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'Seizure' (215) General Discussion

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    Are Ginn and Amanda really dead now or did Eli just isolate them in the ship's computer?

    Oh and the reaction of the dude who switched with Scott was hilarious for some reason. I wonder what he was thinking at that moment.


      Originally posted by Jedted View Post
      Are Ginn and Amanda really dead now or did Eli just isolate them in the ship's computer?

      Oh and the reaction of the dude who switched with Scott was hilarious for some reason. I wonder what he was thinking at that moment.
      They are just isolated.

      Originally posted by glennh73 View Post
      Really disappointed in this episode. After the last few episodes i was sad that this show got cancelled. But after tonight im back to being glad.

      1.) For starters, why bring in McKay and doing nothing with him and not focus on him? We should of learned or got something about Atlantis as hello this was our only shot to do it and hey it could of been a nice gift to those angry Atlantis fans to maybe watch and bring up some ratings cause at the time of filming i dont think Universe was canceled. And another thing, it would of been great to see McKay and Rush an Eli to have alot more time together or in Rush case some time. That would of been gold. Hell McKay could of boosted the Shields or and or figured something cool out about the ship.

      2.) Why in bloody hell did they not metion either Jonas nor the Ori. We are in the same SG universe right?
      Its the little things like this that makes a good show great or makes a bad show crap. U dont forget what brought you here. If not for SG1 and Atlantis, this show wouldnt of gotten here so why ignore its history.
      Its like CSI NY doing a story in Vegas and totally ignoring CSI (Las Vegas). Hell was there been any metions of the ORI on this show?

      What about the Super Gate? have they even tried that?

      3.) I understand this is a Universe show, but i dont see O'Neal allowing for this situation to happen and piss off the Langara"s. I mean getting to Destiny is important WHY? And couldnt wait WHY? OH cause the LA might attack. Well hell if there anything left of Langara after what the ORI did to them? Wouldnt Jonas involement be enough to get the deal done?

      Wouldnt Carter be the better person to explain it than Rodney?
      Couldnt we just keep a crew on guard around the planet to help out?

      4.)SG1 teams 4 & 5? I so hope i heard that wrong and it was really SG teams 4&5.

      5.) Why in blue hell would McKay ever want to give up Atlantis for a old out of date junk like Destiny and also give up Keller?

      6.) Did we need to spend half the episode on Rush in bed Perry when so much above could of happened or was said?

      Wouldnt it be great to see McKay and Rush talk?

      Again so much more could of happened, but the writers once again droped the ball and also totally got McKay wrong. He came across as boring as anyone could of done that part.

      Makes me miss Atlantis even more.
      I agree with everything you said except for the thing about Rodney not coming to the ship. I think he might see it as a new place to explore and discover information about the universe and if he goes then Keller should go too because they seem to really want a more practiced doctor.


        I felt this should have been a two-parter. It would have allowed more time to develop the story and have fun character interactions (Rush and McKay). Up until the last 8 minutes I honestly thought this was going to be a two-parter, then it just got lame. I'd have to agree with glennh73 We don't need half an episode of Rush and Perry in bed. While its nice to see relationships grow, what happens in the bedroom should stay in the bedroom.


          Originally posted by glennh73 View Post
          Hell was there been any metions of the ORI on this show?
          Um, aren't the Ori dead? Or did you not watch "Ark of Truth"?

          What about the Super Gate? have they even tried that?
          You'd need another SuperGate to connect with and even if they could build one for the Destiny to go through they'd still need a blackhole on their end to power it.


            Originally posted by Jedted View Post
            Um, aren't the Ori dead? Or did you not watch "Ark of Truth"?
            The reason to bring up the Ori is because Langara (the planet that they wanted to use to dial the ship) was one of the planets that had fallen to the Ori. A few of us were hoping we might get some insight on what went on during those times because we never saw it on sg1 despite the fact that Jonas was from that planet.


              Originally posted by Wolf O'Donnell View Post
              They are just isolated.

              I agree with everything you said except for the thing about Rodney not coming to the ship. I think he might see it as a new place to explore and discover information about the universe and if he goes then Keller should go too because they seem to really want a more practiced doctor.
              If thats the case, you have take Sheppard too. Cant break up that team. But i dont see him giving up safty of Atlantis here or Peg just to go to that old ship. He is a scientist whom would learn more threw the Asgard Databanks and Atlantis Databanks than he could ever learn on that ship.
              LETS GO PEN'S


                Originally posted by Jedted View Post
                You'd need another SuperGate to connect with and even if they could build one for the Destiny to go through they'd still need a blackhole on their end to power it.
                They have jumped a smaller gate to the bigger gate as the small Gate in Peg was connected to the big one so your wrong.

                And hell they could of pulled the big gate pieces to a black hole and diailed Destiny. U think with both the Asgard core and Atlantis database you learn something by now. If they can build ships then they can do something that simple.
                LETS GO PEN'S


                  Originally posted by glennh73 View Post
                  If thats the case, you have take Sheppard too. Cant break up that team. But i dont see him giving up safty of Atlantis here or Peg just to go to that old ship. He is a scientist whom would learn more threw the Asgard Databanks and Atlantis Databanks than he could ever learn on that ship.
                  They do have a great back and forth but id like to think that Sheppard is head of Atlantis at this point, Ronan is being badass, and Teyla is being useful someplace or maybe taking care of her child.

                  For the record I would love to see Rodney and some others set out to do an expedition to the Ida galaxy for more information on the Asgard.


                    Wasnt it said that Ida had no other life that is why Asgard went there? Plus with Replicators being there, is there anything much left?

                    Plus we probably havent even touched half of the Milkyway yet. Who knows what else is there and hiding.
                    LETS GO PEN'S


                      Originally posted by glennh73 View Post
                      Wasnt it said that Ida had no other life that is why Asgard went there? Plus with Replicators being there, is there anything much left?

                      Plus we probably havent even touched half of the Milkyway yet. Who knows what else is there and hiding.
                      Jeeze! I cant believe I forgot the replicators! I think that's a sign that 3:00 AM is to late for me to still be up and I need to get to bed.

                      Even with the replicators though Ida might be worth a look just to see if and rouge Asgard left some awesome device laying around.


                        no jonas (not even a mention)
                        too much plot contrivance
                        underused mckay
                        i am disappoint


                          Originally posted by glennh73 View Post
                          They have jumped a smaller gate to the bigger gate as the small Gate in Peg was connected to the big one so your wrong.

                          And hell they could of pulled the big gate pieces to a black hole and diailed Destiny. U think with both the Asgard core and Atlantis database you learn something by now. If they can build ships then they can do something that simple.
                          You might want to rewatch that episode. One, the gate was orbiting a black hole (both were). Two, they had to jump start it by nuking a hive. Three, there is absolutely no mention of this being the least bit safe for travel (which it would never be). And four, the only reason it worked at all is because they were able to dial to a normal gate near the supergate in the first place.

                          As for moving the supergate, the two functioning supergates are in different galaxies and impossible to destroy. They tried. The only solution was to nuke them while dialing.
                          Last edited by morbosfist; 05 April 2011, 12:01 AM.


                            dissapointed in the episode

                            No mention to Jonas
                            Earth has been turned into scum to resort to this
                            Tension ended with nothing...writers must have got to the point and said "....... anyone have any ideas? No? Ok lets just end it like that"
                            All my hype was really wasted....episode was basically like a WWE episode, lots of talk but no real action.

                            Alot of SGU episodes have just ended this......with nothing


                              I didn't ever expect to get references to things like Jonas or the Ori occupation, those things are just too obscure and would be too continuity heavy for new viewers. I understood why they couldn't be done.

                              However this episode was billed as an SGU/SGA crossover. Two of the SGA main cast were appearing and all the promos were all about McKay.

                              All I wanted was just one line of dialogue about Atlantis. Is it still on Earth? Are Woolsey and McKay still stationed on it? That is all I wanted and it could have been done in under 5 seconds.

                              To promote the episode as an SGA crossover and not even give that one line of dialogue is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned.


                                Originally posted by D Toccs View Post
                                I didn't ever expect to get references to things like Jonas or the Ori occupation, those things are just too obscure and would be too continuity heavy for new viewers. I understood why they couldn't be done.

                                However this episode was billed as an SGU/SGA crossover. Two of the SGA main cast were appearing and all the promos were all about McKay.

                                All I wanted was just one line of dialogue about Atlantis. Is it still on Earth? Are Woolsey and McKay still stationed on it? That is all I wanted and it could have been done in under 5 seconds.

                                To promote the episode as an SGA crossover and not even give that one line of dialogue is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned.
                                Did they promote as a SGA crossover, after all both characters were in SG1 to.
                                Last edited by knowles2; 05 April 2011, 01:20 AM.

