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'Life' (109) General Discussion

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    Um, being more productive and easing the we gotta get home pressure is improving morale. It doesn't matter what the motivation is.
    That kind of false hope isn't good for morale. The disappointment would be so crushing as to be horrifically destructive. The longer they had hope only to see it dashed, the worse it would be.


      I was wondering if he already killed himself. That last shot of him showed him lying on his bed staring blankly up at the ceiling. I couldn't tell if he was alive or dead.


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post

        Just cause you have no issues with it does not mean others won't. I know from experience guys who are straight either become violent or suicidal when they find out they had a 'gay episode'. Case and point. Twice while stationed in Guam (05-07) 1 sailor and one airmen from Anderson AFB killed the hooker they were with when they found out that the hooker was a ******. The one who did not off himself (the airman) said he did it cause he felt betrayed that someone who is gay (the ******) would try to force the issue of getting it on with someone straight by subterfuge.
        Would you think swapping a gay person into a straight person to be any less traumatic?

        Quite frankly, that story simply makes me doubt those guys' heterosexual credentials, if you know what I mean.

        Number One: I take pride in not liking what everyone else likes.
        So you're like the faux-goth kid in high school?
        Last edited by Yoshi442; 21 November 2009, 03:15 PM.


          Another sleazy episode. This is getting really ridiculously bad.


            Originally posted by globex View Post
            What a crap episode...Dear gawd! Its turning into a crappy B grade drama series.
            fine then. You'll be finding something else to watch friday nights
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              The topic is Life

              it is NOT

              what is/isn't scifi
              who's opinions are/aren't right

              among other things

              Y'all know better. Next ones that go on an off topic slang fest get gagged

              In addition to that, and this is addressed to EVERYONE

              If people want to DISCUSS the episode, please, feel free. If all you can do is drop in, slang off a one line of how much it sucks....find something else to do. Seriously, respect those that are watching and want to discuss enough to take your unproductive comments elsewhere. Try following the part of the vision statement that says to 'find what you enjoy and spend your time there'. So, if you hate this show, fine, hate it, But instead of spending your time tossing virtual hissy fits that a tv show doesn't meet with your personal specifications of what you want it to be, go and find something that you enjoy and spend your time there. Spend your time with something you have fun with instead of coming into threads about something you hate and post in an effort to make the rest of the forum as miserable as you are.

              Also to everyone...when you do see those one line 'this show sucks' comments...don't respond to those trolling the thread. Ignore them. Do not engage. Let them talk to 'themselves', and if they are particularly annoying, put them on ignore. When you engage them and respond, all you do is feed their need to come in and try to 'ruin' it for everyone else.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                For a moment I thought something interesting would happened, because I thought that Camille's reading partner was.... Osiris! I know I'm wrong, but her face seemed familiar, with her buccled hair, (now I know where I saw her before, it's in an episode of Lost)..
                Look at that:
                It's been years since we saw her, so I had a confusion in my mind. (and it was silly for me to believe something as interesting as a Goaul'd in SGU would happen).

                As for my review of the episode, it can be summarized like a Ronon's report:
                "Found an Ancient chair. Rush wants someone to sit on it. Yound doesn't".

                The rest of the time I was more looking at the clock
                Ah, one more interesting thing, they're going to cultivate some vegetables soon!

                About the introduction, I wasn't pleased that they reminded us of what happened "previously on Stargate Universe". I don't know about you, but these are like spoilers for what's going to happen in the episode. If they didn't show Scott & Camille, I wouldn't have guessed they were going to visit the people they mentioned. But they made it predictable. I wish they had spoiler tags on screen!!
                Last edited by Arga; 21 November 2009, 04:20 PM.


                  Eli is a techno-geek from Gen Y, he grew up with technology, programming and all that sort of stuff as opposed to most scientists who grew up in a generation before that was readily available. It's common sense that he'd be more able to figure out technology, especially when he spent so much time playing Prometheus which had a version of the ancient language in it already. (You see geeks now who can understand elvish, klingon, binary, etc... better then the people who invented those languages).

                  Eli is a geek, it's as simple as that and that's readily proven in many episodes based on him so far. Plus with Eli spending so much time with Rush, or playing with "new space-stuff" he's obviously going to be able to detect markers most scientists won't. Especially if he spends time with Rush, he'll end up learning how Rush thinks and acts.


                    I loved this ep as I have all of them
                    I particurly liked the way Greer volunteered to get in the chair "if it means getting these people home". Very altruistic. Rush on the other hand, would like to have the chair used, but he's not going to chance sacrificing himself .
                    Telford getting out of a battle with Young by having the stone removed, classic Telford move, not liking this guy any better as time goes on.
                    I loved the music that went along with this ep, really good stuff.
                    As I have every ep, I watched it unspoiled and loved every single surprise.
                    Last edited by Girlbot; 21 November 2009, 04:30 PM.
                    no means no, and so does pepper spray
                    Sig by The Carpenter


                      Originally posted by kaliel View Post
                      I rather hope someone gets fed up with him and shoots him.

                      I don't know... he seems to be an annoyance in the show, and not of any benefit to the plot.
                      I wouldnt say hes not a benefit to the plot, in light i thought his pissing everyone off and Greer knocking him out really got me more connected to Greers character...

                      Also i think its good having a character who you feel is unpredictable in the sense that the writers can make him a dick throughout the series or they can have him do something heroic at a time of need that makes you see him in a different light. I actually feel this way with a lot of the characters right now and am hoping they push on after this midseason break



                        when you make thread titles, please do NOT put plot spoilers in them. If you leave 'fake address' up as the title, then it might pop up in the main forum view and spoil that plot twist for the UK and later viewers.

                        Please think about that when you make threads

                        thank you
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          fine then. You'll be finding something else to watch friday nights
                          I would bet, that he will still watch ma'am in the hopes that it would aspire to be than it is. Resulting to soap opera plot devices to maintain interest isn't going to work for long and that's why the writer said things would change.

                          This series has had 2 maybe 3 solid episodes out of 9.
                          They are doing a lack luster job at character development by throwing sleaze smut at the screen every couple of episodes.

                          At the very least they've focused more than they have before on just a couple of things and not 6 characters at once.

                          Ma'am I don't make excuses for bad writing or poor quality.
                          I'll watch for now because I'll at least learn two things....

                          1. The wrong way to write a series
                          2. whether this is worth my time.


                            Originally posted by EllieVee View Post
                            Um, being more productive and easing the we gotta get home pressure is improving morale. It doesn't matter what the motivation is.
                            Very good point, they are the same if not serving the same purpose.
                            I don't think it was his purpose to improve morale or get better purpose.

                            I think he was trying to get access to that chair...
                            to approve someone expendable taking the risk.


                              now that he's found the chair, and alledgedly the key to all the ancients secrets, rush is DESPERATE to stay. he's obsessed with the ancients, and i think ascending, possibly to be with his deceased/gone wife.

                              he's obsessed with the knowledge, but he's a coward as well because he knows that having it nearly killed jack, twice. It's like his heart's desire is there...surrounded by deadly serpents and he wants it, he needs it, but he's not willing to die for it. Because, what's the good f knowing everything if you're dead? he can't be in charge, can't know, can't be the most knowledgeable if he's dead
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                So far, Rush is a conundrum. I'm not sure if even the writers know where exactly they are taking the character. Having not seen any spoilers, I have watched each ep without any preconception. Rush is definitely a control freak, and has his own agenda. Bit of a mental case, and decidedly deceptive, with a cowardly streak that we already saw on the desert planet. I think Young having Eli keep an eye on things is a great idea.
                                Not sure how that scientist who said he was just barely holding it together when TJ interviewed him is going to handle the fact that there is no planet, he may be the red shirt this season.
                                no means no, and so does pepper spray
                                Sig by The Carpenter

