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'Pain' (117) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Smooth View Post
    Space ticks?..... C'mon. It was such a filler episode. Nothing resolved, don't feel like I learned anything about the characters that I didn't already know. Overall I liked most of the acting though. I've enjoyed the second half much more than the first, but this is the low point in MY opinion. The one thing that I think could have saved it, would have been if some of the hallucinations were not in fact hallucinations and they had much bigger problems than just bugs and people freaking out to deal with.

    Q: Aren't they supposed to be in the void between galaxies right now? Previously there was such a big deal about getting the stranded team back before they left the galaxy that they were in, then the power issues.... Which led me to believe that they were leaving right then. At the end of Pain, they stop for a gate. A rogue planet between galaxies that that is somehow hospitable enough for them to go to, or was the time frame for the galaxy jump a little overblown? I realize the crew didn't have exact information on when they would be leaving, just guesses. It just seemed odd that there was a gate stop at this point to me.
    At least if it was meant to be filler, they didn't do the usual and have some lame plot that hinges on a whole episode of flashbacks of scenes in previous episodes. In this one we got to revisit the fears of those on board Destiny, showing that TPTB don't just spend one episode showing character details.
    My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
    "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


      Bit of a slow one...but hey, these episodes just make the others 10 times better

      Neera: "You do not fear them?"
      : "The Wraith? Naah. Now *clowns* — that's another story."


        Much more character-focused than many eps. Not the best, but not bad either.

        The best scenes were those between Chloe and her father. A lesser show would have had her convinced that her father was real - instead, they had her recognize the illusion for what it was, while still getting a chance to see her father again. I would have preferred if Chloe had been given more time - enough to properly say goodbye to her father. It would probably have done wonders for her emotional health.


          Originally posted by Encoder View Post
          Bit of a slow one...but hey, these episodes just make the others 10 times better

          For those episodes that we don't like or find not find as enjoyable as the rest makes us appreciate and enjoy the ones that we do, all that much more.
          My Life Motto: There are no wrong roads in life just paths that lead to unexpected Adventures.
          "Ago simplex sic alius may simplex ago" - Live simply, so other's may simply live - Ghandi


            Originally posted by SG7 View Post
            At least if it was meant to be filler, they didn't do the usual and have some lame plot that hinges on a whole episode of flashbacks of scenes in previous episodes. In this one we got to revisit the fears of those on board Destiny, showing that TPTB don't just spend one episode showing character details.
            Yeah top point this. I have never been a fan of flashback filler eps so this one sits quite nicely above them. Now lets just hope next week isn't a flashback ep.....


              I've noticed a lot less people coming on this forum. I guess people have moved away from watching SGU or this forum.

              All the best Gateworld just saying that's all. Just reading through the spoilers and some of things being said here. It would've been nice if the Aliens could have mind control to make those hallucinations. I hope it gets better in season 2. They could've come up with something better rather than just ticks. Just saying that's all. And wow at these SGU hate sites Holy Cow! I've never seen so much hatred towards a show in my life.
              Last edited by Chevron Atlantis; 16 May 2010, 09:46 PM.


                I enjoyed the episode overall. Won't get into an overly flowery review this time around, but I enjoyed it, can see why others did not, but don't care. I'll admit that in my head I had a whole grand scenario planned out involving the aliens using the hallucinations (Having created them while in James's body back in Sabotage) as some sort of starting attack so they could figure out the gates and come through... but that's just one of those times when too much imagination and hype gets the better of you.
                ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                  Originally posted by Chevron Atlantis View Post
                  I've noticed a lot less people coming on this forum. I guess people have moved away from watching SGU or this forum.

                  All the best Gateworld just saying that's all. Just reading through the spoilers and some of things being said here. It would've been nice if the Aliens could have mind control to make those hallucinations. I hope it gets better in season 2. They could've come up with something better rather than just ticks. Just saying that's all. And wow at these SGU hate sites Holy Cow! I've never seen so much hatred towards a show in my life.
                  I haven't noticed any less traffic in the SGU forums than there was previously ...?


                    Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                    I haven't noticed any less traffic in the SGU forums than there was previously ...?
                    Well I'm just wondering where are all of the SGA Fans? That's who I was referring to. But Nvm I'm just saying that's all
                    Last edited by Chevron Atlantis; 16 May 2010, 10:16 PM.


                      How are they going off-ship if they're in the void?


                        Originally posted by General Jumper One View Post
                        How are they going off-ship if they're in the void?
                        It's been mentioned previously in this thread that they are actually in another galaxy already .


                          This show reminds me of Star Trek DS9 than BSG. I think that because BSG is so recent and fresh in people's minds, that they can tend to overlook the giant nods to DS9. And I'm definitely not complaining, I loved DS9 and still think of BSG in the same way.

                          With that said, I'd like to say that I'm probably the strange one in the group here at the GW Forums. I never watch the trailers, because I learned about misleading trailers back when I watched the X-Files constantly. They'd build something up in the trailer and the following week it would be something completely different. I can honestly say that with SGU, LOST and about a dozen other shows I watch, I just delete the show from my DVR once the credits hit. I don't bother watching the trailer since I know it never winds up being what is advertised. (Case in point from last week: Smallville's trailer with the Justice Society/Justice League)

                          Ramble much? So back onto SGU. I loved this week's episode. I'm glad that they had another episode that was on the ship and only the ship. Obviously the ship is supposed to be a character" in a way, and I'm glad to see an episode taking place on the ship.

                          The Good
                          • The three minutes that I actually believed that Scott was dead.
                          • The superb acting by the cast, especially from Jamil Smith and Robert Carlyle. The fears especially by Rush seemed to bring home just how terrified he is about being captured again.
                          • This served as a great "filler" episode to give us plenty of character interactions that I'm hoping will pay off in the future. Especially between Greer and Wray.

                          The Bad
                          • No mentions of the previous week's episode.
                          • Eli yet again being a pushover and not reporting Chloe's condition.
                          • James not blurting out that Scott is an a**hole and her "killing" him in front of Scott and Chloe.

                          The Ugly:
                          • Chloe.. I just can't handle seeing her weepy self on TV anymore. The writers should either kill her off or write her a little better. So far I've just been annoyed with the way she's been written and she's being portrayed by a stellar actress.. as long as she's given something GOOD to work with.
                          • Wrapping up. I prefer the DS9 way of storytelling that the series had started off with.. where every episode led to the next for the most part. I don't mind episodic television, where everything is wrapped up neatly in 45 minutes.. but this show should really capitalize on story arcs that take place over more than just a couple episodes.
                          • Only recurring characters were shown. How about they give a "tick" to someone who hasn't been given much screen time? I'm not advocating for a "redshirt", just someone different to show that the ship does have other people on it besides the main people we see.



                            SG1 and SGA are begging for mercy.

                            i doubt we will see season 3


                              Originally posted by Chevron Atlantis View Post
                              It's been mentioned previously in this thread that they are actually in another galaxy already .

                              thats one fast ship teh older that hiperdrive but iz goes faster


                                Originally posted by rust View Post
                                The Ugly:
                                Wrapping up. I prefer the DS9 way of storytelling that the series had started off with.. where every episode led to the next for the most part. I don't mind episodic television, where everything is wrapped up neatly in 45 minutes.. but this show should really capitalize on story arcs that take place over more than just a couple episodes.
                                FYI, Deep Space Nine was largely an episodic series and it wasn't until the last 2 or so seasons that it developed a story arc (taking a leaf out of Babylon 5's book, but that is very tired argument). But even narrative driven series need stand alone episodes to fuel future stories.

                                That said, I don't agree with your assessment that this story is neatly wrapped up. If anything this just kicked over a few anthills that have been building up since the start of the series. It'll be interesting to see what happens between Greer, Rush & Wray now that Greer's deep seated mistrust has been brought to the surface. Maybe Chloe & Eli's friendship might not be the same now that Chloe knows that Eli won't keep her secrets. Will James be able to keep it together?

                                The plot of the episode was a rather simple and straight forward, but it was the catalyst for bringing emotions to the surface. It didn't get us close to understanding Destiny or move the overall story arc. But it did move a lot of character stories along.

                                Oh and FWIW. There was a few casual mentions of the previous episode. There was idle chatter about stopping the search for Franklin. There was Rush's interrupted conversation with Wray, which I will bet good money that he was about to tell her about the intimate moment he had with Perry. Chloe even mentioned that they were in a new galaxy.

