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    Hi, LoveYouBaby. Here are a few suggestions you can use to get started posting right away (and I guess they'll be good for anybody. They're what I did when I first came here, so I hope they help!!)

    If there's a specific episode of Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis that you would like to talk about, you can find that discussion and post your thoughts and opinons on it. There's some games going on; a few include SG-1 and Atlantis Guess the Quotes, Hangman, and Picture Captions. If you want to talk about your favorite Stargate characers, submit a search and see if a thread has been started (like the pro-Sam carter thread, which isn't really the name of it but it won't come to mind at the moment).

    I highly recommend the games. Not only are they fun but they're great to make friends at and they help you get used to using different tools around the board. That way, when you get into big in-depth conversations, you can post pictures and hyperlinks and stuff like that. Did I mention that the games are fun?

    Hope this was helpful! Take care!
    Well, most of us were at work here...

    The five J's of Stargate: Jack, Janet, Jonas, Jacob, Jackson!!!
    In memorium: Whistler84 and Atteria...may you always be remembered.


      Hi all

      my name is Luke; I'm 15 years old... Im from little country in central europe - Slovakia. Im a big stargate fan and I really cant wait to see new stargate episodes


        Hey...I finally found this thread! Amazing! Only took me more than a week!

        What to say? I'm not really a committed fan of "SG1." I tried both the show and the fandom about three years ago, and decided I didn't like the show enough to put up with the active warfare that was going on at the time. I've had my interest rekindled by "SGA" and I've decided to give "SG1" another try. Personally speaking, I'm a college writing instructor married to an Air Force officer, who works for the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, and I've lived in various states throughout CONUS and done some time in England as well. My favorite character is Sheppard; my hubby's favorite character is O'Neill, and we usually tape all of Skiffy's Friday night line-up and watch it together.

        I can also honestly say that I've met quite a few "Stargate" fans in the Air Force over the years. Even when they're slagging on it for getting some detail wrong (someone of a certain rank working a job they never would in real life; somone having more knowledge/expertise than someone in their specialization would typically have), they usually think it's a lot of fun to watch.
        Last edited by PsychoPenguin; 09 June 2005, 09:15 AM. Reason: typo
        "Just smile and wave, boys...Just smile and wave."


          Originally posted by Spiderqueen
          Hi, LoveYouBaby. Here are a few suggestions you can use to get started posting right away (and I guess they'll be good for anybody. They're what I did when I first came here, so I hope they help!!)

          If there's a specific episode of Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis that you would like to talk about, you can find that discussion and post your thoughts and opinons on it. There's some games going on; a few include SG-1 and Atlantis Guess the Quotes, Hangman, and Picture Captions. If you want to talk about your favorite Stargate characers, submit a search and see if a thread has been started (like the pro-Sam carter thread, which isn't really the name of it but it won't come to mind at the moment).

          I highly recommend the games. Not only are they fun but they're great to make friends at and they help you get used to using different tools around the board. That way, when you get into big in-depth conversations, you can post pictures and hyperlinks and stuff like that. Did I mention that the games are fun?

          Hope this was helpful! Take care!
          I'd have to agree on the games. They're all super-fun and they're a great place to fool around and get to know the forum, as well as the other people around.

          If you like Shep/Weir, you can come join us in the Shep/Weir Discussion Thread!

          Welcome to thor_ and PsychoPenguin as well! Have fun and post around!
          Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
          Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


            Hi all, I'm a longtime lurker who finally decided to join and post! I love Daniel Jackson and I will probably be spending a lot of time in the MS thunk thread, but I promise I'll come out every so often to see what's happening on the rest of the forum. So, a little bit about myself...I'm 17, my addiction with SG started last August after seeing about...2...episodes, and I started lurking when the only other SG fan I knew left work and I had no one to talk to about the show. I've never joined a forum before (bear with me if I'm a bit slow at first to pick something up!), but my friends get tired of hearing about SG ALL the time (they are crazy people who don't even watch Scifi! ). I've recently met two other fans, but that's no reason not to join, so here I am! See you all around!

            lj here if you're interested.


              Hello Everyone,
              Another long time lurker here but have decided why not just go for and do a bit of posting... So me erm... Well, I am Emm aka Muffin, surfinmuffin whatever lol, I'm 19 years old from Suffolk in England. Have been a fan of Stargate since the very first episode as my mum was a Richard Dean Anderson fan she really got me into it. My love has grown from there really and has sparked off my love for Stargate Atlantis.

              My fave character has got to be Rodney McKay played by the wonderfull David Hewlett I am a big fan of his work. So I hope to speak to a lot more David Hewlett fans out there. Erm and thats kind of it. I think I've covered all the bases... Anything else you want to know about me just ask!

              Hope to speak to you soon !

              David Hewlett is my 'happy place' SQUEEEEE!!!


                Hi, I'm Josh, and I'm an Stargate-oholic.
                *waits for the obligatory "Hi, Josh!"*

                I'm ugly, fat, and a loser.

                I'm 21, have no job, no friends, and no life.

                But at least I'm honest.

                Nice to meet you all.

                EDIT: P.S. I was introduced to this by a beautiful young lady who will probably hate me once she realizes I'm talking about her.


                  Originally posted by The Big Dawg
                  Hi, I'm Josh, and I'm an Stargate-oholic.
                  *waits for the obligatory "Hi, Josh!"*

                  I'm ugly, fat, and a loser.

                  I'm 21, have no job, no friends, and no life.

                  But at least I'm honest.

                  Nice to meet you all.

                  EDIT: P.S. I was introduced to this by a beautiful young lady who will probably hate me once she realizes I'm talking about her.
                  Aww, thanks ^Lady would be me ...he called me a lady! . Like I told you earlier, this is the BEST place to feed your SG stop putting yourself down. Go have some fun!

                  lj here if you're interested.


                    Originally posted by The Big Dawg
                    Hi, I'm Josh, and I'm an Stargate-oholic.
                    *waits for the obligatory "Hi, Josh!"*

                    I'm ugly, fat, and a loser.

                    I'm 21, have no job, no friends, and no life.

                    But at least I'm honest.

                    Nice to meet you all.
                    *passes Josh virtual beer*

                    Can't complain with your honesty mate - you'll find a pretty solid crew here, welcome aboard!
                    I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                      Welcome to GateWorld gatehorse, surfinmuffin, and The Big Dawg!

                      Have fun and post lots!! This place can be a great morale booster, if you need it to be!
                      Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                      Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                        Originally posted by Matt G
                        *passes Josh virtual beer*

                        Can't complain with your honesty mate - you'll find a pretty solid crew here, welcome aboard!
                        Thanks! *chugs beer* And thanks to everyone for the welcome


                          Erm, yeah... hello. I'm kind of new as you can see. Of course I'm a stargate fan (well, a fan of SG-1). I've got the first 7 seasons of it on DVD in boxes, so I can practically watch any of those eps whenever I want to... but I haven't seen any of the eighth season yet...


                            Bonjour !!!
                            I'm a newbie here but I'm not a newbie Fanatic's stargate...
                            I'm French (and don't sorry LOL) and I'm 21 years... I 'm a very very Fanatic of *Stargate SG.1*(above all Danny lol) and *stargate Atlantis*...
                            I'm a big fan of univers stargate since the movie and the beginning of the serial...
                            In France, we are at frist of the season 8 of SG1 and season 1 of SGA : It's very very exciting !!!!
                            In this moment, I prefer SGA that SG1 but SG1 will stay my favourite serial...
                            My favourite character is Rodney (in SGA because his character is very funny, charming, intelligent, etc...) but also John finally Joe for his splendid and thick hair... ^_^
                            Otherwise I'm student in computer science and art. I sit my exam friday and I'm stressed...

                            See You Soon...

                            Ps : Sorry for the mistakes...
                            Ps 2 : I'm a girl...
                            Last edited by Dreddy; 12 June 2005, 12:27 AM.


                              Hi, I'm new, I have been on this great site on and off for about 2 years I think , definately more than 1 year anyway but only just signed on .

                              I was bored and was surfing and came across the Dr Who thread, love my Doctor. So I had to sign in to post, anyway SG is a fave show as well as SG-A, which has only startd in Australia, oh did I mention I'm from Australia .

                              I am blown away by Atlantis it is so fresh and the actors seem to fit so well, I thought at first in my previous visites to this site from reading some of the spoilers that it was only O.K but wow I really love it . Anyway that's me, hi again, bye for now .


                                Hello people, I'm Beal, long for BL, short for Battleloser (long story)

                                I use to hate stargate. I saw the movie as a kid and I never really gave the show a chance. Thankfully though there were some strange circumstances which led to me actually watching it.

                                'Bout a year ago my computer was all messed up, so a friend in michigan sent me a windows CD so I could reformat. He also sent me seasons 1-6 on CD. I reformatted and installed the new windows, but for some reason after that my network card stopped working. I couldn't go online anymore, so I had alot of time I didn't know what to do with. So I actually started watching the show, and ever since I've been keeping my collection updated by downloading every episode of SG1 :-D

