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    Thank you for cookies and message of Welcome ^^
    I would indeed propose a French speciality in exchange x)
    by AresLover452 ^^


      Welcome Duval. We are most pleased to have you here with us. Enjoy your time on the forums.


        Welcome! I am new myself, but this is a very friendly forum. I think you will settle in quickly.
        "I didn't leave...because I'd have rather died myself than lose Carter." (Divide and Conquer)
        My Facebook//My fanfic (LJ)


          Thank you thank you ^^

          Oh yes, I saw that it is a pleasant forum or reigns a good agreement. There is a French forum which looks like it, but people, are not very kind between them sometimes. For that purpose, that I preferred to come here!

          by AresLover452 ^^


            Originally posted by Duval View Post
            Thank you thank you ^^

            Oh yes, I saw that it is a pleasant forum or reigns a good agreement. There is a French forum which looks like it, but people, are not very kind between them sometimes. For that purpose, that I preferred to come here!

            or at least most of the time we're pretty agreeable....but if you don't like watching arguments then I would suggest staying away from the various political and religious threads we got goin' on around here.....


              Well, I am thus going to stay wisely in the subjects of stargate or other put into series. I have nothing against the politics(policy), or the religion but I think, it is only my opinion(notice), that these two subjects are for risk of discord, people never agree ^^ '
              by AresLover452 ^^


                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                Thank you for cookies and message of Welcome ^^
                I would indeed propose a French speciality in exchange x)
                What do you mean by, "a French speciality in exchange?"
                Originally posted by mamageek View Post
                Welcome! I am new myself, but this is a very friendly forum. I think you will settle in quickly.
                Sometimes...too friendly
                By Nolamom


                  I do not know lol, of cake stores(pastries), small cakes typical from me ^^ ' I talk nonsense.

                  In any case, I find that well exactly, to be too kind.
                  by AresLover452 ^^


                    To be too kind it is not so bad ^^
                    by AresLover452 ^^


                      Welcome Duval
                      And if you could bring us some pastis that be GREAT

                      Me @ Livejournal, Youtube, Tumblr Deviant-art and my band: Alantia


                        Hello everyone! Never been a big forum guy, but I just read about the rewatch and couldn't resist. Finally, I can discuss my favorite show all the time! I'm actually watching "Exodus" as I type this and will start season five tomorrow. I look foward to talking season five and beyond, as well as all things Stargate very soon.


                          Hi Duval,
                          Hi thegame8675,

                          Hello and Welcome to Gateworld.
                          Sit back and enjoy the ride...

                          Watch out for the cookies...! They have been known to have side effects... Or so I'm lead to believe.
                          Also watch out for the multi coloured monkeys.
                          "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
                          Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
                          Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
                          Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
                          I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
                          To thy own self... Be true
                          May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


                            Originally posted by thegame8675 View Post
                            Hello everyone! Never been a big forum guy, but I just read about the rewatch and couldn't resist. Finally, I can discuss my favorite show all the time! I'm actually watching "Exodus" as I type this and will start season five tomorrow. I look foward to talking season five and beyond, as well as all things Stargate very soon.
                            Hey and welcome

                            Me @ Livejournal, Youtube, Tumblr Deviant-art and my band: Alantia


                              Some pastis? Which drole of idea, it is not good lol
                              But I indeed want to return it xp

                              Welcome, thegame8675 o/
                              by AresLover452 ^^


                                Originally posted by Nanouk View Post
                                Never trust a system lord thats wearing a christmas hat!!
                                That's Kit he is very trustable.

                                Originally posted by mamageek View Post
                                You know, the first batch was so good I think I'll pass. I'm sure nothing could measure up

                                ROFLOL! So THAT was my first mistake!
                                Party poop.

                                Originally posted by Duval View Post
                                I am Elise and I am French, I am very satisfied to be on this forum, forgiveness I already have poster somewhere else, I would not have of, I would have of pass here before, forgiveness still *ce looks claques*

                                In brief, by hoping that everybody is well, I am satisfied to be on this forum even if I feel one can shy > < (because I speak about a word of English, then it is not evident, I have to thank the sites of translations, moreover, I espere that I message are readable(legible))
                                Hello and welcome to GW.

