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MEMBERS helping MEMBERS: General Help and Assistance Thread

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    As a result, I've accepted that I'll never reach the limit to have a custom avatar.
    Cogito ergo dubito.

    "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

    An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


      Is this where I say "Neener neener?"


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
        for some people it seems to take a while but go to the avatar select screeena nd scroll all the way down you should see a option to upload on.

        you can't use the upload option using a web address only the upload from your desktop
        I don't have any options like that under "edit avatar". I wasn't complaining about it, I was just wondering if it's a glitch or something. I suppose it's darren's doing.


          Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
          I don't have any options like that under "edit avatar". I wasn't complaining about it, I was just wondering if it's a glitch or something. I suppose it's darren's doing.
          it should look like this

          if your not seeing that i would PM Greg
          he's the man that could fix it


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
            it should look like this

            if your not seeing that i would PM Greg
            he's the man that could fix it
            thanks. I'll try that if it doesn't start working.


              it's working now.


                Ok I have 2 question one I just saw the Ask Bam Bam thread is there anyone else from Sga cast or crew that is member?

                Also is there a place I can download the sga font at??

                Harper and Ronon fics
                The Runner

                The Outcast and The Outsider


                  Originally posted by BambiScott View Post
                  Ok I have 2 question one I just saw the Ask Bam Bam thread is there anyone else from Sga cast or crew that is member?

                  Also is there a place I can download the sga font at??
                  the only other member of the cast that has a ask thread is Ask David Nykl ( DR. Zelenka ) but he doesn't visit it to often due to being busy

                  as for sga font try here


                    Originally posted by BambiScott View Post
                    Ok I have 2 question one I just saw the Ask Bam Bam thread is there anyone else from Sga cast or crew that is member?
                    If you look in the FAQ under Do the casts or crew visit here you'll see a list of show folk who have accounts on GW (although they aren't necessarily active or recent posters). And as is also pointed out, there could be others who lurk without registering/posting.


                      Ok thanks to both of you

                      Harper and Ronon fics
                      The Runner

                      The Outcast and The Outsider


                        My Daughter Could Use some help, she joined Gateworld a few months ago, she has never received a confirming email to finish her membership application,she cannot log on and post. her screen name is
                        M-CharmedAlantianand her email is [email protected]
                        we appreicate any help she can receive. thanks
                        TGTanner, [email protected]


                          This is where you send a little message to one of the adminstrators. It could be something as simple as not submitting properly to a small glitch in the server.

                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right



                            It might be stupid or answered already, but how do you start your own thread? You know the ones on the GateWorld homepage, how to start one?

                            Thanks for whoever answers!!!


                              Okey, gonna need some help here.
                              From what I've heard, when you reach 2000 posts you can upload your own avatar. The only problem is, I've reached 2000 posts, and can't seem to upload one. I've gone to Edit Avatar, but there is nothing there that indicates that I can upload anything.
                              Help is appritiated

                              No longer need help. Found it.
                              Last edited by melfan; 26 April 2008, 09:42 AM.
                              I'm a 60%er | Sigs are made by me and othersThe Lorne Identity - A Lorne fanfiction collection community.


                                Depends on how you define "Gateworld homepage." To me, that generally means the home page of the Gateworld site, itself, and there's no treading on that turf without Darren's express permission.

                                As far as the forum goes, though, you click on the folder that is best suited for your thread-to-be and there should be a button right there near the top (towards the middle of the page) that looks like this:

                                If you still can't find it, look in the shaded blue box that starts off "Threads in Forum: Whichever" and it should be to the right of that, in the same shaded area. Usually it's right below (or near) the page count (Page 1 of 666 or whatever). Or if you prefer, look to the immediate left of "Forum Tools" and "Search this Forum".

