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    I'm Fio, and I figured this thread would be the best place make my first post.
    I just finished watching a Stargate sort-of-a-marathon followed by Sanctuary (Watching the familiar face of AT helped me overcome the desperation caused by the fact that SG1 is no more.)
    I've been lurking here for a while, browsing the threads as the shows went on, but now that they are all over I decided to ease my withdrawal symptoms by actually joining the community


      hey there Fio!
      Glad you decided to make a post. have a cookie!


        Welcome to GateWorld Fio! Hope you enjoy it here...
        Back from the grave.


          Hello, I'm nuit blanche.

          I'm glad to have found this forum. What's to know about me, hmmm?
          I was longtime browsing here, but today I finally signed up.

          I'm a fan of Stargate and sci-fi.
          I have watched all of SG-1, SGA and SGU (although I have to say, it is not my thing).

          So here I am, therefor sorry for any mistakes...English isn't my first languarge but I'm always willing to learn


            Hello there nuit blanche!
            Glad you decided to take the plunge and join up. Nobody bites, well, at least not hard. Have a special cookie...


              Welcome Newbies
              no means no, and so does pepper spray
              Sig by The Carpenter


                Originally posted by Girlbot View Post

                Welcome Newbies
                Ahhh, the insane welcome committee Anyway,

                Welcome and don't forget to respect the badge
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by nuit blanche View Post
                  Hello, I'm nuit blanche.
                  Welcome nuit blanche; hope you enjoy the GateWorld party!
                  Back from the grave.


                    Welcome Newbies...
                    I hope you enjoy the ride...
                    "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                    Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                    Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                    Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                    I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                    To thy own self... Be true
                    May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                      Thanks for the welcome, great to be here


                        Hi! I'm Oma De Salad, not to be confused with anything close to an Ascended. I was doing my own personal Rewind (2nd time thru) lately and poking around the forums expecting to see only posts from several years ago. I was so excited to see the Rewind and fresh posts! I just love the Stargate series and am so happy to share with other fans. I am new to forums - comes a time to stop lurking around and join in. So, Hey Everybody Warm greetings from Denver, CO.


                          I'm Aeron (A Welsh name, not office furniture *cough*) and I've been a fan of SG since I saw the film, about ten years on and off. I initially started watching it because I wanted to be Daniel, and then the series because Carter was hot, and finally because I started taking a genuine interest in Sci-fi.

                          I'm doing a re-watch/full watch now because I lost touch with it at about season five-ish, so I'm watching eps for the first time. I do plan to try out SGA and stuff too though, which will hopefully be my cup of tea. It'll be great to talk to other fans!


                            Welcome Aeron hope you enjoy the forum


                              Welcome Oma and Aeron!

                              Yep, Gateworld is alive and kicking! Glad to have you aboard. Have a cookie...


                                no means no, and so does pepper spray
                                Sig by The Carpenter

