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    Thanks its nice to meet you


      Welcome, Robbie. Step into our gate...

      The TechnoWraith Stargate Travel Agency, in an effort to comply with recent changes in health standards, will now post any health-related warnings related to Stargate Travel at all gates, and branch office locations. Please note the following health-related guidelines now in affect:

      -You should not eat or drink 20 minutes prior to entering the Stargate. (Barfing in a wormhole is really bad for those on the receiving end of the wormhole).
      -Consult your physician prior to gate travel if you have any health related concerns.
      -If you have any physical handicaps, you should contact the TechnoWraith Stargate Travel Agency so we can make any appropriate arrangements to accommodate your handicap. If you are using a wheelchair, please bring it with you.
      -If you are using an electric mobility device (motor scooter, etc), please be aware that the sensitive electronics within the gate, or the powerful energy fields generated by the gate may interfere with operation of the mobility device. We can test your device free of charge prior to your departure to determine whether it can safely travel through the gate.

      If you have any questions or concerns about your health and stargate travel, always consult your physician. You may also call us at 1-800-TW-Stargate for more assistance. (Bogus phone number, don't dial it. )

      Have fun here at Gateworld, Robbie. You will find many other fans to interact with around here.


        Welcome to the Forum Robbie. Hope you like it here.


          Hiya. I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm in my fourth year of university in Michigan--an English major/Spanish minor. I enjoy writing, gaming, learning for the sake of learning and just keeping busy in general. Oh, and of course, Stargate. I guess that's it for now. I look forward to meeting you guys.
          It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor
          --Sandman "The Kindly Ones"

          "Security clearance?"


            Welcome to the Forum Verthandi. Hope you enjoy your time here.


              Hello from another newbie. I'm Bianca . . . thus the Ms. Bianca thing. I try and keep it a real as possible (makes things easier).

              As for how I got interested in Stargate . . . well, I saw the movie because I love all things that deal with mythology (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, etc.) and this seemed to fall right in there.

              So, when I heard they were going to make it into a series and star one of my favorite actors, RDA, I just knew it was for me. I may be giving away my age here but I remember RDA when he had his stint on General Hospital (I was young, but young enough to remember) then of course, I was a die hard Mac fan.

              I was kinda bumed that it originally aired on Showtime (no pay channels for me) so I had to wait until Syndication to get my fix of SG-1.

              Then, when it moved to Sci-Fi . . . and they started their "Stargate Mondays" I was in pure heaven. I'm almost 90% caught up (I'm still missing a lot of Jonas episodes) with everything.

              When they started talking about Atlantis I just got this "Ehh . . . . I don't know" kinda feeling about it . . . and it took about 4 episodes for me to actually say, "Yeah, I like it." And Dr. Beckett is my favorite. Love him

              Other than that . . . I'm 32, live in the Detroit Metro Area (I'll get specific if you ask nicely) and know Joe Mallozzi from another message board that is now defunct but haven't talked to him in a long while . . . I remember the day he told us all that he got this new gig (he was living in Montreal at the time) in Vancouver and would be moving and working on this new show. Man, that seems like eons ago. Bu, he's still at it and apparently loving it.

              So, that's it from me for now. Time to get back to work.



                Originally posted by Verthandi
                Hiya. I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm in my fourth year of university in Michigan--an English major/Spanish minor. I enjoy writing, gaming, learning for the sake of learning and just keeping busy in general. Oh, and of course, Stargate. I guess that's it for now. I look forward to meeting you guys.
                Just wanted to say "Hello" to another Michigan resident (even if you're just going to school in AA).


                  Welcome Ms. Bianca and Verthandi!

                  Have fun posting!
                  Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                  Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                    Welcome to all who dare to enter and post in this Forum.

                    " metal detectors...."

                    "We'll keep the light on for you."


                      Thanks for the welcomes!


                        Originally posted by Ancient 1
                        Welcome to all who dare to enter and post in this Forum.

                        " metal detectors...."
                        "...baggage handlers...."


                          Welcome, Verthandi and Ms. Bianca. Step into our gate...

                          New, from the TechnoWraith Stargate Travel Agency:

                          The Starship Getaway Program.

                          Ever want to know what it's like to travel on an Asgard mothership? Or what a Gao'uld mothership? Or how about a Wraith Hiveship? Well now you can! Starship Getaway Program allows you to book passage on many different interstellar ships and vessels. Pleasure excursions and tours are regularly offered. You can even rent a ship if you want! Advance reservations are required. A credit card is also required for rental deposits. Please contact the TechnoWraith Stargate Travel Agency at 1-800-TW-Stargate for more information.

                          Have fun at Gateworld, and see you around the forums.


                            i'm a newbie, i'm french. I'm 15 years old and i'm a big fan of stargate (of course). I like watching stargate, reading, playing video games.

                            Welcome all !!


                              Originally posted by FrenchSobek
                              i'm a newbie, i'm french. I'm 15 years old and i'm a big fan of stargate (of course). I like watching stargate, reading, playing video games.

                              Welcome all !!
                              Welcome FrenchSobek! Hope you enjoy your stay here at the Gateworld Forums! Have fun! Happy posting.


                                Welcome, FrenchSobek. Step into our gate...

                                Fun and good times will follow you where ever you go here at Gateworld, just as long as you don't press any Big Red Buttons around here.

                                Have fun and enjoy your time here.

