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Stargate New Seasons ~ SG1 ~ Resurgence ~ Season 11 RPG

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    <SGC> - <IOA Meeting>

    {Dr. Daniel Jackson}

    "Once again, I understand your frustration about the stargate program being kept secret from you so long and the Australian government doing the same but right now we can not point fingers. Our focus right now is for the safety of Earth and brothers and sisters on other planets. I bet it is highly possible that if they LA has defense weapons with nuclear attachments that they already have offensive nuclear weapons. Our country among others others have cut down the number of nuclear arms we have stockpiled," Daniel looked directly at the Russian delegate and then back to the rest of the room. "But cutting back the stockpiles may have allowed for the technology to get into the wrong hands not just here on Earth but others out there." Daniel did just as Jack had, he waved his hand around the glass star chart. "We not only face possible nuclear threat but as I mentioned earlier the LA has Kassa. Our country like of you, already has a illegal drug problem but if the LA gets some kind of Kassa drug market here we will be up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
    "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

    Aftermath RP

    SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


      <SGC> - <IOA Meeting>

      {Dr. Miki Yukuno NPC} Japanese Delegate.

      The slim young woman heard all she needed to hear. "So far only two countries have pledged their support." She began. "Along with those already on the program, as secretary to mister Strom and represenative of Japan, I would like to move that we all get behind this and ensure there is a world for our children and grandchildren to live happily and safely in."

      For a moment there was utter silence, then the slow clapping and finally it broke out into an applause. Carl Strom stood proudly, looked at Jack, Daniel Hank and William in turn and said. "I take it then the motion is passed?"

      "Here, here." Came one voice.

      Carl didn't have a gavel, so his hand would suffice, he slapped it down hard. "Motion carried unanamously.Thank you to every one." He plumped down in his chair and wiped the sweat from his brow, he turned and winked at Daniel.


        <SGC> - <IOA Meeting>

        {Lt. General Jack O'Niell}

        Not wanting Carl to steal the show, Jack clicked on the remote to turn the lights back on and smiled. "This calls for cake....there is cake isn't there?"
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          <SGC> - <IOA Meeting>

          <CMS Walter Harriman NPC>

          After making a detour via the mens room, Walter finally made it up the stairs, he stood quietly beside Hank Landry. "Sir Doctor Lee is away."


            <SGC> - <IOA Meeting>

            {Maj. General Hank Landry}

            "Thank you Walter, inform the Hammond to stand to for another forty minutes please."

            "Yes General." Walter headed for the control after avoiding several deleagtes and almost knocking them over, he had to say sorry a dozen times before he reached the stairwell.

            "Go ahead Mr. Strom, I think we can call this a success. Thank you everyone you can feel vey proud of your self today. Jack, Admiral and Doctor Jackson, we need to talk in my office."
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              <SG4 Mission 1>

              <Soho London, back alley>

              {Raiden} - {Flt. Lt. Cate Hayden}

              "Very pleased to meet you guys," Raiden said. "Flight can I borrow that LSD (life signs detector)? With all this fog it's gonna be kinda hard to see someone if they try to creep up on us and I want to make sure that doesn't happen."
              Last edited by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei; 21 August 2010, 11:22 AM.
              sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                <SGC> - <Landry's Office>
                {Maj. General Hank Landry} - {Lt. General Jack O'Neill} - {Rear Admiral William MacGregor}

                Hank took his chair and sat down, then turned over some files, he waited for the others to arrange themselves and tapped the intercom. "Walter I don't want to be disturbed for at least fifteen minutes please."

                Jack took the first empty chair, which left only one other, William looked at Daniel shook his head and then took the last chair. Jack grinned at him and muttered something about Daniel being younger, and then leaned his elbows on the table. "So Hank, what can we do for you now that, that bullsh*t is out of the way?"

                "I'm worried about Sam Carter and SG1's mission, I want you approval to get William up there, not in command of course, but merely there to advise."

                Will sat forward a little. "It'd be a good lead in for me Jack, I'm willing."

                "Let me think on it for a moment......yep ok, I guess you're getting your first space trip then Will." Jack looked at his old friend with a bit of pride. "Oh wait, no you've done that already. Well a trip in a big honking space ship then. Daniel can go with ya, can't you Daniel?"
                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                  I deleted my last post because it didn't fit Daniel or the situation.
                  Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                  <SGC> - <Landry's Office>
                  {Maj. General Hank Landry} - {Lt. General Jack O'Neill} - {Rear Admiral William MacGregor}

                  Hank took his chair and sat down, then turned over some files, he waited for the others to arrange themselves and tapped the intercom. "Walter I don't want to be disturbed for at least fifteen minutes please."

                  Jack took the first empty chair, which left only one other, William looked at Daniel shook his head and then took the last chair. Jack grinned at him and muttered something about Daniel being younger, and then leaned his elbows on the table. "So Hank, what can we do for you now that, that bullsh*t is out of the way?"

                  "I'm worried about Sam Carter and SG1's mission, I want you approval to get William up there, not in command of course, but merely there to advise."

                  Will sat forward a little. "It'd be a good lead in for me Jack, I'm willing."

                  "Let me think on it for a moment......yep ok, I guess you're getting your first space trip then Will." Jack looked at his old friend with a bit of pride. "Oh wait, no you've done that already. Well a trip in a big honking space ship then. Daniel can go with ya, can't you Daniel?"
                  <SGC> - <IOA Meeting>

                  {Dr. Daniel Jackson}

                  Before he followed Jack, Will, and Landry in to Landry's office, Daniel asked Stom"Mr. Storm could you assist the rest of the delegation back to the Pentagon? And Jack could you give him your mic and earbud?"

                  Once inside and the door shut Daniel took a deep breath in and sighed. He saw that Will was waiting for him to take a seat but instead Daniel held out his hand to allow Will to take the seat.

                  Daniel shook his head when Jack asked Will to go along with SG-1 to be an advisor. If Will was anything like his daughter SG-1 would have a great asset. "I don't think Sam would have any problem with you coming along Will." Daniel was surprised Jack asked him to come along on SG-1 mission but he also knew that Jack saw that he was getting antsie being on Earth all the time now. "Yes Jack, I can go even I am the only one doing research on Kassa right now" Daniel replied in the same sarcastical tone as Jack often does.
                  "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                  Aftermath RP

                  SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                    <SGC> - <Landry's Office>
                    {Maj. General Hank Landry} - {Lt. General Jack O'Neill} - {Rear Admiral William MacGregor}

                    "Easy Daniel, take some of that with you, besides SG1 won't be a distraction, I want you to help guide Will through first. You'll be going on the Daedalus until he finds his way. Any problem Hank?"

                    "No not at all Jack, I was going to say that anyway. Caldwell will be expecting you." Hank picked up the phone. "Walter, inform Colonel Caldwell, that Doctor Jackson and Admiral MacGregor will be joing them."

                    "Yes sir, already done."

                    "Ah, Jack, my kit is still in DC, any chance...?"

                    "Yeah, Will, pick up, drop off, pick up. We do this all the time. Well if you'll all excuse me I have a plane to catch. Hank I'll be in my office in the Pentagon later today."

                    "Daniel" He turned to his long time friend.
                    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                      <SGC> - <Landry's Office>

                      {Dr. Daniel Jackson}
                      "Easy Daniel, take some of that with you, besides SG1 won't be a distraction, I want you to help guide Will through first. You'll be going on the Daedalus until he finds his way. Any problem Hank?
                      "I know Sam and Teal'c will not be a problem but you know Vala. Still looking for my replacement on SG-1, General?"

                      "Daniel" He turned to his long time friend.
                      "Jack" turning back to Jack.
                      "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                      Aftermath RP

                      SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                        <SGC> - <Landry's Office>
                        {Maj. General Hank Landry} - {Lt. General Jack O'Neill} - {Rear Admiral William MacGregor}

                        "Daniel" Jack repeated as he disappeared out of the room and headed for the nearest exit.

                        Hank chuckled low. "No Doctor Jackson, I gave up on that long ago. Get Admiral MacGregor squared away on the Daedalus, make sure he knows his way around, check with Colonel Caldwell and then you can join your team. Best of luck to you both." He held his hand out to shake Will's hand. "It was nice to meet you finally Will."

                        "You to Hank. Well Daniel I suppose it's up first eh?" Will turned to the younger man.
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          <SGC> - <Landry's Office>

                          "Jack," Daniel said as Jack headed out the door.

                          "I guess my recommendations did not work out well. Thank you General Landry."

                          Daniel turned to Will and thought for a second. "Will lets stop off in my office so I can pick up a few things, then we will head to back to the Pentagon via Daedalus. Daniel headed out the door office door to the hallway and toward the elevators.
                          "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                          Aftermath RP

                          SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson


                            <SGC Landry's office> to < outer hallway>
                            {Maj. General Hank Landry} - {Rear Admiral William MacGregor}

                            "Daniel..." the faint echo was heard somewhere in the distance.

                            Hank laughed heartily. "No doctor Jackson, I think it was more a conspirancy on the part of your friends, it seemed everyone, was either unsuitable, unfit or they just didn't suit. Oh and when you finally get on the Hammond, tell Colonel Mitchell I don't want this mission to come back and bite us on the ass alright?"


                            Will followed Daniel down the passageway, it was so very familiar to him, so much like the bowells of many ships he had served upon. "Daniel, you get on well with your team I take it. I've read probably ninety percent of your mission files, you all have a good history don't you?"
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              <Outer hallway>
                              {Walter} to {Landry}
                              "Uh, excuse me, sir. Here's your coffee and the mission report from SG9 you requested. I'll put it on your desk".

                              <Walter is no longer NPCed... unless I am away>


                                <SGC> - <Outer Hallway>
                                {Dr. Daniel Jackson}
                                Will’s question made Daniel smile out of pride and the happy memories he had with the rest of SG-1. He answered Will’s question on the way to the elevator. “You should know since you serve in the military. When you work as a team, you watch each other’s back preventing from each other from getting hurt or killed. We each had our own specialties and we respected each other’s difference and similarities. Also spending so time in much close quarters in various environments and various states of dress really force you to rely on one another, act as a family, not crack hurtful jokes at ones expense.” Daniel reached the elevator with Will and he pressed the down button. “Over the years I have seen rest of SG1 and I go through some of the worst experiences anyone could imagine even being in Goul’d hell. The rest of SG-1 has seen me lose a wife, be hooked on Sarcophagus’ healing powers, watch Vala Mal Doran be burned alive, among a lot of other horrible things." The last sentence he uddered made a him misty eyed but he tried his best to hide it. The elevator door dinged and opened Daniel stepped on. “The team themselves have witnessed me die several times,” Daniel cringed when he said that, “Teal’ac almost lost his son, wife and mentor, Sam was taken host by a Tok’ra, Jack was forced to relive the memories of his son’s death, and so very much more.
                                Last edited by Apollodragon; 24 August 2010, 07:59 AM.
                                "I'll be in my bunk," Jayne Cobb

                                Aftermath RP

                                SG1, Resurgence RP Daniel Jackson

