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Stargate New Seasons SG1 ~ Resurgence ~ USS General Hammond ~ Missions Thread RPG

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    <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

    {Airman Victor Patterson}

    Airman Patterson sat in the briefing quietly listening to the ideas and suggestions. None of them really making much sense to his non-technical mind.

    Then he thought about the water cooling idea more, and had an idea: "Sirs. Excuse me, but, can't we just scan the power generators for any large liquid masses? Assuming we find them, would it be possible to carefully sabotage them so all the water simply leaks out?"

    The Airman stopped explaining his idea and looked around nervously waiting for the officers to tell him that he was stupid and to leave the thinking to the smart people. Slinking back into his seat, he waited for their reactions.
    Valorin ~ Stephen


      <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

      {Colnel Samantha Carter} {Captain Jennifer Hailey}

      Jennifer looked first at the young airman, then at both Vala and Teal'c she had to hide a smirk that was about to emerge, but both of them were right. "Vala and Victor, VV, hmmm a new and dynamic team I think." She couldn't control her face any longer and the broadest grin escaped. "Colonel, Admiral....they are both right." She opened up another view of the base and zoomed in. "See here, there is water resevoir with probably underground pipes leading to the main tower. This...." She indicted with a screen marker. " most likely the nitrogen back up system."

      "I see it Jennifer. Clearly then our objective is to firstly take out the back up system and then the water tower, we'd have to time it within a very short frame. Given that the alert would be up as soon as the nitrogen was shut down, the water system will have to go withim moments." Sam herself enhanced the image a brought up a distance scale. "They are two kilometres apart, we'll have SG1 and SG3 in place for each system...anything else?"

      ((OOC ReIndeer you did good, congrats))


        <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

        Dr. Daniel Jackson

        Daniel decided sat back and cool down. He also listened to each one them and not snicker at Vala's mistakes.
        "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

        Aftermath RP

        SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


          <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

          {Admiral William MacGregor} NPC for today

          There was little the Admiral could add at this moment and as he walked back around the table, watching each member study their data he remembered something rather profound. "Cam didn't my daughter and SG4 pay a covert visit to PX6-2M7 not too long ago, that is within the timeframe since SG1 was last there?" He decided he needed to stay up, he wasn't getting tired and sitting would make it worse.

          wonderful sig by my little sister Mel, kind of reminds me of the missus and me


            <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

            {Colnel Samantha Carter} {Captain Jennifer Hailey}

            Hearing about the Admiral's ever so cool daughter, Jennifer couldn't help but smile. She had met the tall...redhead, though at the time she was brunette, or was it brown. But she had made such an impression on her she wondered often what it would like to be a spy, a real spy. She whispered across to her new friend Victor. "Catherine Hayden is the Admiral's daughter, another Aussie and a spy at that."

            Sam noticed the exchange but didn't hear it, she simply nodded to the Admiral before Cam could speak. "Yes sir she did, I was mentoring SG4 at the time....oh I see where you're going sir, SG4's mission files. We can get them the moment we drop out of hyperdrive, a sub space link shouldn't take all that long from the SGC sir."


              Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
              <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

              {Colnel Samantha Carter} {Captain Jennifer Hailey}

              After a quick scan by the door SF's, Jennifer led the Airman and Major into the room, a large table had been set up and there were laptops at every chair. Despite the growing crowd, there were still some empty ones so after acknowledging the ships commander and the admiral, Jen took the seat next to Vala, leaving two more opposite. She nodded to both men to take a seat and looked at the faces all around, busy and concerned would be how she would describe the scene.

              "Sorry we're late Admiral, Colonel. I sort of got delayed running per...."

              "Don't mention it Jen." Sam replied. "The admiral here was asking for our take on the LA base defences and needed some input on what might help take them down a little faster."

              Jennifer quickly scanned the images before her on the Dell, she typed furiously and then waited. "Here, see the power core, there are cooling shafts in four places. We can't risk blowing the core itself, it'd take out half the planet. But if we make the core think the cooling system has failed, it'll shut down automatically, without risk to us or any innocents who maybe around. If we simply blow the cooling, that might start a chain reaction, so we need to sort of short circuit the power to them, or stop the liquid feed." She sat back and waited for someone to question her logic.

              "Hmmm, that's useful, anyone else?" Sam asked.
              Kevin Beck

              Kevin looked around and tried to follow the conversation, as he made contact with each and every member of the group here he nodded friendly and waiting for a chance to make a statement. His mind was working trying to follow the technical details, which would be quite easy except they were building onto one another at a lightning pace. He wished that he was this comfortable with the group and knew them as well as they all did so he could come up with a proper solution in time. But finally it occured to him.

              "Excuse me, sirs, ma'ams...but it has occured to me that maybe we can lie in an ambush." Everyone looked at him and he had to stifle the slightest need to blush. "What I mean is if the cooling system fails the LA is likely send forces there to investigate the causes. We can lay Claymores or C-4...LA scanner tech permitting...and set a trap for them. Any forces that we can take out will only help us in the long run when we decide to go all in against them."


                <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

                {Colnel Samantha Carter} {Captain Jennifer Hailey}

                "Thankyou Major, that will be written in. We can probably get the most effect from claymores, as Captain Hailey pointed out, if we should happen to inadvertantly blow the power core, we have no idea of how much destruction it would cause. Remember people, the Alliance, like thier Goa'uld predecesors will be using slave labour, and some of those could be our people. We need to minimise as much usage of heavy explosives as possible."

                "Yes, I've anylised the data Sa...Colonel and there are three camps around the base all about three kilometres out. The SAM sites won't go ker-bang to much when our ships neutralise them, the warheads have to be activated by a percussion charge directly into the naquada cell, so we'll just have them topple over...hopefully. But at least they are far enough away from the core anyway. It would be ideal though, if we could somehow alert their prisoners before hand."

                "I've been thinking of that Jen, I haven't come up with anything yet. But i'm sure with this brilliant lot of thinkers we have here, we will." Sam made sure she gave each in turn an assuring look.

                Sam looked up at the Admiral, he hadn't yet said much, but she was certain he'd give them the green light. There was too much at stake for him not to.
                Last edited by RogueRanger; 30 September 2010, 12:54 PM.


                  Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                  <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

                  {Colnel Samantha Carter} {Captain Jennifer Hailey}

                  "Thankyou Major, that will be written in. We can probably get the most effect from claymores, as Captain Hailey pointed out, if we should happen to inadvertantly blow the power core, we have no idea of how much destruction it would cause. Remember people, the Alliance, like thier Goa'uld predecesors will be using slave labour, and some of those could be our people. We need to minimise as much usage of heavy explosives as possible."

                  "Yes, I've anylised the data Sa...Colonel and there are three camps around the base all about three kilometres out. The SAM sites won't go ker-bang to much when our ships neutralise them, the warheads have to be activated by a percussion charge directly into the naquada cell, so we'll just have them topple over...hopefully. But at least they are far enough away from the core anyway. It would be ideal though, if we could somehow alert their prisoners before hand."

                  "I've been thinking of that Jen, I haven't come up with anything yet. But i'm sure with this brilliant lot of thinkers we have here, we will." Sam made sure she gave each in turn an assuring look.

                  Sam looked up at the Admiral, he hadn't yet said much, but she was certain he'd give them the green light. There was too much at stake for him not to.
                  <USS General Hammond><Carter's Quarters>
                  Kevin Beck
                  Beck smiled wryly. "The beautiful thing about claymores? Shaped explosives...we can direct the explosion away from the generators."


                    <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

                    {Admiral William MacGregor} {Colonel Al Reynolds} NPC

                    Al had been silent all this time, assessing his new team memebers in his mind. Beck's idea, along with Captain Hailey's and the need to minimise collateral damage weighed heavily on his mind. "Admiral sir, I think that SG3 can take care of the missiles, leaving SG1 free to find access to the central facility and shut down the Asgard jammer. Once our ships have taken out their defence systems, we should be good sir."

                    "Yes Colonel I believe so, but it'll take both teams to shut down the cooling system. SG3 can look after the back-up system as it's closer to your next task, while SG1 can shut off the primary feeds. You will have to synconise closely, too much of a lag in between and you'll be both caught out in the open. We'll send you in an hour before dawn, that is when they'll be at their most laxed watchfulness." Will returned to his seat to study the survielance footage, so far it seemed straight forward, but he knew well anything could go wrong.

                    "I agree sir. I'll split my team. Major Beck will have Patterson and I'll take Redd sir."
                    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                      <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room>

                      {Admiral William MacGregor} {Colonel Al Reynolds} NPC

                      Al had been silent all this time, assessing his new team memebers in his mind. Beck's idea, along with Captain Hailey's and the need to minimise collateral damage weighed heavily on his mind. "Admiral sir, I think that SG3 can take care of the missiles, leaving SG1 free to find access to the central facility and shut down the Asgard jammer. Once our ships have taken out their defence systems, we should be good sir."

                      "Yes Colonel I believe so, but it'll take both teams to shut down the cooling system. SG3 can look after the back-up system as it's closer to your next task, while SG1 can shut off the primary feeds. You will have to synconise closely, too much of a lag in between and you'll be both caught out in the open. We'll send you in an hour before dawn, that is when they'll be at their most laxed watchfulness." Will returned to his seat to study the survielance footage, so far it seemed straight forward, but he knew well anything could go wrong.

                      "I agree sir. I'll split my team. Major Beck will have Patterson and I'll take Redd sir."
                      <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room.>
                      Cameron Mitchell
                      Cameron nodded his agreement. "Sounds good to me. In fact the whole plan seems to be pretty air tight, seems that there is nothing else we can do right now. Lets just get the show on the road and kick some...butt."


                        <USS General Hammond> <Carter's Room>
                        {SGT Markus Redd}

                        Markus leaned back in his chair. He was trying to make sure his team placement was not going to get lost in the brain of his, as things usually do. Markus liked his placement. I would give him time to get to know his CO better.

                        But, on the negative side, This was going to be a tough mission. It was possible that he was going to have to handle a lot of wounded. What if he lost a soldier? He was unsure of how he was going to handle a situation like that. It seemed as though Markus had a lot of weight on his shoulders.

                        Markus pondered this thought as the conversation continued.
                        Aftermath RP
                        Markus Redd - SG-7 Computer Scientist
                        Captain Joseph Laport - OSI Agent Stationed at Alpha Site

                        New Seasons RP
                        SGT Markus Redd - SG-3 Medic
                        Eli Wallace- SGU


                          <USS General Hammond> <Carter's Room>

                          Airman Patterson was amazed when the officers and decision makers in the room not only didn't shoot him down for his comment, but actually thought it was a good idea. He sat up a bit straighter and smiled a bit, but he was still very nervous and didn't really know what to say or do now.

                          Even when the young Captain whispered to him about the Admiral's daughter, he was still unsure if he should say or do anything. Having spent his whole life ridiculed and picked on, he was a very quiet person who preferred being left alone.

                          When he was paired with Major Beck he remembered the Major from before, having been introduced by the Captain. He looked in his direction and nodded.

                          Valorin ~ Stephen


                            Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                            <USS General Hammond>-<Carter's Room.>
                            Cameron Mitchell
                            Cameron nodded his agreement. "Sounds good to me. In fact the whole plan seems to be pretty air tight, seems that there is nothing else we can do right now. Lets just get the show on the road and kick some...butt."
                            <USS General Hammond> <Carter's Room>

                            {Colonel Samantha Carter}

                            "I think we've fairly summed up everything now." Sam noticed the Admiral had retaken his chair and was studying something intently on his laptop, she wondered if he had found any holes in their plan. "Ah we have, haven't we sir? I mean Cam was right in saying so, it's time we started getting this done. We will be dropping out of hyepr-space in less than two hours. We'll be an hour away from the LA and hopefully out of detection range then...any last minute details we can tie up then I think." Even Sam felt a little unsure, Not so much about their own tactical plans, but just how up to date their intelligence was.


                              Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                              <USS General Hammond> <Carter's Room>

                              {Colonel Samantha Carter}

                              "I think we've fairly summed up everything now." Sam noticed the Admiral had retaken his chair and was studying something intently on his laptop, she wondered if he had found any holes in their plan. "Ah we have, haven't we sir? I mean Cam was right in saying so, it's time we started getting this done. We will be dropping out of hyepr-space in less than two hours. We'll be an hour away from the LA and hopefully out of detection range then...any last minute details we can tie up then I think." Even Sam felt a little unsure, Not so much about their own tactical plans, but just how up to date their intelligence was.
                              <USS General Hammond> <Carter's Room>

                              {Colonel Samantha Carter} {Vala Mal Doran} {Daniel Jackson}

                              "Sounds like a plan.... Can't wait to kick some LA butt!" Vala twirled around in her seat just before she stopped abruptly looking towards Sam's direction. "So wait.... Col. Carter.....can I fly one of those Tel'tak ships that does that spiffy cloaking thing? Hopefully it will be in better shape than the one I commandeered when we went to visit my buddy Borzin" Vala knew she was rambling again....she always did that when she was nervous.... "Either way I want to take Daniel with me....." She tried to stifle her nervous giggly banter as she ran her eyes across the table landing with a devilish squint at Daniel. She noticed he didn't seem too pleased and so she continued.... "or not... I would just like some company in that great big ship and all!" She grinned at him pleadingly knowing that her wiles would be hard for him to resist.
                              Originally posted by jelgate
                              This brings much pain but SQ is right


                                <USS General Hammond> <Carter's Room>

                                {Admiral William MacGregor} {Colonel Al Reynolds}

                                Will scratched his developing whiskers, he needed a shave badly and after almost thirty two hours straight without sleep, he was starting to feel a little testy, but he kept in in. "Normally Vala I'd try and find some humour in there, but now's not the time. You have been chosen to fly the Tel'tak simply because when you do land, your tow teams will need Teal'c and Colonel Reynolds out the door first. As the ship will be cloaked your external sensors will be affected, if you've to evac immediately and or you come under fire the moment you land, those two will have the heavy firepower to gain you some time, it's as simple as that."

                                "Sir, as Sam said, we'll be out of hyper-drive in an hour. She has to contact the SGC to get SG4's mission file and then we're probably another four hours flight before we're in their space, can I suggest we all get some shut eye before then. You like like I feel sir."

                                "Agreed Colonel. Sam have Major Marks conclude this portion of our transit for you, he can call if there's any developments. We'll all get some well earned shut eye and return here in say, four hours." Will leaned back in his chair, just far enough to almost feel sleep overtake him.
                                Last edited by puddlejumperOZ; 04 October 2010, 10:26 PM.
                                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier

