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    Originally posted by Droops
    I'd say something pithy if I could come up with something but my mind is a blank slate. Erm, well, some would say that's normal.
    Move along. . move along. . .nothing to see here.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Hey Everyone! Im new here and thought I would introduce myself! Im Fcolilep, but fco works too. I've been a big stargate fan for several years now, and Im growing an obsession for Atlantis now *coughjoecough* lol. Nice to meet you all!


        Hi everyone!

        I'm too am new here. I love both Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. IF I had to choose between Atlantis and SG-1 in terms of my favorite show, I would have to go with Atlantis. I live in Canada and I look forward to posting alongside you fine folks about the greatest T.V. franchise on the air!


          Hey there, I'm new! I origianally watched Stargate when it first came out(from Children of the Gods part 2, missed part 1) but after watching for about 2 seasons my parents decided it was too violent for me at that age. Since then I have grown old enough for the violence and have always loved the show. I recently bought the first 3 seasons and plan on getting the rest when I get the money(ah the life of a teenager) so, I hope to become a true gatehead in good time!


            hey I just signed up the other day.
            im 20 and from Australia where depends on the tv peoples mood whether or not to show Stargate.
            Anyway I've always been a fan of Stargate, starting back with the movie.
            I stopped watching it as it kind've went off air for a couple years. I then got into Farscape (Sorry Guys) and it is my all time fav show. I bourght some Stargate dvds and fell back in love with the show and now hooked.
            Ok thats enough ramblings so go out and embrace life......... or instead have a sleep in and get over last night!
            When your'e in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A close friend will be in the cell with you saying 'damm that was fun!'


              Hello everyone and...

              "We'll keep the light on for you."


                Hi. I'm new but i think you knew that already
                At first i want to apologize for my english to everybody who read this. I'm from Germany, so you may forgive me
                I've been a Stargate-Fan from the beginning. I can't wait till season 8 goes on tv in germany. Yeah you heard right, we german people hadn't the chance to in it on tv yet
                Atlantis started s few weaks ago and so far i don't really like it but i hope i will fall in love with it just like i did with SG-1
                So i hope understood me and didn't went crazy
                I'm from Germany so plaese forgive me my bad english


                  Guten Tag, Angel. That is about all the German I remember from school. I should do so well in German as you are doing with English! Welcome to the forum. I think you will find it is a friendly place.


                    My name is CatGoddess and I'm a Gateoholic...

                    I tripped over SG-1 on SciFi one Monday evening a few months ago, and was immediately hooked. It's been very difficult coming up to speed and keeping everything straight in my mind while watching, say, season 4 on Monday nights, season 2 at 6pm, and season 8 plus Atlantis on Fridays... but I managed.

                    Off to play with my profile...
                    I'd start a revolution if I could get up in the morning.


                      Welcome to everybody here!!!
                      Well, most of us were at work here...

                      The five J's of Stargate: Jack, Janet, Jonas, Jacob, Jackson!!!
                      In memorium: Whistler84 and Atteria...may you always be remembered.


                        Hi *waves*

                        I'm new around here. I've loved Stargate for a few years now and first got into it when I made friends with an obsessive fan - although now I'm just as hooked as she still is . I also adore Atlantis .

                        Hope to get to meet like-minded people and enjoy discussing SG-1 and Atlantis!
                        Uncontrolled Destiny
                        My Atlantis Music Videos (Shep/Weir and Misc.)



                          Just got here but hope to have a quick look around and find some folks willing to talk about SG1!


                            Howdy. *waves* New here also though I've been a fan of the show since it first got started. Stopped watching for a bit at the beginning of college (pesky school interfering) then got back into watching about a year later.

                            I'm a college student (for four more weeks, whoop!) in Texas then it's off to Officer School for the Air Force (oh yeah, I'm a geek ). Uhh... dunno what else to say really. I love Stargate, Star Wars, scifi in general really. I think that's about it... time to go force my roommate to join the boards too.
                            "The light at the end of the tunnel has been shut off due to budget cuts."
                            "Don't have a point, just a tail."
                            Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2005! Whoop!


                              A big WELCOME to all the newbies!

                              Have fun here at GateWorld!
                              Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                              Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                                Hello Buggy...
                                I know that technically I am not "new" to the forum but I am just starting to really LOVE stargate (It kind of becomes a must do everyday like sleeping or talking eh... hehe). I don't want to go into any other threads beacuse of how few episodes I've seen. Hmmm... Perhaps I'll go search out the hangman thread. I've heard that it's very fun and even with my lack of Stargate knowledge I can always guess letters! Cheers!
                                ~Sci-Fi is life!!!~

