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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    Oh I was just reading this file! Adria thought and started quoting it. "Dr. Jacquelyn 'Jacki' Royal, Age 32, Height 5’ 8”, Distinguishing features are a scar on forearm and lily tattoo on hip. Has a B.A. and M.A. from the Univ. of Washington, Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Was an Assistant Professor at Univ. of Chicago, Departments of History, Classical Languages and Egyptology and was attached to digs in Egypt, Greece and Italy. Spent 6 years studying in Tae Kwon Do and your a member of the NRA, even teaching classes taught classes." Adria had to pause for a breath and a sip of water. "Acording to your last evaluation your personality is not shy but not extremely outgoing, comfortable alone and has been known to spend several hours researching in your lab alone. Has a loner reputation and is slow to grow close to people but loyal." For a second she thought about going into the last part of the file but stopped herself. She knew what it was like losing parents.



      As she sipped at her coffee, Jacki wrinkled her nose when the Major began quoting her file, especially at her age. Jacki usually could pass for younger, but having it advertised was never what a woman wanted, especially with a base loaded with twenty-something men.

      Trying to disguise her discomfort, "Good memory, Major. That's pretty much me in a nut shell. the abridged version, as it were. Anything else you want or need to know?"


        "I was actually going to the Colonel to ask for you to be assigned to my team." Adria said finishing off her water.



          Her brow raised slightly at the admission. "Really? Well then, I am honored Major Johnson. Just tell me where and when you want me to start any additional training you'd like me to do. I'm eager to get back to work." It had been too long. Too much rehab and too much time to thinking, she wanted more doing


            "To be honest I wouldn't mind a sparring match. I myself did 15 years of Tae Kwon Do pre-military plus my military training, but it has been quite some time since I fought someone who used traditional martial arts rather than the military training." Adria said smiling and looking up the good doctor in the eyes. Adria was already starting to block her military training and brining up all her martial arts.

            At the same in another part of her mind she was planning on a training session. She was going over the different teams in her mind wondering who would be the best defense team in an special ops mission. SG1 would be the best choice but she doubted that Colonel Sharp would be a willing participant in being shot at my her team. I'll ask the colonel in the morning when I go to tell him my two request for my team but if he's out I think I heard that Captain Oxford of SG6 was a pretty talented planner and would be great for a defense mission. She thought.



              A sparring match. That was an interesting prospect. If it was with her new team leader, the outcome could be good or bad, depending on personality and outcome. But Jacki supposed it was the best way for the major to assess her abilities and how she might fit with the existing team.

              “Okay, when should we get started?”


                ((You should really link your bio to your signature))

                "I don't know." Adria said spinning her cup on the table. "I mean it is pretty late, but if you are interested I guess we could spar now." Se continued as the cup came to a stop. "And don't worry. If you beat me it just means you've earned that much more respect." She finished.

                GWRPG CHARACTERS


                  Passing her hand through her hair, the major’s spinning of her cup was annoying, yet telling…

                  “Now, works for me… Unless you have any pressing engagements…” It would seem she’d tapped the Major’s interest, at least.



                    Adria smiled a slightly evil grin."Oh right now works just great for me." She said flipping her cup over and standing up. "After you."

                    ((first post with new iPod touch))

                    GWRPG CHARACTERS


                      "Oh... Okay." I suppose that will work for me too. Might as well get started." Jacki said a little surprised at the Major's eagerness.

                      ((OOC:Is there a Gym or sparring rooms?))


                        ((Gym. If you go to the display settings at the bottom of the forum, select Beginning under From The and click Show Threads, you can see everything that's been created in here.))
                        "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                        " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                        Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                        Discover a … New Galaxy

                        Look for a … New Adventure

                        Find a … New Mythology


                          Originally posted by Gen Blue View Post
                          [text message]
                          To: Sullivan
                          From: Blue
                          Dinner cancel for tonight. Forgot time diff. Lunch tomorrow. 1300, my office. McG will explain. N.
                          [/text message]
                          Sullivan wasn't expecting it when his communications device went off. He pulled it off his rigger's belt and brought up the text message. 'Figures.' He looked apologetically at Chief Swanson. "Disregard everything I just asked for, Chief."

                          He wasn't feeling the time difference very much, though that was more due to youth than anything else. "Re-schedule for lunch tomorrow at 1300, please. I'll get some take-out, since I know my boss hasn't eaten yet."

                          Swanson briefly topped tenderizing the beef to throw his hands in the air as Sullivan left for the front to get to-go boxes for Chaplain McGregor and himself.

                          There was a meat dish and a couple of vegetables for each of them. It did allow more time for a real Scottish lunch. Headed for the last place he knew the chaplain to be, Corey left balancing the boxes in a manner reminiscent of when the whole deal had begun.

                          <<to Infirmary>>

                          Senior Airman (SPC) Corey Sullivan
                          Last edited by DragonGate; 23 June 2009, 04:51 PM.
                          "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                          " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                          Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                          Discover a … New Galaxy

                          Look for a … New Adventure

                          Find a … New Mythology


                            [From Claire's Quarters]

                            Sharp exited the stairwell and his stomach immediately rumbled as he heard the noise from the mess.

                            'Pavlov's stomach I guess.'

                            But he was hungry, extremely hungry.

                            'Jesus, I didn't even have lunch today did I? Huh...'

                            His stomach let out another glurch as he took a right and made his way down the fluorescent hallway toward the aroma of carbohydrates.

                            Upon entering he immediately smelled one of his favorite dishes. 'Meatloaf...alright!'

                            Glancing around the mess he grabbed a tray and headed for the food.
                            Some salad, some corn, carrots, ketchup, and, of course, the meatloaf! He carried his tray over and filled up a cup of water- he hadn't had anything to drink either.

                            Nodding in thanks to one of the kitchen workers, he made his way out of the mess, and back to Thor.

                            [To Science Lab 1]
                            Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider

                            SIX YEARS OF ROLEPLAYING ON GATEWORLD!

                            Join the Aftermath RP


                              Nolen entered the Commissary with an ease that suggested that he was new here. He had just been transferred here from Beta Site to help out yet he was a pilot not a marine or soldier but a flight jockey here in ground pounder country and worst of all with no one to call a friend anywhere. He decided that something to eat would properly settle his nerves while he waited to be place on a team. Nolen grabbed a tray and started to get a bit of some of the items available on to it then taking a can of coke he sat down on a table by himself and began to eat away.


                                She was about to leave when a new face entering caught her attention. The way he walked told her he was a pilot, someone she knew Sharp and Lance would love to get to know. It was given since the two men got along well with Valentine. Chucking she moved over his table, and stood with ease, “Major Ashwood; XO of SG1,” she introduced, “you must be new to Gaia.

