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    <SGC> <Gen Landry's Office>

    {Gen Hank Landry NPC} {Walter Harriman NPC}

    Hank tapped his pen on the desk, this was going to go south soon. He called Walter on his coms as he waithed for Doctor Lee to arrive. "Walter, get General O'Neill on the line, call his cell, or failing that, call Doctor Jackson. When you've done that get in touch with Colonel Carter on the Hammmond, tell her to stay put and pass the same message onto Ellis as well."

    "Yes sir general, ah do you still want your coffee sir?"

    "Yes of course I do, but after you've done all that."



      <Crew Quarters>

      {Batou Kusanagi~Raiden} - {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun}

      "So that was your first time beaming huh?" Batou asked. "Don't worry it'll get easier the more you do it, it's kinda like gate travel."

      "Ah here we are and there's my gear, if you're feeling better we need to get to the briefing room," Batou said. "I reallly hope Cate can fill us in a little before we meet with Cololnel Ellis."
      sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


        <Pentagon> <IOA Meeting>

        {Beverly Sanderson} [British Delegate]

        "Never-the-less," said a prim voice, crisp with received pronounciation, "you must admit that hiding this information from governments that are ostensibly your allies, says nothing for common trust, or detent." Hard blue eyes challenged Daniel across the small divide. "What the British government is interested in, is how this lapse in protocol will be bridged? How do we know you have told us everything there is to know, and that there won't be a surprise a few months down the line?" The middleaged woman, flicked her dark hair back over her shoulder, and sat back as she waited for an answer.


          <USS Oddysey> - <Bridge>

          An encrypted message is received from the SGC, it simply reads "Hold Position, Landry" Abe Ellis reads the printed copy as it comes out of the console to his right, he hands it to his XO. "Rebecca get this to SG4 right away."

          "On my way." The Major replies and takes the slip of printed paper and runs for the elevator.

          <USS Oddysey> - <Accommodation level>

          The XO slipped into the room and tapped the nearest one on the shoulder "Lt Kusanagi , this just came from General Landry." She handed the note over and left as quickly as she came.
          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier



            <Crew Quarters>

            {Batou Kusanagi~Raiden} - {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun}

            After the Oddysey's XO left Batou looked at the note that had just been handed to him. Upon reading its contents Batou's expression changed to one of pensiveness. "Corporal we need to find Elena and Cate yesterday. Our orders have changed we will be joining SG1 on thier mission."


            <Briefing Room>

            {Batou Kusanagi~Raiden} - {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun} - {Captain Elena Ovcharenko ~ Scorpio} - {Flt. Lt. Catherine Hayden}

            Five minutes later they meet up with Elena and Cate in the briefing room. "Cate, Cap you might want to take a look at this," Batou said as he handed over the note.
            sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


              <USS Oddysey> - <Accommodation level 3> <Crew Quarters>

              {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun} - {Batou Kusanagi~Raiden}

              Ty looked at the note in Raiden's hand, he screwed his eyes to focus. "Ah Lieutenant, Landry is only askin the Oddy to hold position, I think somethin else has come up. Captain Ovcharenko, if my hunch is correct, I think some new intel has come to the SGC."
              Last edited by Weedle; 11 August 2010, 08:07 PM.


                Originally posted by Weedle
                ((OOC- Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei. We haven't left accomodations, Cate and Elana are here with us waiting for Ellis, edit your second location dude))

                <USS Oddysey> - <Accomodation Level 3><Crew Quarters>

                {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun} - {Batou Kusanagi~Raiden}

                Ty looked at the note in Raiden's hand, he screwed his eyes to focus. "Ah Lieutenant, Landry is only askin the Oddy to hold position, I think somethin else has come up. Captain Ovcharenko, if my hunch is correct, I think some new intel has come to the SGC."

                ((OOC they are not we separated at the beaming point as i was going to show you the ship and collect my things and cate and elena were going directly to the briefing room))

                <USS Oddysey> - <Briefing Room>

                {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun} - {Batou Kusanagi~Raiden}

                "Corporal you really need to learn to read between the lines on these things it may save your life one day," Batou responded. "There could only be one reason for the Oddy to be asked to hold position something has come up and we may be needed, my gut is telling me it's involving SG1 as usual."
                Last edited by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei; 11 August 2010, 06:59 PM.
                sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                  ((OOC there was no separation point, our orders were to proceed to "our" room and Ellis would meet us there, sorry))

                  <USS Oddysey> - <Accommodation level 3> <Crew Quarters>

                  {Flt. Lt Catherine Hayden}

                  "Let me see that Sangi." Cate asked the young Lieutenant. "Hold position, nothing else. It's a command for Ellis, he's only showing us ou of courtesy. It could be anything or nothing. He's coming down here so we'll wait. in the mean time double check your gear." Cate turned and proceeded to follow her own words, emptying her Alice pack onto the nearest bunk.

                  *BTW, a Flt. Lt is equal to the same rank as US Air Force Captain, a Lt. should not be using a first name unless they were in private and on familiar terms*


                    <USS Oddysey>

                    <Accommodation Level 3, Crew Quartres>

                    {Captain Elena Ovcharenko ~ Scorpio}

                    Elena listend to her XO and Corporal exchange, remaining silent. She peered into the note finally when Cate looked at it and addressed her team.

                    "Calm down, you two, nothing happened yet. Cate is right - it's command for the ship's captain, not for us, but Raiden is right in one thing too, Corporal - you need to learn to read between the lines, and what I read is that until Colonel Ellis will brief us, we aren't moving anywhere, so to me no orders were changed at all. Now do what she said."

                    Scorpio followed her friend's example, putting the rifle on a bunk, sitting on it and emptying her backpack. Elena tried to pull some more information from Hayden, checking her knife.

                    "So, Cate, are there some more details about this Soho safe house we don't know yet?"
                    Last edited by Vagabond Serpent; 12 August 2010, 09:28 AM.
                    Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                      Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                      ((OOC there was no separation point, our orders were to proceed to "our" room and Ellis would meet us there, sorry))

                      *BTW, a Flt. Lt is equal to the same rank as US Air Force Captain, a Lt. should not be using a first name unless they were in private and on familiar terms*
                      ((OOC ok sorry I misunderstood and thanks for the rank clarification.))

                      <USS Oddysey> - <Accommodation level 3> <Crew Quarters>

                      {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun} - {1st Lt Batou Kusanagi~Raiden} - {Flt. Lt Catherine Hayden} - {Captain Elena Ovcharenko ~ Scorpio}

                      "Yes Ma'am," Batou replied as he moved to comply with orders. "Its just that it seems that every time we are on a mission dealing with the LA lately something goes wrong. It's like they have a mole in the SGC or something."

                      "Oh and sorry about the familiarity Lt. Hayden I'm still not used to having to call people by their rank. As you know in the branch of the ISDF that i was in we only used each others callsigns and nothing else."
                      sigpicRequiescat in pace Weedle


                        <Pentagon> <IOA Meeting>

                        {Lt. General Jack O'Neill} - {Beverly Sanderson} [British Delegate]

                        "Ah, Beverly is it? Well as you know, you guys have been entrenched with us for a couple of years now and you have a permanent member on the IOA, so what we know, the British will know ten minutes after. Listen folks, this is not about politics any more..." Jack's phone buzz's annoyingly in his pocket. "Excuse me a minute." He pulled the phone and flipped it open, saw the caller ID. "Yes Walter...right put him on."

                        <SGC> - <Gen Landry's Office>

                        The intercom buzz's into life just as Hank was about to take another drink of his coffee. "Damn that's hot!" He hit the switch. "Yes Walter"

                        "Sir I have General O'Neill for you"

                        "Thank you Walter." Hank reached over and lifted his phone off the cradle. "Jack how reliable is this intel, I've got Carter and Ellis on station."

                        "Very reliable Hank, I'll put my life on it."

                        "Do you have anything more?"


                        <Pentagon> <IOA Meeting>

                        "Do you have anything more?"

                        "Hold on Hank." Jack walked the length of the long table, all eyes were fixed on him, some sensed that something important was happening. He stopped and stood next to Will MacGregor. "Will can you send that data to Hank Landry?"

                        "I'll do better than that Jack." Will pulled out his own phone, punched a few numbers, after a moment a voice answered. "

                        "Hawksure here."

                        "John, MacGregor here, I want you to send all of that alpha data to the SGC for me please."


                        "Just do it John."

                        "Sending now sir."

                        "Good. There you go Jack, tell Hank he's getting a feed now, should be coming onto the control room computer now."

                        "Thanks Will. Hank are you gettin this?"


                        <SGC> - <Gen Landry's Office>

                        "Hank are you gettin this?"

                        "Hold on Jack. Walter?"

                        "Sir I'm getting a live feed of some sort, it has the Australian Embassy scramble code on it."

                        "Upload it Walter, I'll be down in a minute." Hank stood and started for the door. "Right Jack it's coming in now, this had better be worth stalling our primary missions."


                        <Pentagon> <IOA Meeting>

                        "Right Jack it's coming in now, this had better be worth stalling our primary missions."

                        Jack let Will hear the converstation and Will nodded the affirmative. "It will Hank. I'm gonna try and get Daniel to wrap this up, we may have to bring all these good folk to the SGC Hank, things'll go much faster if we can pull it off, Oddysey might have to give us a ride and then continue it's mission after."

                        "Jack this is incrdible. I'll feed it up to Colonel Carter, and have Ellis pick you up. You can thank your source from me."

                        "Oh you'll be able to do that in person Hank, see ya when we get there." The phone clicked off. "Daniel I need you to ask these nice folk if they'd like a very swank taxi ride, you know what I mean. SGC" Still standing, Jack said not too softly which brought curious stares and puzzled looks from the entire room.
                        Last edited by puddlejumperOZ; 12 August 2010, 02:33 PM.
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
                          <USS Oddysey>

                          <Accommodation Level 3, Crew Quartres>

                          {Captain Elena Ovcharenko ~ Scorpio}

                          Elena listend to her XO and Corporal exchange, remaining silent. She peered into the note finally when Cate looked at it and addressed her team.

                          "Calm down, you two, nothing happened yet. Cate is right - it's command for the ship's captain, not for us, but Raiden is right in one thing too, Corporal - you need to learn to read between the lines, and what I read is that until Colonel Ellis will brief us, we aren't moving anywhere, so to me no orders were changed at all. Now do what she said."

                          Scorpio followed her friend's example, putting the rifle on a bunk, sitting on it and emptying her backpack. Elena tried to pull some more information from Hayden, checking her knife.

                          "So, Cate, are there some more details about this Soho safe house we don't know yet?"
                          Originally posted by Cmdr. Setsuna F. Seyei View Post
                          ((OOC ok sorry I misunderstood and thanks for the rank clarification.))

                          <USS Oddysey> - <Accommodation level 3> <Crew Quarters>

                          {Corporal Tyrone "Ty" Jamuljun} - {1st Lt Batou Kusanagi~Raiden} - {Flt. Lt Catherine Hayden} - {Captain Elena Ovcharenko ~ Scorpio}

                          "Yes Ma'am," Batou replied as he moved to comply with orders. "Its just that it seems that every time we are on a mission dealing with the LA lately something goes wrong. It's like they have a mole in the SGC or something."

                          "Oh and sorry about the familiarity Lt. Hayden I'm still not used to having to call people by their rank. As you know in the branch of the ISDF that i was in we only used each others callsigns and nothing else."
                          <USS Oddysey>

                          <Accommodation Level 3, Crew Quartres>

                          "It's ok Sangi, a lot of people confuse my rank, it's the silly inheritance we Aussies picked up from the British, and don't worry, when we're away from others, you can still call me Cate, otherwise it's just 'Flight'" Cate placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. "Elli, all I know is that it's on the third floor of a four story tenament building and MI6 will be there to give us back up and make up some story to clear any civilians out, sorry I don't have much more other than the NID have seen at least seven people come and go."


                            <USS Oddysey> - <Bridge>

                            Abe Ellis was on his way to see SG4 when one of his crew alerted him to the data being sent from the SGC, he looked at it briefly and said. "Patch it through to level three accomodations Lieutenant." He then headed straight for the elevator.

                            <SGC> - <Gen Landry's Office>

                            Hank had set the wheels in motion, both Sam and Abe Ellis had been sent the data and all he had to do was wait, he added to Ellis's information that he was to pick up General O'Neill and some guests as well. Now there was something else on his mind...after a moment he realised, he pressed the coms button. "Walter, any sign of Doctor Lee yet."

                            "No sir, not yet"
                            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                              Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                              <SGC> - <Gen Landry's Office>

                              Hank had set the wheels in motion, both Sam and Abe Ellis had been sent the data and all he had to do was wait, he added to Ellis's information that he was to pick up General O'Neill and some guests as well. Now there was something else on his mind...after a moment he realised, he pressed the coms button. "Walter, any sign of Doctor Lee yet."

                              "No sir, not yet"
                              <SGC> - <Gen Landry's Office>
                              {Doctor Lee} - {General Hank Landry}

                              The intercom buzzed. General Landry pressed the button. "Yes, Walter."

                              "Doctor Lee here to see you, sir."

                              "Thank you, Walter."

                              Doctor Lee smoothed his lab coat and cleared his throat. He looked at the door for a moment, then opened it. His mind was racing, wondering what possible reason there was behind his unexpected summons to the General's office.

                              "Hello General. You wanted to see me?"

                              General Landry gestured towards the armchair opposite his desk and opened a folder. "Take a seat. This might take a while."


                                <SGC> - <Gen Landry's Office>

                                {Major General Hank Landry}

                                Hank leaned across his desk and turned his computer monitor around for Bill to see the video images. "You see those missiles Doctor, North Korean V-759's. They are on the Lucian base SG1 are supposed to be hitting along with the Hammond and Daedalus. Now what I want to know is, could they have been modified for outer atmosphere trajecories? Take your time, this is important."
                                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier

