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So...where's Franklin?

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    Originally posted by HaMm3r View Post
    I remember reading your post now and looking at the pictures, but it made no sense at all. I see some arrow patterns pointing at the chair and some circular designs around the arrows. What exactly do you believe the pattern means? You never explained.
    The point is, why have markings on the floor around a chair, if they have no purpose, decoration? I dont think so, it was an exploration ship, not a crew carrier or anything, never was supposed to have a crew until later, so decorations and such things is completly pointless. I think either the chair can get lowered down the floor, thereso maybe transporting the one that is sitting in the chair somewhere, maybe, a stasis chamber? Teleportation?, they maybe didnt even have that tech by then but, who knows. All I ever said, the floor holds the clue, the salvation of this mystery.

    Edit: I just watched the half of Pain, the markings on the floors seems to be decoration, how silly, doh, it was a screen when we saw the "cross" hallway with same looking markings on the floor.
    Last edited by Morganrone93; 15 May 2010, 06:15 AM.
    When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.-Arthur C. Clarke

    We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology -Carl Sagan


      They gave up looking for him in Pain.


        Okay, a few things:

        I don't like the absorbed/eaten by the ship idea. We've never seen Ancient tech do that. Yes, it can overload your mind with information and possibly kill you (like O'Neil with the "head suckers") but absorbing sounds more like something the Wraith would build.

        The only transporter tech we've seen so far in the series was on the human-built ship that took Eli from Earth and dropped him off on Icarus. If the Blue Aliens had transporters that could work through Destiny's shields, then they would have taken the ship a long time ago. If Destiny had transporter tech (doubtful, but possible) then why would Franklin use it? The only places to go at the time were 1) Destiny, uh, he's already there, or 2) the Blue Alien ships, which aren't a very friendly place to be.

        I think he Ascended. The device on Atlantis that almost ascended McKay took several days, but remember that Franklin sat in the chair months ago and has been catatonic since. So maybe the less advanced process has been working in his brain that whole time, and with all the information from countless galaxies Destiny has travelled through, it was enough knowledge to allow him to Ascend, even though the Ancients didn't know how when they first built Destiny.

        The only trouble with this theory is that there are no clothes on the chair, but as an Ascended Being isn't it possible Franklin picked them up and... I don't know... "disappeared" them? Maybe he plans on re-taking human form (like Dr. Jackson did the times he Ascended) and he doesn't want to be naked (like Dr. Jackson was)?

        So I think he Ascended, and then realized he was going to be naked, so he grabbed the clothes he had left behind and is on his way flying along a higher plane of existance back to Earth because he doesn't want to be stuck on Destiny. Or maybe he'll follow Destiny as an Ascended Being and help them out later.

        Or maybe the writers will just forget about him, and leave his story line hanging there.


          No....if everyone was pre-occupied with picking up their clothes then they would do it. In order to ascend you must release your burden...being occupied enough to pick up your clothes is not the sign of some one releasing their burden. The Alterans would not have come down and scooped him up, the only person that would (Oma) is now locked in a struggle for eternity with Anubis. They simply don't want to get involved in the lower plain, they might read about it in the Ascended newspaper but that is about it!

          Also you left out one piece of transportation technology, Ring Platform. As it has been shown in pictures the chair is small enough that rings could have come down from the ceiling and zapped him away. Now as it has been stated only a portion of the ship is open and safe for the crew right now. Who is to say he was transported to one of those portions? Once their either to stay in his partial coma-like state or to go into stasis. We know that Atlantis had inter-ship transporters why not Destiny? Also we know that Rush has only scratched the surface of understanding what the ship can and can not do. I mean look back at Atlantis, in season 3 they found a group of Alterans and when they brought them back to Atlantis the Alterans activated a control in the floor next to the gate to take back control of the city. One in which no one from the expedition knew existed!

          Also why would the Alterans build an ascend machine on the Destiny? The intention of the Destiny was to explore the universe and then allow the Alterans to go there and see it for themselves. They didn't need to build an ascend machine and then send it away from them...also a great deal of the Alterans were able to do it on their own. The machine on Atlantis was designed for just a few of the Alterans that needed "a kick in the pants" to get all the way there.


            It wasn't intended as an ascend machine originally, but with all the information the ship has gathered over millions of years dumped into his head, maybe that's what happened to Franklin by accident.

            Perhaps the writers simply made a mistake with the clothes thing... or they intentionally changed the rules, so now the clothes ascend with the person.

            The ring platform was invented by the Goa'uld and Ori (independently, it seems) some time after Destiny launched, wasn't it? And doesn't it tend to take EVERYTHING inside (including the chair)? And again, regardless of what transportation tech you use, why would Franklin transport himself to an unexplored part of the ship where he'd be alone and cut off from all the food and water? If it wasn't him controlling it, then why would the ship do it to him?


              I would say its safe to assume that ring transports were before the ori and the alterans parted ways. Not going to have an identical technology when two societies separate. Also, the Goa'uld stole the ring tech from the Alterans, they didn't build it themselves. This was proven by the ring platform in Antarctica. With losing of clothes, I don't see how the best excuse is the writers has been cannon with every single person we have ever seen ascend since season 4 of SG1...think they just forgot all of a sudden? Nahh, also we have seen Alteran transporters more advanced than the old ring platform. We don't know when destiny was launched or where the Alterans were in their technology for certain. It is some time from arriving in the milky way to Atlantis leaving for Pegasus. Who is to say they were not on the scale closer to leaving to Pegasus than when they just arrived at the Milky Way. We don't know for certain where their transporter tech was at when the ship launched.

              Also with the chair being able to ascend him...all the chair does is give information. The Alteran devices in the Milky Way gave all their knowledge and advanced the user physically. It was intended to do that, the Alterans never intended for anyone but themselves to use Destiny. They would not leave a device to help someone ascend, if that was the case then they would have simply all ascended and gone and explored the universe from the other plain of existence. Why even build the ship to begin with if they had that option?

              My theory is that Franklin sent him self into stasis in another part of the ship. He knew the only way to save the ship was to use the machine, he cooled himself down so it wouldn't burn his brain then when he was near death sent himself into stasis hoping the crew will save him later. I have a feeling later in season 2 they will fix that part of the ship and find him.


                I've given this subject careful consideration for several days and have finally concluded that Franklin transported himself to Las Vegas, Nevada in a parallel universe, where the effects of the chair made him so sick he vomited and had nosebleeds until a rogue wraith living next door killed him. So yes, he's dead.


                  Originally posted by Astrofighter View Post
                  They gave up looking for him
                  in Pain.
                  This thread is about "Sabotage" and all spoilers beyond that episode need to be spoiler tagged.


                    Originally posted by HaMm3r View Post
                    I've given this subject careful consideration for several days and have finally concluded that Franklin transported himself to Las Vegas, Nevada in a parallel universe, where the effects of the chair made him so sick he vomited and had nosebleeds until a rogue wraith living next door killed him. So yes, he's dead.
                    Haha, I'll have to watch that episode again. Was it the same actor? (Or someone that looks similar?)
                    Enjoying SGU. 'Nuff said.


                      Originally posted by Stranded View Post
                      Haha, I'll have to watch that episode again. Was it the same actor? (Or someone that looks similar?)
                      It was him, the same actor. Someone else on here pointed that out, in another thread someplace, and I couldn't help but watch Vegas again myself.


                        I personally think he's concious was uploaded to the ship as a forum of AI.

                        In Incursion Part 1 you see the ships power flucutating and a member of the Alience killed by what i am guessing is a forum of radation. Makes you wonder if that was franklin knowing the ship is under attack from the allience and killing one of them. Afterall it only killed the Allience member and if it was just a case of timing, it was bloody good timing that an allience member was just happened to be under it when the shield played up.


                          The show seems to imply that the unlocking device he's using is causing the fluctuations, based on what I saw. Though I've only seen the episode once so I may be mistaken.
                          Last edited by Stranded; 09 June 2010, 02:14 AM. Reason: Added spoiler tags (my post refers to episode 19, "Incursion Pt. 1")
                          Enjoying SGU. 'Nuff said.


                            Originally posted by Stranded View Post
                            @Darkwander: The show seems to imply that the unlocking device he's using is causing the fluctuations, based on what I saw. Though I've only seen the episode once so I may be mistaken.

                            Actually i have watched the episode again..

                            I still believe that Franklin is AI

                            As for the problems with the power, shields and alike, i believe that is because the Alience dialed in and the planet blew up after they had come though, i believe the reason why the ship is having problems is because of an energy feedback that came though the stargate when the planet exploded.
                            Last edited by Darkwander; 09 June 2010, 05:54 AM.


                              I just realised that we're posting in a "Sabotage" thread so I've spoiler'd my post. You may want to add spoilers to the part where you quoted me.

                              - Stranded
                              Enjoying SGU. 'Nuff said.


                                Do you remember Quest, Part 2? Merlin downloaded his mind into the Repository? Well, Franklin did the same thing and his body was vaporized. However, he didn't want to go out for some reason, probably to continue assisting the crew by controlling Destiny so he froze the room to get Rush and Young out of the way. The binay pulsar is probably Franklin's attempt to kill the Lucian Alliance. If that's true and he's risking everybody's life then something from him being an idiot survived in him.
                                "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."

