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    we have 4 general usergroups

    basic trainees
    enlisted personnel
    officers class

    I won't say where you get promoted from what, but the biggest difference (beyond probies having practically no rights at all - thanks to the spammers ) is mail box size

    basic trainees can have up to 30, enlisted 50, officers 101

    Now mods and admin have different sized boxes as well.

    TO be honest, i'm not sure where the different avatar levels are. I never paid attention.

    but as you move up in the ranks, you also move up in the user groups. Some of them just share names is all (the probie) which i think is confusing people
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



      Is there a limit to the number of subscriptions one can have?

      Can subscriptions get lost? Do they fall off? I recently noticed a diminishing number of subscribed threads. I did noticed some threads that I was subscribed to, suddenly being removed from my subscription list.

      I currently have 239 subscribed threads. Any hints, tips, help as how to handle this? I still like to continue using them, but now it's chaos and I don't know anything about limits, and possible automated un-subscribing.

      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


        Originally posted by Jper View Post
        Is there a limit to the number of subscriptions one can have?
        I don't think so. Its just a way to keep track of the threads you like
        Can subscriptions get lost? Do they fall off? I recently noticed a diminishing number of subscribed threads. I did noticed some threads that I was subscribed to, suddenly being removed from my subscription list.
        Were said threads maybe deleted or closed? Besides that it would be some forum glitch?
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by Jper View Post
          Is there a limit to the number of subscriptions one can have?

          Can subscriptions get lost? Do they fall off? I recently noticed a diminishing number of subscribed threads. I did noticed some threads that I was subscribed to, suddenly being removed from my subscription list.

          I currently have 239 subscribed threads. Any hints, tips, help as how to handle this? I still like to continue using them, but now it's chaos and I don't know anything about limits, and possible automated un-subscribing.

          No, as far as I know, there's no limit to the number of threads you can subscribe to. If you have some that have gone missing they may have been deleted or merged into other threads you have subscribed to. There may, however be a time limit, where threads that have been inactive for a certain length of time auto de-subscribe. Darren is probably the one to ask about that, though.

          When you have a large number of subscriptions creating folders to keep them in can help. For instance, I keep my game threads in my "Games" folder and seperate my other threads into topic related folders (SG-1, SGA, General, Forum related, etc.). That way I just open the folder and I can find all subbed threads relating to that subject.

          To create folders click on "View all subscribed threads" at the bottom of your list of subscribed threads. This gives access to the "Folder control panel". Clicking on "Edit folders" gives you the ability to create up to 3 new folders at a time. Once you have made the folders select the threads you want to move to a particular folder by clicking on the check boxes on the right of the thread title, then click on "Move to folder...", chose the folder you wish to use from the drop down list and click "Go"

          Hope this helps.
          Last edited by SeaBee; 25 December 2009, 04:40 PM. Reason: Making my english a reader friendly experience


            Originally posted by Jper View Post
            Can subscriptions get lost? Do they fall off? I recently noticed a diminishing number of subscribed threads. I did noticed some threads that I was subscribed to, suddenly being removed from my subscription list.
            I don't think they fall off unless there is a forum glitch. In the previous major forum outage, I lost all my subscribed threads in the Characters and Relationships and Off Topic forums. And according to the mods there is sadly nothing they can do about that.

            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

            From the wonderful XKCD site


              Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
              I don't think they fall off unless there is a forum glitch. In the previous major forum outage, I lost all my subscribed threads in the Characters and Relationships and Off Topic forums. And according to the mods there is sadly nothing they can do about that.
              Yes, that's what happened to me as well. They were all in the OT, C&R and Briefing Room folders/subforums. No problem now anymore. I sorted them all and re-subscribed to the most threads. It was kinda annoying though as I heavily rely on subscriptions.

              Thanks for all the info/help people. I re-organized my subscriptions with folders. Works great!
              A black hole swallowed this sig pic.



                Could anyone please tell me if there's any way to make GW to remember my account so I won't have to login every ten minutes. That "Remember me?" tick doesn't want to work at all...
                Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                  Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post

                  Could anyone please tell me if there's any way to make GW to remember my account so I won't have to login every ten minutes. That "Remember me?" tick doesn't want to work at all...
                  It's possible that you have your security setting too high to allow the GW cookie to be stored.


                    No. I checked Chrome's cookie list - there're plenty of GW cookies stored on my HD.
                    Besides, any other site "remember me" option works perfectly, so I decided that the problem is somewhere at the GW side.
                    Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                      It would be handy if you mentioned which browser you are using, is that Google Chrome? Windows Vista/7/Xp/other? Did you try updating to the latest version? Also, did you try clearing all cookies, cache, temp files, restarting the browser and logging in again, with possibly checking the "remember me" option.

                      ETA: To remove all cookies, try this.

                      To remove the rest: try this.

                      I'm no expert on Google Chrome, but the problem your having probably has something to do with Chrome not correctly handling the cookie for GateWorld. It is possible that a defect cookie or cache element is causing this. It is also possible you have your cookie settings not on default or blocked for GateWorld.
                      Last edited by Jper; 29 December 2009, 04:29 AM.
                      A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                        Chrome latest version, XP Pro SP 2, everything was erased a week ago, so all GW cookies are fresh. I always had this problem and with GW only, but I finally decided to learn is someone else having this issue.
                        Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                          Yeah, but the problem is that if you are sure that you don't have the cookies settings on GateWorld set too tight, you have a corrupted cookie. When that cookie stays in use, or is prevented from being overwritten by a new one (or being erased), the problem stays the same. Anyway, a hard way to delete cookies would be to close all browsers, preferably all other open programs. Make sure Google Chrome isn't running anymore (check with the task manager), or any other process using the cookies. Then try going to C:\Documents and Settings\[B]<User Name>[/B]\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\ Replace <User Name> by your Xp user name. Normally in that folder there should be three files and a folder called default. This "default" folder contains your cookies and like this you can do a hard-erase.

                          If you are sure then that you erased the cookies, Chrome will re-download a new fresh cookie from GW when you visit again. If the cookie-settings are indeed okay then this should work. Otherwise you are having a complicated problem. Try visiting for more info.

                          If it is, or it could be, only related to Google Chrome, why not use another browser like Firefox? Seems to be the one with the least problems.
                          A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                            I know where cookies are and I can get GW cookies cleaned manually, thanks. Main reason of my asking was to understand if I'm getting this one thing alone or is there someone else who ever experienced it. GW once produced corrupted cookie that would force an odd redirect to an unexisting site, though.

                            And no other browsers, that's for sure! After IE I was using Firefox for three years, but after switiching to Chrome, I won't return to Firefox again. Small problem with the only one site on the whole planetary network is quite overweighted by the Chrome's working speed and reliability.

                            EDIT: That was one silly corrupted cookie. I just used in "Extended options" tab "Cookie management" menu to make Chrome remove it and all is working as it should.
                            Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                              Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
                              EDIT: That was one silly corrupted cookie. I just used in "Extended options" tab "Cookie management" menu to make Chrome remove it and all is working as it should.
                              So problem solver? Or can't I say, I told you it was a corrupted cookie, just yet?
                              A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                                Yep. Problem solved and it was the corrupted cookie. I had only two strange issues with Chrome for 1,5 years and both with GW and both caused by corrupted cookies.
                                Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)


