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'Twin Destinies' (212) General Discussion

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    There's 2 things i didn't really get in this episode:
    1: why did ALT Rush sit in the chair, unless he wanted to try and save the (ALT) ship.

    2: when ALT Destiny drops into the star, it appears as though the shields are still active around the ship, possibly because ALT Rush activated them. It could be that the shields were still active, but without the ship recharging the shields would probably fail quickly. I guess we'll have to wait for the next episode for an answer to that.


      Originally posted by Solokiller View Post
      There's 2 things i didn't really get in this episode:
      1: why did ALT Rush sit in the chair, unless he wanted to try and save the (ALT) ship.

      2: when ALT Destiny drops into the star, it appears as though the shields are still active around the ship, possibly because ALT Rush activated them. It could be that the shields were still active, but without the ship recharging the shields would probably fail quickly. I guess we'll have to wait for the next episode for an answer to that.
      I'm guessing Rush knew that there was no point in sticking around (everyone in his timeline died, then he killed Telford) so he decided to take a chance and sit in the chair so he could gain all the knowledge it held. Since it's pretty dangerous to sit in the chair, with the possibilty of your brain being fried, and the Destiny about to blow up, Rush had nothing to loose. Why not gain the knowledge of the Ancients right before you die, just for the sake of it?


        I don't get why people are complaining about finding an alternate ship. It was a very creative, interesting, and thought-provoking way to repair Destiny, short of just having the robot magically make it all better.

        On a side note, I for one am happy that people were willing to stay even with the fuzzy details of the mission. We're all still watching without knowing everything, right? And that's how it should be; you don't go on an adventure because you know exactly what you're going to find, you go because of the mystery and potential reward.
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          i love it when my brain gets exercise during an episode. few shows can truely recreate this


            Where did the future crew go after going through the gate ? Some random planet & we encounter them later ? They went through the Gate so that does not automatically mean they are dead
            Last edited by TheRandomOne; 15 March 2011, 08:17 AM.



              I... just... wow... frak... that was awesome. Just freaking awesome.

              SGU, you are my favourite thing on TV ever.


              Young, you deserve a cuddle. You were going to stay and see the mission through. You rock.

              Telford, you suck. Both of you. Even the dead one.

              Rush, you (bandaid) showed remorse, actual, tearful OMGwhathaveIdone?! remorse when you accidently fried Telford, so you could have a cuddle too if you hadn't done a Franklin. You (nobandaid) will have to accept on his behalf. But why did you (nobandaid) lie about you (bandaid) sitting in the chair???

              Eli, you will beat yourself up over this and I don't know whether it's justified because I don't know if Rush (bandaid) was telling the truth, but don't be too hard on yourself because there's work to be done. No time for self pity.

              *flails some more*

              Instant rewatch time.


                Oh, my brain!
                Loved the ep.
                Loved the line TJ gave to Eli-"Well you'll work at SGcommand, with Dr. Jackson, and Col Carter and (looking at James) Who's that guy that keeps staring at your.....
                James: Ugh, McKay.
                Was so surprised when Young stepped forward to see the mission through! YOung is awesome!
                RC's acting is superb! How can this show be canceled?


                  I hate Telford. He is a whiny little baby that can't handle not having everyone thinking he is the most important person in the room. I was hoping both of him would be gone, but at least not he won't always be on the ship, just brought on via the stones a disproportionate amount compared to anyone else ever does.

                  I loved this episode. Not sure what the deal was with the final stares between everyone. I am convinced that band aid rush did not tell the truth because even our Rush seemed to think he was lying, and who better to be able to know?

                  I think that Rush sat in the chair because he had always wanted to and now he could knowing that the mission would go on.

                  I hope we do not have another few episodes of Eli being stroppy about something. He may have killed people in another reality but he needs to get on with the mission.

                  I still believe that they will find a way to dial home and have some stay and some go. So they can not dial in a star, doesn't mean they cant dial at all. Now they have 2 repair bots working all the time with new parts for some critical systems, perhaps they can get the power supplies to a level where dialing home with reserve power is a possibility? They had 40% before right? maybe they will learn they actually only needed 50%. Who knows.

                  As for chair Rush, cRush?? ummmmm we really can not know what part he is going to play in the future. will he be totaly gone or will he come back some way to assist our Rush with all things ship based. Perhaps he just did it for the sake of it.

                  I really hope that Telford hasn't gone back home an lied about what heppened just to get Rush into trouble. It does seem a shame that Rush is lying again. Why not just say "The other me was sat in the chair. Trying to save the ship. I knew he would be there cus its what id do."


                    Great episode. The acting was excellent. I think that
                    The future stories behind Rush hooking himself up to the machine would have been excellent
                    for sure.

                    8 to go then.............. nothing but hey the character development was worth it right??? no


                      Originally posted by Solokiller View Post
                      There's 2 things i didn't really get in this episode:
                      1: why did ALT Rush sit in the chair, unless he wanted to try and save the (ALT) ship.

                      2: when ALT Destiny drops into the star, it appears as though the shields are still active around the ship, possibly because ALT Rush activated them. It could be that the shields were still active, but without the ship recharging the shields would probably fail quickly. I guess we'll have to wait for the next episode for an answer to that.
                      Alt Rush in the chair seems like a very Rush thing. All the morally questionable things he has done has been about the pursuit of more knowledge. It seemed very Rush like to if I am going to die I might get the knowledge of the chair
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Bloody cool episode... yet another reason why Syfy are fools to have treated the show with such poor treatment...

                        At the basis, this epi was really just a way of getting Telford off the ship and getting the ship the spares it needs... but they threw in a heck of a lot more...

                        Where are the original crew... i too don't think they are dead, but propelled somewhere else...

                        'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


                          Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
                          At the basis, this epi was really just a way of getting Telford off the ship and getting the ship the spares it needs... but they threw in a heck of a lot more...
                          Hmm, and I saw this episode as a story about time travel and two versions of Rush. One thing led to another and they managed to get a second shuttle, some spare parts and Telford off the ship.


                            Originally posted by JackO'Neill View Post
                            Where did the future crew go after going through the gate ? Some random planet & we encounter them later ? They went through the Gate so that does not automatically mean they are deead
                            I think we will encounter crew again
                            probably in the episode common descent

                            Awesome episode.

                            Telford, you know all the way through this episode all I thought was he still workign with the lucian alliance. How he was so desperate to leave the vessel and even threatening to force young and that to come. Like the way some decided to stay. After all once they open up one wormhole back to Earth there nothing stopping them from trying again.
                            Telford is a complete and utter looser and he was just starting to gain my respect in the last couple of episode.

                            Rush and Rush were awesome.

                            Love the way the team went into the alt destiny, they have really grown into a good team, no bickering, no arguments, they just got down to the job of grabbing as many supplies as possible. Civilians were even giving the military orders, hell even Chloe was giving orders and people were listening to her.

                            I love how we learn that the ship even with all the spare parts will still be crippled weapon wise.
                            An I did not see them grab any shield emitters either.

                            Love that we now have a full compliment of shuttles. Hopefully we can see the double teaming the drones/smurfs/ursini in the future

                            I thought the scene with Telford and Rush just shows how much better filmed and acted SGU is compare to the previous shows. It head and tales above them and just about anything else that is currently on TV.

                            who here want to do bad, real bad things to Syfy executives, right no, meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
                            Last edited by knowles2; 15 March 2011, 07:48 AM.


                              Episode wasn't bad but, why do they keep saying Destiny lauched only a million years ago? I think it was Rush who said both times, so it's either writing error again, or Rush doesn't know his Ancient history. From what we know, Destiny was built before Atlantis and Atlantis is atleast 30 million years old.


                                Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                                Love that we now have a full compliment of shuttles.
                                Isn't one still missing?

