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    I haven't posted on any board in a long time, but I like the feel of this place I'm not gonna lurk-I'm going to jump right in.

    My path to watching Stargate is a long story, but it ends up with me completely loving the show. I feel so cheated that I have been oblivious to it all of these years, but I am all caught up now (well...almost... I haven't gotten to Atlantis yet). In a matter of a few months I have sped through every season, and now feel at a loss when I don't have endless new episodes to watch. Guess I just have to wait like everyone else now.

    Anyway, I am here... hullo


      Hello everyone I was told that I should introduce myself to everyone here, soooo here goes. I am new to Stargate and am totally hooked. I just started watching this year and am really bummed to have missed soo much. Thank goodness for reruns, but that just leaves me a little more confused at times about things that are going on. The first sci-fi show I watched was Farscape, and was a little upset it was cancelled. Looking forward to seeing Ben Browder in the new season Also new to posting things. My husband conviced me to give it a try. Still trying to get over the shyness of posting, yes I know that is really dumb I hope that I can learn a lot about what and all that I have missed in the past Stargate seasons. Thanks for the welcome and excited to be here.


        Welcome to all of you! Your posts are great and we love new blood around here. We come here because we love SG-1 and SGA and we enjoy posting our thoughts, opinions and our grievences, so others as crazy as we are can agree or disagree , or console us.

        I hope you all remain and post alot. The more that people post, the more diverse the Forum becomes and diversity is what makes both the Forum and the SG Franchise so great!

        Again, welcome!
        On fighting:
        Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
        Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


          Hi I'm Janna Galaxy. I live in the north east of England. I've been a fan since I first saw the stargate movie in 1998. I also love the spin off Stargate Atlantis.

          I've been to a couple of conventions and will be attending more this year.

          Don't have a favourite season....well, i'm quite parical to season 4 and 6.

          I don't have a fave character.
          I love Jack (Going to miss RDA!)
          I love Sam (I think she's a great Gal!)
          I love Daniel (Love how he's so ethical!)
          I love Teal'C (How can you not laugh at his jokes????)
          I love Jonas (Miss him loads! His smile made me smile. Had a kinda wonder around him.)
          I love Janet (Miss her loads. What an angel!)
          I love General Hammond ( Great leader!)

          I could on like this all day.

          I'm abit esitent on season 9 but......I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt like I did with season 6.....I'm so glad I was wrong

          I'll shut up now and let other people talk.
          Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
          The Strongest Will Survive!
          I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


            Hello Everyone,

            I've been looming here for about a week and gradually have become addicted so I decided to take the plunge and join. I'm a pretty new stargate fan - Before, I was pretty much a star trek fan, I've always enjoyed science-fiction, but one day I just happened to see stargate on Sky One (I'm a UKer) and since then have been addicted. I bought the first two DVDs and am eagerly awaiting the third to arrive (Come on amazon!). I have to be careful not to see all those spoilers from S3 onwards (quite a lot, seeing as that's when all the fun happens ). Anyway, looking forward to being here

            Well, that was longer then I'd planned

            Anyway - hello!


              Hi im Klorel 1 and i came to Canada from Romania 7 months ago! I was a fan since Stargate the Movie! My favorite season is season number 1!
              From all goaulds i like Klorel(son of Aphosis)!

              I cant wait for the season 9 episodes and i will try to download them before the episodes are coming to Canada!
              ,,Come and see the power of your God"-Klorel


                I'm small newbie.I'm French and 13 and half.I become Stargate's fan,last year.And now,I can't do without it.


                PS: Excuse me for errors!I want that somebody correct me!
                Last edited by Pioupiou; 24 May 2005, 10:08 AM.
                I'm French!


                  Hello Campers!! I'm Ra'akedg, a 21 year old male, and i'm for Moncton...Canada. I been watching stargate for about 7 year or so... HUGE fan (like every body here). And that's it for me.... Oh yeah, I speek English et Français (that's "and french")...

                  See you around..

                  - Ra'akedg


                    Hello everyone, This is Hadrien (my forum-name is Raoul le grand, because that's the one I use on the internet) I'm 19 years old, come from France, Paris, I love stargate (why would I be there otherwise?...) and I don't know what else to say, maybe "bonjour à tous, ravie d'être ici avec vous, et à bientot"
                    by the way, I'd like to say to all the french speakers (don't know if that's correct...) that there is a very good website for stargate in french :
                    Last edited by raoul le grand; 25 May 2005, 12:33 PM.

                    Just call me "Raoul"


                      Hello Gateworld!
                      Long time lurker, first time poster. My name is John and I'm a 20 year old college student from northeast Ohio.

                      I've been a fan of SG1 since season 8 began last July, although I watched a few eps. when it first came to Scifi but didn't think much of it at the time. I also saw the movie when it was in theaters.

                      My favorite SG character is Walter, followed by Siler, Sam, and well...everyone else.

                      Besides Stargate, I'm also a fan of Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. I also like carousel organs, particularly those made by Wurlitzer.


                        Hi, I'm Reefgirl and I'm new to these parts I've watched Sg-1 on DVD from season 1, I live on the South Coast of England near Portsmouth I work in the kitchens of our local Military hospital, I have 1 daughter Alex who's 10 she's not sure about SG-1 yet, she definatly doesn't like the Replicators.

                        My favorite character is Daniel followed by Dr Fraiser, Ba'al and Major Davis who at long last is developing a sense of humour.

                        Apart from being a Sci Fi geek I like to read, knit, sew and cook.

                        I think that's all I have to say about me apart from, beware I have a warped sense of humor


                          We all have a warped sense of humour reefgirl, how else would you explain the jaffa tinky?!

                          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                            Very true I guess, Is Po the Goa'uld of the crew then?


                              Reefgirl! Glad you decided to join up!
                              It must be a Thursday.

                              I've never been able to get the hang of Thursdays.

                              Roll up your pantlegs- you're in JoePa's house now! Congratulations Nittany Lions on an Orange Bowl Victory!


                                WOW! Lots of new members. Well, I can't name you all, but my welcome and my hugs go out to you all. It's great to see new people coming in!
                                Well, most of us were at work here...

                                The five J's of Stargate: Jack, Janet, Jonas, Jacob, Jackson!!!
                                In memorium: Whistler84 and Atteria...may you always be remembered.

