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'Life' (109) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Buzz Lightyear View Post
    At first, I thought Scott and Wray had switched genders. But alas, that wasn't the case. It would definitely be interesting if the show went there though, wouldn't it?
    I think the camille switch could create the same controversy. If it were my body Camille switched with, I would be upset when the flashbacks occurred.
    no means no, and so does pepper spray
    Sig by The Carpenter


      Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
      I have a hard time making that kind of black and white judgment on a character....when it does seem TPTB are trying to build a fabric for each one.

      If anyone in real life can sit and say they have never made a monumental or life altering mistake and know with clarity that they won't in the future.... I think its a safe bet to cut a TV show character some slack until at least the first season has played out and we know more....
      That is not what I was trying to ask. I don't think their is such thing as a person with no morals. Although a Dr. Rush comes pretty close. Anyway what I was asking what morals are we talking about that Scott has abandoned. Remember morals apply to the indvidual and not society. What is moral for me may be immoral to you and vice versa.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
        GADS!!! as much as I do want to understand each character I too do not want to seriously see this whole *Baby-daddy/Old-flame* story line play out with any regularity... at that point it would bother to have so many bubbles of soap trying to invade my Sci-Fi show...character drama or not
        You know, up and until now Scott had no reason to go back home to Earth - other then other people on board wanted it. Having a son gives him that push.

        And like a question I posed awhile ago about Wray - what is Scott willing to do, and how much is he willing to sacrifice to go home and be a part of his son's life?
        Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

        Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


          I don't think their is such thing as a person with no morals.
          There are, but they're psychopaths, and no one on the Destiny shows any signs of that.


            I tried to like this episode...but I found my attention wavering. I just thought it was boring. talk talk talk...I'm all for character development...but that shouldn't be what the story is all about...there's gotta be something more. :/
            It feels good to be alive.
            Cause i've been dead for so long.


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              What morals?
              Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
              .....I am not really sure on this front either

              Previously I made it known that I do really feel Lt Scott has a possible problem with sex-addiction and that is something a person can control IF they realize they have a problem and are actively seeking to control it.

              I think a lot of this has been shown in the backstory and will possibly play out in the future stories....

              However, I could be totally wrong and Scott is just a player *shrugs*..At this point in the show...IMHO we are still getting to know the characters and why they are the way they are...and each one has truly only been bits and pieces that give us an *idea* of various things with the characters but have not yet really given us a true picture of any I am loathe to jump to these sorts of conclusions

              Even going back and forth with Deevil on this I'm still reeling that anyone thinks we know anything but ...Bits and pieces about these characters. I feel like little orphan Oliver Twist begging..."Please, sir, can I have some more?"

              Frankly, sir with as little as we know about Scott...
              Imagine if he was a real person. I couldn't consciously start speculating on the pieces of gossip I know about him.

              His parents died in a crash. Raised by a priest and got a girl pregnant at 16.

              Good grief that's just a summary. There is a lot more to people than that. I hate to base nine hours of unfocused screen time as a Scott conclusion but it does seem like they are either making him out to be a player or a sex-oholic.

              Most of the other characters are similarly sparse on definition.
              Since the begining, I've gotten the perception that almost every character was being developed from scratch right before my eyes...its difficult to describe.

              Even worse I find many of the characters have absolutely nothing to do but have sex....and the ones that's are having sex are the ones trying to get them home which excludes....Young, Scott, James, Greer...wait lets make this shorter.....Everyone else but Eli and Rush....


                Here is a thought to throw out there:
                Remeber the stressed out scientist that TJ interviewed, the one that mentioned he was shot by one of the military guys?

                He seemed about a week away from a psychotic breakdown.

                But after Rush's 1 false planet announcement that same scientist seemed a lot calmer when TJ interviewed him again, except for the end when he gave an eye twitch in his left eye. And it seems to me that TJ caught that.

                What if it is not Baldy marine who flips but this scientist guy? Maybe he will attack Baldy or sit in the chair or even steal the "shuttle" to escape somewhere?

                Just a thought.


                  See, i'm having a hard time getting attached to any of the characters besides Eli and Rush, not because they are being developed as we watch...but because they just have nothing to do. They seem to mope and have their emotional problems...but there's nothing else to it. They have zero challenges besides the occasional "oh darn, ships running out of water. guess we better get some more"

                  They need CHALLENGE.

                  As I said before...Time was the perfect SGU episode. It had character growth, action and science.
                  It feels good to be alive.
                  Cause i've been dead for so long.


                    See, i'm having a hard time getting attached to any of the characters besides Eli and Rush, not because they are being developed as we watch...but because they just have nothing to do. They seem to mope and have their emotional problems...but there's nothing else to it. They have zero challenges besides the occasional "oh darn, ships running out of water. guess we better get some more"

                    They need CHALLENGE.

                    As I said before...Time was the perfect SGU episode. It had character growth, action and science.
                    Yep, proactive, involved characters are much more interesting than peripheral, reactive ones.


                      Originally posted by amconway View Post
                      Yep, proactive, involved characters are much more interesting than peripheral, reactive ones.
                      COulnd't agree with you more. All this character development has to go somewhere...
                      Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

                      Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


                        Originally posted by GhostPoet View Post
                        See, i'm having a hard time getting attached to any of the characters besides Eli and Rush, not because they are being developed as we watch...but because they just have nothing to do. They seem to mope and have their emotional problems...but there's nothing else to it. They have zero challenges besides the occasional "oh darn, ships running out of water. guess we better get some more"

                        They need CHALLENGE.

                        As I said before...Time was the perfect SGU episode. It had character growth, action and science.

                        I remember the episode of the TNG Star Trek when Deana looses her ability to sense others. She defined her self by it. By the end of the episode she realizes she has more to bring to the crew then just supernatural abilities.

                        She had many episodes of development...and the development was always stirred around events....

                        We've been trudging along for nine hours now and most of these people don't do anything at all.

                        I will say LEAST...
                        They are doing something to fill the time like the excercise...they should be showing people how to use the weapons, getting people over the fear of shooting weapons...

                        The scientist should be teaching the military some basics of their field. There should be a cross pollination of information because most of these people are specialist and once they're gone...their gone and the information they came with.


                          they should be showing people how to use the weapons, getting people over the fear of shooting weapons...
                          What would they shoot at? There's no handy target range. Besides, they've established that their ammunition is limited. They can't waste it by shootiing off unnecessary rounds. Not that I wouldn't like to see them doing something productive.


                            And now for something completely different....

                            I feel like that should have been the first thing we saw at the start of this series. It certainly has been different from the Stargate series we've had before and I personally like it. Kudos to Wright and Cooper for sticking to their guns.

                            Good drama requires conflict and we certainly have it here. I've seen complaints that this isn't sci-fi, but just the fact that they're on a spaceship makes it sci-fi to me. Not to mention LRC stones, stargates, aliens, etc. Besides, sci-fi isn't just all about all that otherworldly stuff, it's about how people react to the situation they're in and that's what we were given in this episode.

                            I saw the whole triangle between Young, his wife and Telford coming a mile away but it did succeed in showing us that Young can lie to get his way just like Rush can. He's been emotionally compromised and I'm sure that will affect his command ability. I like the fact we didn't get the cliche of him giving in to TJ's entreaty to "talk to her."

                            Scott's predicament was also foretold. Why bother to even give him this backstory if you weren't going to revisit it? Brownie points to Chloe for her handling of the situation.

                            Dr. Park! Who knew?

                            I'm starting to feel bad for TJ here. Who's gonna listen to her? I don't think Young trusts Wray at all. I would expect the military to deal with the isolation a little better. I can't really see civilians being forced into doing PT with limited rations available.

                            Ming Na did a fantastic job with Camille in this episode. She is obviously in a stable, loving realationship and her pain at having to go back was palpable. She'll be even more motivated to do something about their predicament now and I expect her to be a formidable presence in the future.

                            Eli doing Tai Chi at the end of the episode with Chloe....very cute.

                            The bleedover effect from the stones may mean some changes in how they're used in the future. That is, if any of that is actually reported.

                            Most of the episodes we've seen up to now have been written and/or directed by people familiar with the Stargate series. I'm happy with what they have done so far and I will continue to support the show.



                              Originally posted by amconway View Post
                              What would they shoot at? There's no handy target range. Besides, they've established that their ammunition is limited. They can't waste it by shootiing off unnecessary rounds. Not that I wouldn't like to see them doing something productive.

                              No, sir...not shooting live amo.
                              They're on a ship that's not a good idea.

                              Practice loading and reloading different weapons. They have quite a few.
                              They is quite they all need to learn is my point.

                              And trust me...they'll be able to establish a wormhole to Destiny after a while.


                                No, sir...not shooting live amo.
                                They're on a ship that's not a good idea.

                                Practice loading and reloading different weapons. They have quite a few.
                                They is quite they all need to learn is my point.
                                Okay, nothing wrong with that idea in part. Young may not want to train the civilians to use weapons. Mutiny is a distinct possibility. They have a limited number of guns--that was established on the first episodes. He's going to want the military people armed, the ones he thinks he can trust. The only civilians that might need to use weapons are the few scientists that might need to go to planets. Training them wouldn't be a bad idea, but if I were Young, I'd want to limit access to weapons to those who will have to use them.

