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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Desperately trying to stop herself from laughing out loud Sarah tried to change the subject;
    "So...hows the weather?"
    Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
    ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


      Originally posted by Linkinparkgundam
      Ok then *sits down to start eating breakfast (aka pie)* I am from Phoenix Arizona, but I was born in Lakewood Ohio. I have a Bachelors in Mulit-Media and Graphic Design from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA. So I am a art drawing freak. *takes a bite of her breakfast* But I wanted something to fall back on when I don't want to do Graphic Design any more. So I enrolled into UCLA for Linguistics, East Asian Languages & Cultures, and Archaeology. But the money I saved up during my one year break dried up, and I didn't want to ask my dad for the money, that is way I joined the Army. *gets up and leaves the table, comes back a moment later with a can of Mountain Dew. Opens the can and takes a sip* After I graduated from UCLA, I went to Arizona State University for my Bachelor Degree in Computer Systems Engineering and Computer Information Systems. Six years later after I did all of this, I was in the process of moving back to Ohio, then my Dad died in a Heilcopter crash. Then has they say "The rest is Histroy". *Takes another bite of her pie*

      And that is my life story summed up in two bites of pie. And you two guys, what is your story?
      (from Science lab)

      Abby entered the mess hall and went and grabbed a salad, a bowl of soup and some hot tea right away. She then spotted Lt. Knight talking to her fellow team members, and thought to herself, Hmm, she must be my new team member that I haven't met yet. Abby then walked over to the table and set her tray down and sat down as she replied, "You must be Lt. Patricia Knight. I am Lt. Col. Abby Beckett, team commander of SG-4. Sorry it took so long for you to meet me, but I have been busy helping out in the science labs. Hey Alex, how are you doing?", she said turning towards Alex.


        <<From Infirmary>>

        Jim wandered into the Mess, he didn't seem to be in any hurry to get there, and his eyes never stopped moving, like they were looking for something.

        He walked over to the head chef.
        Henry looked up from the pot of stew he was stirring and snorted.

        "So, you're back eh? I heard you spent bloody days in that infirmary...What happened?"
        Jim just smirked and grabbed a piece of pie, he then remembered his last enounter with the pie and put it back, grabbing a bowl and looked up at Henry, who had his arms crossed and was scowling.

        "Alot happened Henry, ALOT. Most of wich I don't want to repeat...Anyway, i'll have some of this-"
        Jim cut himself short, and tried to peer over the barrel.

        "What is this?" Herny frowned and said "Ghak stew."
        Jim just gave him a 'WTF!?' look and Henry followed up with "No, you DON'T want to know what it is. Trust me on that one. Just eat it."

        Jim grabbed the ladel and scooped some into his bowl, he then walked over to an empty table.

        Jim could have sat with what looked like SG-1, or some people he didn't recognise quite well, but be decided he wanted to eat his Ghak stew in peace.

        Stargate Gateworld RPG. All are welcome!|Jim Andersons Bio.


          ((Ew, man that stuff looks gross.))
          Tappity-tap. Tappity-tap.
          LOVE HIM-> DT
          ~Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team~


            << from the Infirmary >>

            Jaime strolled into the Mess, a smug smile on her face and the scent of the male nurse's shampoo still lingering in her nostrils. It's a good day so far, she thought mischeivously. She was in a rip-roaring good mood and could only attribute that to plenty of sleep and the lack of anyone or anything attacking the base. The mood in general seemed to be high, as demonstrated by the peppering of laughter around the room.

            She grabbed a tray, took the cook's advice on the stew, and loaded up. She was STARVING. A quick glance around proved that there were no members of SG3 in the room, although she did spy Col. Sharp and a few of the SG1 team grinning at each other, as well as assorted members of SG4 apparently deep in conversation with someone who looked vaguely familiar.

            Curiosity piqued, Jaime wandered over that direction and stood beside Dr. Lucius, whom she remembered from the "rescue" mission to the Alarius. "Mind if I join you?" she asked lightly.

            (( OOC: Linkinparkgundam, I was thinking that during your character's years as SGC Computer Engineering head, that perhaps you were the one who recruited her as a computer security specialist before you went to the Alpha site as the base archeologist/linguist? It's been a while and Jaime isn't expecting to see you, thus why she didn't recognize you at first. ))


              Sharp cracked up laughing and didn't stop for a minute or two. It was the most fun he'd had since he arrived at the alpha site.

              "Ok," Sharp said calming down, "I'm just playing with you Davis.."
              Sharp took a bite of his Gahk as though nothing has happened.
              "The weather?...Good question.."
              Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


              Join the Aftermath RP


                Finished with his meal, the lieutenant cleaned up debating what to do next. Smirking he made up his mind and walked out.

                >>To brig


                  Most of the way through the corriders to the messhall Donna had her head burried in her notebook. Nearing the doors of the messhall she held out her hand infront of her to push the door open glanced up for a second to make sure no one was in her way then went back to her notes. She went over to the line. Looking at the sandwiches she picked one that looked like it had something relatvely familar on it and didnt bother to ask what it actually was, moving her tray down and still reading her notes, not paying much atension she picked up what she thought was an apple then took a bottle of water. She turned round and glanced up again, the first empty table she saw she walked over and sat down. She opened the water and took a drink and then took a bite of the sandwich Not bad she continued eating and then took a pen out of her pocket and started to write in her book.
                  Lt.Col Donna Henderson
                  SG-2: CO
                  Base Senior Biologist,
                  Stargate RP, Gateworld

                  Cassidy Evans, SG-10:CO


                    >> from quarters

                    Kate walked into the commissary and looked around blearily. She didn't need a mirror to tell that she looked pale and drained with large dark circles under her eyes.

                    As she yawned and stretched, she felt her t-shirt ride up her toned stomach. She paused, arms in mid air. T-shirt? She looked down and realised that she was still wearing her grey jogging bottoms with her pastel green t-shirt. Why she wore pyjamas that set off the colour of her eyes, she didn't know. And the slippers. The big, fluffy slippers.

                    Kate folded her elbows, so her arms lay rested over her head in a comical position. She paused for a second with her eyes closed, feeling like a right royal idiot. Then she ran a hand through her long red hair, still cascading down her back, and moved to pick up a tray.

                    She grabbed a bowl of stew, some bread, a glass of water and cup of cocoa. The cocoa was to help her sleep afterwards, though, at this rate, she might need sedatives from the infirmary.

                    She turned round to find a table, and scanned the room. SG1, nah. Donna, maybe. A Lieutenant she didn't know, could make some new friends. Jim...


                    Kate felt her grip loosen on the tray as it dropped to the floor with a loud clatter, spilling stew everywhere. Her head started to spin as her breathing became shallow. What was she supposed to say to him? What was she meant to do? Why hadn't he told her he was out of the infirmary?

                    Kate opened her eyes to find people crowded around her. She flushed deep scarlet in embarrassment. One officer was mumbling about how ill and pale she looked. Well, she thought, you try having your CO rip your heart out and play baseball with it.

                    She sat up and looked round at the concerned colleagues. The mess on the floor was being cleaned up and she felt guilty. She would happily scrub the floor. Just because she was a Major...

                    "Please, I'm fine," she told the worried staff, refusing to spend another moment in that dratted infirmary. "I just need some food. I haven't eaten in a while."

                    Shaking slightly, she took a cup of water from Henry and sipped it. He helped her up and guided her to a table. The same one as Jim, she saw, in disappointment. The flush on her cheeks rose higher as she tried to concentrate on the food that another officer had brought over for her.
                    Yepp, it's blank down here.


                      <<from locker rooms>> Richard walked in the the mess hall and got in line. 'Hmm, someone spilled something, if only Clayton was here.' he thought with a smirk. After selecting the dish that reminded him of cheese but tured out to be some kind of seaweed, he scanned the tables. 'Nope, nope, hey it's Jim, and woman, well he's just the stud ain't he? Wait is that?' "KATE?" Everyone in the commisary looked at him in expectation and the cleaning crew grimaced. "What?" He chose a table and sat down, keeping an eye on the "not-so-happy couple.


                        Kate heard her name being shouted across the mess, is a frighteningly good echo of what she'd just done. Thankfully there was no clatter or collapsed officer.

                        She looked round to see Dobson sit at a table not far from them. She tried to look at him pleadingly. Couldn't he come and save her this embarrassment?
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Richard managed to keep his composure, and mouthed "You're on your own." Then took a large bite of bread and shrugged.


                            Kate surrepticiously gave Richard the one fingered salute whilst taking a bite of her stew. There was no way he was getting away with that.

                            She mouthed back, "You'll pay for this, Lieutenant."
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Richard smiled and gave a proper salute, then went back to his meal.


                                Kate raised her eyebrows mildly, and grinned. There was no way he was getting away with that behaviour.

                                She flicked a lump of what could only be described as meat at Richard with her spoon. She waved with an innocent grin on her face as it made contact, spattering him with flecks of gravy.
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

