... Coffee!" was his first exclamation. Bypassing the trays he headed right for the big dispenser on the opposite side of the room and poured himself a steaming mug. He headed back to Kate. "I'm going to sit and drink this, wake up a little, then get something to eat," he told her, and then went to find a pleasant spot to sit.


                            In a way, the fact that Jensen had stopped trying to wind her up disturbed Kate more than anything. One of the things she loved most about their relationship was the way they were able to tease and jibe. If that fun, flirty and slightly antagonistic friendship was going to disappear, she didn't want this. She loved Jensen too much the way things were.

                            She nodded as Jensen got his coffee and then looked from coffee dispenser to kitchen, trying to decide between beverages. Deciding that she could get a coffee down her neck whilst they brewed the tea, Kate walked up to Henry.

                            "Morning," she chirped. "Sorry to disappoint you, but John couldn't make it down for breakfast today. You're stuck with this lazy eejit instead." She winked at him. "At least you're getting some of the lingo down pat!"

                            Henry laughed. "So... what? You're going to eat in here? No breakfast in bed? Still breakfast for two, though, I see," he teased.

                            Kate flushed slightly as Henry started to pile various breakfast items on the tray. It didn't go unnoticed, however, and the chef looked at her through narrow eyes. "What are you up to, Major?"

                            "Up to?" squeaked Kate, forcing a giggle. "Oh, I'm always up to something." She took the tray of him and hurried over to the machine to get a coffee whilst she waited for the tea. She sat down in front of Jensen, pushing the tray out between them, looking thoroughly uncomfortable as she bagan to drink her coffee.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Jensen eyed Kate over the edge of his mug, watching her as she flirted with Henry. Everything seemed fine until Henry made some comment and her back went a bit stiff, and even from behind her and at this distance, Jensen could see the flush creeping up her neck.

                              Uh oh, he thought worriedly as she crossed the room to sit across from him, her expression a bit panicked beneath the smile she'd plastered there. She took her seat and pushed the tray forward until it was between them; Jensen reached over and plucked a muffin from it, peeling the paper off it deliberately.

                              "So," he said lightly, reaching his foot under the table to poke teasingly at her shin, "Everything good?"


                                Kate turned pale at the contact and pushed her seat back so that he was no longer playing underneath the table. "Jensen," she hissed quietly. "I'm a senior officer and we're in public. Henry's already asking what we're up to." She tensed as Henry brought the tea over. "Thank you," she said in a strangled voice.

                                "My God, Howard," laughed Henry. "What's he done to you? Doc, you're gonna have to teach me a few tricks... I like this new, improved, quieter version of Kate."
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

